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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I use it only for camping/canoeing.

    Believe me when I tell you I take my morning coffee very seriously. :)

    This stuff is expensive but tastes exactly like fresh ground.

    When you're carrying everything on your back and every ounce counts it's good stuff.

    Back when I could go on such trips I never parted with the old tin pot. Still have it, dents and all. Only once did I do without. That was a 10 day hiking trip along the Bruce and we were carrying ABC rat. packs from the Forces as our source of sustenance.

  2. Listen to music while fishing? NEVER!


    I dont need any other distractions whilst out in the wilds of NW Ontario doing what i love best... :Gonefishing:

    I don't bring any electronics. The benefit of having been a musician. I can hear every last note inside that warped skull of mine

  3. As with any contentious issue concerning our fisheries, in put is needed. If you reside in the Kawarthas, have a cottage there, visit regularly, you need to let these local politicians know how you feel. Council does not mire itself in facts. They listen to voices and the recommendations of staff. If Ms. Irving is doing most of the shouting at council, she will be the one they listen to as she is a resident, taxpayer, member of the business community.


    You need to let the area councils know that her interest in keeping U.S. customers happy, is not in the best interests of the local taxpaying users of the fishery. Taxpayers equal votes.

  4. Did anyone suggest dropping a hint to the local news media? There's usually someone with the public ear/eye who's hot to stir the pot, especially if it can be used to embarrass the govt.




    Running off to the media before any real investigations have begun would seem counterproductive, for the timing.If things stall sure, but the moment the cameras start rolling folks focus on striking poses and CYA rather than investigating.


    At this time I can say that the NPCA will now be initiating an investigation. We have managed to direct a number of public complaints in their direction from concerned outdoors enthusiasts :thumbsup_anim: . The MNR and the DFO are already investigating. The violations are just too visibly blatant to ignore.

    Letters and e-mails from good fisher folk certainly help. :clapping:

    Thanks for caring gang.

  5. Anywhere from Cayuga on down is loaded with cats. Heck you just have to go to the small park below the Hwy3 bridge in Cayuga and fire out a bottom rig with 1oz or more of weight. A 1/0 or 2/0 bait hooked dressed with sucker meat, shad, smelt,. Fire that into one of the pockets between the pilings.


    Have to admit there is a big concentration of cats in the stretch tween Fishmasters and the Dunnville dam.

  6. The money to operate has to come from somewhere. The original idea behind most sites was that ad dollars would more than cover operating costs. If you remove the advertising the money must come from elsewhere whether that be sponsors, membership fees, merchandising.

    Now pop-ups every 30 seconds would be annoying. I'd say leave the ads to produce a revenue stream.

  7. I just find pike under 20" not to be worth the effort to fillet. In Canal and Dalrymple I have no problem filling the boat with pike over that size.

    What I find wrong about this effort to eradicate pike is that a number of anglers catch pike, kill them, and toss them back as turtle food. I have seen far too many pike with the base of the gills cut just floating in the 2 lakes. Such a waste.

  8. Dancing with stars, so you think you can dance, canadian idol need isay more excuse me while I go puke.

    There is very little in the way of quality programming, and nothing original.


    Survivor. Nothing more than "As The Stomach Turns" cast on a desert island. No wonder my wife keeps collecting VHS and DVD boxed sets from the show of the 60's and 70's (and a lot of that was pretty bad)

  9. The dune was destroyed 50yrs ago when the original camp ground was built not to mention the QEW and 2 service roads.This hardly an example of an original dune ecosystem, are we talking about the same area here?There has been developement on this piece of land longer then I've been on this planet,it is now a municipal park setting hardly a protected natural area.I think the chain saws, lawn mowers and weed whips are doing more damage to the scrub brush then a few bonfires.For years this area was a private campground which was given to the town of Lincoln who have kept it as a day use park and beach area.

    No not original, but had been allowed to revert to a more natural state over the past 15 or so years. This is part of what was envisaged for the wetland and the pond when the NPCA turned the lands over to Lincoln. It does not appear as though the current council really wants to follow through.

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