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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Had a few hours to myself yesterday to beat up on some pike. The Niagara region has a number of neat spots for fishing. Today's victim's were in Jordan.




    I thought I had another entry pike, but it proved to be identical to the first pike I entered. As you can see he was going to be a dinner guest.


  2. Thanks, Bruce. I like the look of the crust - need another shot of the crumb. Is that a wet stretch and fold type of bread?

    It's kept fairly moist and elastic with minimal handling. 2 minutes of kneading before, and after, the rise, flatten and roll for the loaf. Lots of steam.

  3. Looks like some good stew! Reminds of the mojakka lunch at the Hoito in Thunder Bay!


    I just got back from a weekend at my finnish families old farmstead. Out there we still have the original family sauna built in the 30's. Had the fire roaring to the point i couldn't take it anymore. Each morning we had our fill of korppu and pulla before going fishing and lots of viski in the evenings.

    Now I'm jealous :wallbash:

    Haven't been in a real Sauna in years. We'd heat it up to 200F, get in, throw the water on the rocks and cook for 2 minutes ( that's about all your lungs could take) and then jump out into the snow or water. After that the real sauna would begin.

  4. A few years back, the late fall walleye bite was hot up on the French. So we decide to run up to the trading post for the weekend. Got up Friday morning, weather was in the low 40's F and the bite was great. 20+ walleye and pike over 4 hours is darn good. Overnight the bottom dropped out of the thermometer. We woke up to 10F :o . Heavy frost and everything iced up and heavy squall bands coming in from Huron. On top of that, we did not bring winter gear. Me and the other Einstein :P decide we'll tough it out anyway in the tin boat. My fingers ached for days. All for a glorious 1 pike tween the 2 of us :wallbash:

  5. I understand what you are saying, Cliff, and I agree with a lot of it. There is a genuine lack of goodwill, and , on occasion, civility.


    On the other hand, the world we grew up in is gone. We valued and cherished the adventure of discovering good spots and working out successful tactics. The reward was more than just fish in the net. Sharing the adventure was part of the fun. The "now" world has a different set of values.

    Convenience, instant results and gratification are the norm. Forget exploring, roadtripping or mapping out an adventure. Going fishing is like hitting McD's or the Timmies drive through. They also don't like to share

  6. what a great thread!


    I often cook fish in a frying pan with a 1/4 inch of white wine. The white wine provides the heat transfer (in place of oil or poaching in water) but it dries down and the fish still has a crispness (vs. being poached). Most fish tastes great wtih white wine, and its healthier than oil.


    White wine is great for cooking seafood, but... things get kinda blurry into the second bottle :P


    On a different tangent. Brandy brings a whole different flavour to seafood.

    I will take a mix of "white" fish, cubed, scallop and shrimp in a big skillet. Sauteed in a large skillet thinly coated with olive oil with lots of crushed garlic, chopped chives and red peppers. S & P to taste. After 4 minutes, depending on the portion you cook add 1-2 cups Napoleon brandy and cover on low heat. Serve on bed of rice and, while still piping hot, sprinkle a generous amount of grated Friulano to melt on top, then serve with the white wine.

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