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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. As ChrisK was saying, tmost of your pond plants are perennial, except for the floaters. Water lettuce and hyacinth need to be purchased each spring. Only need 2/3 of each. They spread like wildfire. A hanful of cabomba or parrot feather strands as well. Pond should have an insulated bubbler. I have seen much larger ponds freeze from top to bottom with the loss of some very expensive large Koi.

  2. Sharp pair of scissors, snip off the head, snip the belly, strip the entrails, rinse and bag. I've found that the fastest way to clean the tasty little buggers.


    We get an assembly line. One person snips the head, one slits the belly, one scrapes and one washes and bags.


    This is the first I've ever heard of anyone catching them with hook-and-line though! :D We net them in the spring and that pretty much satisfies the craving for a year.

    After doing the shoulder to shoulder thing It is a lot nicer jigging for them. No bumping, jostling or fists. No CROWD. It's a real hoot getting them to the bucket before they can wriggle off the hook.

  3. Why cook, of course.


    Heavy rain and blowing wind makes for horrible fishing let alone anything else outdoors. Sitting in front of the VDT all day is just wrong. So I spent most of the day in the kitchen Time for some old fashioned goodness.

    Now my family does consist of picky eaters. That means I have to modify recipes to suit the peanut gallery. They want to smother everything in ketchup :angry:

    part 1, bread. They don't like molasses so we substitute and make honey oatmeal bread.



    For dinner I wanted a treat. The tree huggers can have their soy(lent) and greens :P Tonight we were having quail. Slow cooked and stuffed with fresh fruit to sweeten and tenderize the little darlings to mouth watering perfection . Mmmm Mmm!


    The sweet gravy was a perfect topping for the baked turnip.


    Try not to drool too much on your keyboards folks.

  4. bahhhh!!! netting smelts is a blast but the aftermath is horrible, hungover cleaning a 1000little bugger for an afternoon is not fun at alllll im just gonna go out get a couple scoops and head home for a meal. if anyone wants to net them contact me this spring they run for about 3 weeks mid april and die out at the beginning of may up here in the sault. just need waders, smelt net, buckets and a light. yippppie!

    I remember the spring runs along the Huron shore and the St Mary's. Every available Holsteiner from Sudbury to the Sault would be on crowd control along the shoreline. Used to be some narsty brawls over who got what stretch of shoreline. :P

  5. Back as a boy. TV was for winter time. Too much going on outside in the summer with fishing, swimming. exploring, building forts, catching tadpoles, torturing frogs, etc......

    A time when girls played house and boys played........WAR.

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