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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I'd have to agree with CPH. The show is a shadow of it's former self, but that slide began long before the dominance of the internet. What was purely an outdoors show for sportsmen has become more of a recreational show catering to all the new fads and trendy things that people spend wads of money on.

    Last time I was there ( 4 years back) I counted 6 sock dealers, 4 bikini booths, lost count of the t-shirt dealers, wake boards, waterskis, jetskis, also manner of extreme adventure tours, packages and gimmicks. Half of the show is power toys. Fishing and hunting might take up a sixth of the show. What does a cheerleader squad have to do with fishing (beyond getting Ron and Leo excited?)

    Our modern urban society does not value the outdoors in the way we did, and still do. They don't fish and hunt, a lot don't even have a clue where their food comes from. Nature is something they fear and revere, but like to view with a foolish childlike curiosity. The outdoors is just another place for showing off expensive toys and tearing up the ground ( to the detriment of the outdoors itself).

  2. Gotta love beans.. I prefer my maple syrup beans any day, cold, right out of the can.


    Like douG, I really like a solid bean casserole, Hawaiian style with a few types of beans, onion, garlic, bacon or ham, pineapple, diced peppers. WARNING!! No more than 4 partakers of said repast shpuld be allowed to occupy the same building, let alone a tent or ice hut :stretcher:

  3. Most large municipalities also have a collection of bylaws pertaining to fences and no two towns are the same. There are rules about height, setbacks, permitted materials, etc... you must do the homework. I put up a series of fences for 3 homeowners in a new subdivision who insisted on a 6' fence. A week after completion I was called back to chop a foot off. Building inspector saw the fences and threw a fit.

  4. It really doesn't take that much time. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Think big drum style power scalers and electric knives. I've seen it first hand. Add in some beers and mke a race out of it and you will be having yourself a time. I've seen this fiirst hand happening on rice lake.


    I would put money on it that I could fillet 100 panfish in an hour with a regualr fillet knife.


    I take about an hour and 2-3 brown pops to do 50 large sunfish.

  5. Hauki, a warm welcome to you. I am pleased to learn about fishing in Finland and really enjoyed your report and pictures. More please! Your written English is better that some native speakers around here, so don't worry.


    Like douG said, your written English is fine. However, you may just be giving us exiles an excuse to brush up and relearn some long forgotten Finnish.

  6. Great report and pics Hauki :thumbsup_anim:

    Never caught burbot before but looks like you guys had some fun catching those!!!

    Great job and thanks for taking the time to post and share with us :clapping:


    And to think that when he posted it was after 11pm in Helsinki.

  7. :(


    Got out yesterday for another kick at the can. Bite was slow, but we caught a wide variety of specimens. The funniest was a wee 10" pike pretending he was a muskie.


    Went to check it out this morning and most of the shoreline had broken up. My buddy Bill got out with his spud to test a few spots. The hard 10-12 inches is now an opaque soft green and the spud goes through with 4-5 whacks. With the rains coming there won't be any safe ice in Niagara

  8. Absolutely amazing. How things have changed. In the 1930's there was no government support and handouts for immigrants. In fact, you could only gety off the boat if you had money to sustain yourself for a year. That sum was $500. Now an interest group want Canada to hand out pensions before they've even received citizenship.

  9. Where are companies like Shimano and Daiwa while this is happening? They should be putting some money from the the billion dollar sport fishing industry into lobbying and such.

    Shimano also produces high end bicycles and parts for the green yuppies. So they kinda have to sit on the fence.

  10. thanks guys. with the upcoming rain in the area, how does this affect the ice? it seems at this point that temps are still dropping to around freezing at night, +/- a degree or two.


    new to all of this, so I appreciate the input from experienced folks.

    After 2-3 days of rain runoff and warm the shoreline ice will break up quickly

  11. In late season, ice thickness is no guarantee of safety. As spring progresses, the ice begins to honeycomb, turns white, pockets and voids develop below the surface. Float coats, walking sticks and ice picks should be standard gear.

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