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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Here is a list of contacts to e-mail this letter. Please sign with your name and address, Verifiable taxpayer voices are what count. Let us know if you participate.


    http://www.gailshea.ca/ Minister of Fisheries Canada

    [email protected] Minister for MNR


    Regional chairperson

    [email protected] Co-ordinator of watershed regulation NPCA

    [email protected]

    [email protected] MP for Lincoln

    [email protected] MPP St Catharines

    [email protected] MPP Lincoln and leader of Ontario PC party


    Thank you all for your support

  2. As you know, I have gotten involved in this nastiness about 15 Mile creek. Even though a few rays of light have shown through the cracks, we have received no clear answers. I get the distinct feeling we need to make a little more noise. JohnF suggested a letter campaign. Here it is, complete with a follow up list of e-mail addies. Cut paste and send. Remember to sign your real name and town. Politicians count taxpayers/voters, not the anonymous. Know that our voices do count, and they are listening.


    To Whom It May Concern.


    I write to direct your attention to an extremely grave problem in the Niagara region. One which affects citizens across much of southern Ontario.

    15 Mile creek is a tributary stream feeding the western basin of Lake Ontario. It borders the Town of Lincoln and the City of St Catharines. Where the stream meets the lake there is a large impound pond at Charles Daley Park. Over the years the park has provided excellent opportunities for anglers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. It also provides habitat for diverse wildlife, including protected species as the painted turtle.

    More importantly, this body of water is a key spawning ground for lake run species from Lake Ontario. Through the months of April and May, numerous species enter this pond to breed. They include rainbow trout, yellow perch, white bass, crappie, channel catfish, common carp and freshwater drum. Vast schools of emerald shiner, a key forage fish for many species also enter this pond. This makes 15 Mile creek an important natural nursery bed for Lake Ontario's fishery.

    That pond has now sustained serious damage as a result of negligent development, The shoreline and spawning beds immediately in front of 1197 Lakeshore rd. have been devastated and stripped by heavy equipment. The damage continues as sediment runs off, unchecked, from a slope that has been stripped of vegetation. Despite calls placed with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, no action has been taken. In fact, many excuses have been supplied for not taking action.

    As an outdoors enthusiast and conservationist I am shocked. As a taxpayer, I am appalled. Laws written to protect and sustain the fisheries and environment are not being enforced. If left unremedied, the damage to the fishery and wildlife will take decades to recover. I expect, and respectfully, demand that suitable actions be taken to:


    1) Enforce the laws in place to protect both the fishery and environment.

    2) Engage in immediate efforts to restore the affected habitat



    Yours in Conservation

  3. Well, today we started a letter writing campaign in Niagara that I was going to bring forward on OFC. Things, however, seemed to have moved very suddenly.

    I have not had official word yet, but, from the grapevine, it seems we may have some resolution of the issue. Apparently folks made a lot of noise.

  4. I wonder if we could ever see such a thing as a co-operative stocking/habitat program involving both native and non-native stakeholders? Probably not, but wouldn't that be a "flagship" sort of enterprise! It could even lead to better understanding in other areas, but it would require both honesty on both sides and diplomats on both sides who could look at the long-term health of the fishery for all.


    Too tall an order, I know I'm dreaming. It's hard to be a pessimist all the time though. :blush:

    The Dokis wanted nothing to do with it when asked to particpate years back. We, the non-native community, are taking "their" fish, so we should bear the cost of stocking. I've heard that argument so many times in my travels.

  5. I'd be looking for a couple of rotters in the nooks and crannies :blink: Forgot a small gab of bait smelt in the back of the van last year. Even though they were in a plastic bag, the reek was incredible once they liquified :oops: I kept blaming the smell on my daughter :devil:

  6. Why do they bother stocking the lake to support a commercial fishery. If it can't sustain the gill netting by natural reproduction, then no point in wasting the money, time and resources to support it.

    Resort operators and outfitters participated in, and funded, stocking efforts in the hope of improving the fishery. it made good business sense. It no longer does,

  7. Went down that road 20 years back in Sutton. Put in the deposit and conditional offer on a year round beach community home with full services, regular commuter service to Toronto, 5 minute walk to the beach.

    Then found out it was a property with stipulations and no commuter service.

    I made the right noises and the cheque was returned the next day. Sadly , one learns to trust no one as your benefit is not what they are out for.

  8. We used to teach scouts how to make portable stoves and burners from tuna and soup cans. Burn a lot hotter than the sterno cans, but the parrafin and cardboard is only good for 15 minutes.

    A large dry pinecone smothered in melted wax and wrapped in newspaper will make an excellent firestarter or provide enough cooking heat for 10 minutes. Enough for a can of Chronzy's favourite, or beans.

  9. Too bad about the accident but not the manufactures fault imo.


    As said previously, if a pedestrian gets hit with a car or truck do they blame the manufacture? It seems that it is the driver who is the one at fault. Always know where people are when you are doing any water type sport before you move the boat. Plain and simple.

    Operator of the vessel has primary care for the passengers, yes. Does he have deep pockets? Odds are, no. Lawyers were simply out to find someone to foot the bill.

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