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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Welcome back Bruce. Get a goods nights rest and tackle your mountain in the morning. Send us a perch or smelt post just so we know you didn't lose you fishing equipment in the move.



    Found my ice gear. Can you say perch for brekkie :D

  2. You might want to consider Lake Dalrymple resort, they have all of what you're looking for and boat rentals (you never said if you needed/had one). Great dink perch & sunfish right off their docks and all round good fishing on the whole lake. Not sure what the rates are like but if you google it I believe they either have their own site or are attached to the local municipality.



    Great place to go to. In summer, near impossible to get a 2 day booking. Lots of good fishing off the dock.

  3. Finally got the worst of the moving done. We still have too much stuff! :angry: I haven't even tackled my pile. It was buried beneath the wife's mountain :wallbash: Now I have to find space for a place to lay me head.

  4. As an afterthought, My day out with Emil and Jordan reminded me of a few things.


    Of years past when other adults took the time and patience to see that I had great adventures. My hooks were baited, fish taken off, and cleaned, in an endless procession without a grumble. I didn't have a dad but Gram, Grampa and my uncles more than made up for that. Taksu maku.


    Even though I enjoy fishing, I enjoy the company of others to share the experience.


    More importantly, watching kids having the time of their lives fishing is way more fun than catching a mountain of fish.


    To Jordan. Thank you for putting a smile on a tired old face , and some much needed happiness in my heart.

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