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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. i just fish although i go out with guys while hunting. i just go for thw walk/ride. that and in the fall, while other guys are after deer, moose, and grouse, i'm preoccupied with fall steelhead.

    i love eating wild game though, so if anyone would like like to donate some venison, bear sausage, or grouse etc., i promise to put it to good use. :)

    My neighbour and I have a great arrangement. He hunts , I fish, so we have a healthy barter.

  2. Muumuu's mojakka?


    Mojakka is more of a braised beef dish heavy on the onions and potatoes, a thick gravy, but no "garbage"/ vegetables, as my grandfather would say. The spoon should near stand on its own in the pot :lol:


    you'd be thinking of kalamojakka, or as the swedes and norse called it fiskesuppe

  3. There is always my Gram's fish head soup. A great chowder that incorporates any kind of fish, but traditionally starts off with pike as the base. Matter of fact, that was last night's dinner.


    in summer a fillet of any white fleshed fish, wrapped in prosciutto, cooked on low in a BBQ for 10 minutes. Then you take a slice of Havarti, asiago, swiss, jack, etc..., melt it on top then serve on a lightly toasted bun, with a light spread of mayo or..., with a topping of sauteed onions and red peppers.

  4. he forgot to mention the amazing gaff job i did on that pike hooked him right in the tip of the lower lip


    did it again This post is by Rob D



    Ah say boy, pay attention to me boy!


    A few logs short and a few bricks shy some days. I even set our sign in to different default screens so he would recognize the difference.


    Yes he do make a good net man, but.....

  5. With the Erie area ice firming up after last weeks thaw, it was time for some smelting. Been very busy the past 2 days. They are a bit smaller than last year's average, but there are still some good sized smelt around.



    Even the son's squeeze was getting into the act and having a blast despite the raw winds



    One of the piles to be cut and cleaned.



    The reward at the end of it all.



    Even when smelting I set out a minnow for the odd perch that might be around. What a surprise I got. Saw this little nibble action so I set the hook expecting a dink perch. Felt this solid weight at the other end and it started to take off. Now the rig is one of those hand made jobs; an 18" piece from a broken rod, a piece of wood, one Southbend disc reel ( on clearance for a buck) 4lb line and a teardrop and minnow.

    So here I'm frantically trying to get the keeper out before the line snaps, then I'm trying to work this beastie in and palming this pathetic reel every time it takes off. Every time he sees the hole he takes off again and I just let him. Finally, this time, I get him in. What a blast. must have spent a good 10 minutes laughing. There is nothing so satisfying as seeing one of your own gadgets or creations working successfully.

    The evidence:



    Anyhow, back to cleaning some more smelt.

  6. Now that's a death defying act right there. Congratulations, Peter. I've heard that it takes most of us 5 tries before we actually succeed at kicking the habit.

    It took me a mass coronary. When I came around I was told I could quit now or I would be back on the slab next month. That was 9 years and 8 months back.


    I do enjoy reading that others have found the means to quit without enduring severe consequences first.

  7. First job was 13 working for a family friend. Went to Simcoe for the summer helping in the tobacco fields for board, spending money and great fishing weekends on Long Point. Quit school at 15 and did every scab job that came my way to make a buck. Some of those early jobs were fantastic even if they didn't pay well.

    Went back to school at 18 after my first round of back problems.

  8. X rap caught lots of pike, but totally worthless after a day of fishing. Too cheaply made compared to my jointed suspending rapala or jointed rebel minnow. Both circa 1980 and still catching fish ( I'm on my 4th or 5th set of hooks, I think)


    As for totally stinker/ loser baits, it would be any Booyah spinner bait. I won a batch 2 years back, and they have caught squit. I spend a lot of time beating shoreline tossing spinnerbaits and I'll bet nothing on a Booyah, but put another make in similar pattern and it is fish on.

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