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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. You're absolutely right here. And unfortunately this is the reason that some people turn to vigilante justice. You can only go on watching people rape our resources for so long without doing something.


    And I don't think it's fair to blame the MNR though, they do what they can with the limited funding they have.


    Blame has to rest with a justice system that dumbs down the punishments til there is no deterrent, and to the liberals and tories who, over 2 decades, have stripped the ministry's manpower and budget.

  2. Calling TIPS will work. It just takes time. If you call and a CO is in the vicinity, he/she can act. Does not work if the CO is the other side of the county.

    TIPS is not 911 dispatch. It is an info source similar in some regards to Crimestoppers. The more calls placed to TIPS, the more attention will be paid to your specific area. It does not happen overnight. Repeat complaints have brought about enforcement blitzes in problematic areas, but requires drawing in extra manpower resources. I've seen 30-40 people get tagged in a single blitz. It happened because numerous repeat calls to TIPS helped them identify a problem area.

    In Niagara we have 3 CO's covering the region 24/7. 2 years ago we had 2 until they realized, from call volume, that resources were inadequate. Still not enough but an improvement.

  3. Three day sale only and the Brantford store sold out the first day. It would be nice if they carried enough stock for at least 2 days. Very annoying.

    The old days of keeping adequate sale stock are long gone. One day sales are meant to be a carrot on a stick. Dangle it in front of your nose and you follow it but never catch it :wallbash: If you have a hankering for their one day carrots, you end up at the store 3 days in a row. :devil: Even if you get pissed off by lack of inventory, most will still wind up buying something else

  4. At this point in time, much seems to be happening. It would appear that a group of government agencies have gotten involved, but are keeping silent while they investigate. Certainly different from the response of 'our hands are tied'.

    I have shied away from the newsmedia to give some people time to get organized. Seems we've attracted enough attention to our problem that the media are now looking for us.

    I really do expect a fairly positive outcome.

  5. I'm dating myself, but that was a big fad back there in the early to mid-80's. One of the dealerships, I think it was Prentices, used to have a promo day running the new models across water. Back before they had Seadoos. :P There was also this wild new idea being punted around called the internet. Was supposed to make our lives easier and our work weeks shorter :rofl2:

  6. Despite everything going to H___ in a hand basket, I have had some time for fishing. Just haven't had much worth posting. 2 white stripes in a week is not good.

    The ganders are jockeying for the best partners.


    A mix of small stuff.





    At least it's fresh air and relaxing.

  7. The rules for plant hedging are the same as the rules for fencing between properties. They both serve the same purpose when planted and maintained properly.

    The landscape designer should have known that and provided a secondary plan for that part of the yard in case the neighbour is not keen on sharing the hedge.

  8. When my son was young, he idolized Italo. Probably because he was the only pro to actually take the lad seriously. He spent close to an hour talking fishing with the boy, despite the crowd at the fishing show.

    As for any wrongdoing. That was some 15 years back. The fines were paid, and so were the dues. He's human and as faulty as the rest of us mortals


    Stoty, glad you had a couple of great days shooting episodes with the man.

  9. try a pan (like a pie pan) of ground coffee. (fresher the better)


    I'll second that.

    Used to dump a kilo of ground coffee in the back of reefer trailers. Best way to mask the smell of fresh chicken flesh. Usually takes a few washes to sanitize you vehicle enough to get rid of the stink from any dead flesh.

  10. Letter writing works. This was forwarded from a local MPP.






    Thank you for your email of April 12, 2010.




    With respect to the above, please be advised that the owners of the property you have referenced are currently in discussions with NPCA with a view to implementing restoration. As of this writing our Regulation Officer has advised that some interim sediment control measures have already been put in place . NPCA has and will continue to pursue satisfactory restoration and resolve of this matter, by the most expedient and legal means available to us.




    Yours truly;




    John Kukalis,


    Director of Water Management


    Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

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