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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I would have no problem if fish farming was completely detached from natural and existing waterways. Tank fishing being the ideal. Only a small percentage is produced in this way. The Norwegian model is anything but harmless. In North America we also have impounds. Rearing ponds which draw fresh water from a nearby lake or stream. These are potential disasters for any inland waterway. Where do you think the current Asian carp scare begins. A dam breaks, a flood, simple carelessness, and you have instant disaster in the making. Accidental release of a genetically altered strain of trout could entirely destroy a native population.

  2. aquaculture has a lot of potential but i'm not sure how i feel about the penned aquaculture.

    one neat form of aquaculture emerging is tilapia. these fish grow quick (less bioaccumulation), reproduce like rabbits (have high yields), and are raised in tanks which recycle 97% of the water used (no escaped fish).


    btw, they are also a DELICIOUS and INEXPENSIVE fish if you haven't tried them.

    Not all Tilapia are tank raised. There are a number of Mexican lakes where tilapia have been stocked for commercial harvest.

  3. Hooked up with Hammercarp for some spring carping in Hammy harbour. A wonderful day to be out and enjoying. Fish may not have been overly cooperative, but no white stripes.

    First, Lorne up at bat.




    Now for Rob.




    Also learnt a lot of new neat stuff over the course of the day. Thank You for a most enjoyable and informative day Lorne.

  4. I don't think that little fish is heading anywhere... If he goes out to the lake, he'll be dinner in no time..


    He should be hanging out there for a few years unless it gets way to warm in the summer..

    Water temps get to be soup warm with 0 flow by summer. Not a good place for wee trouties.

  5. Great looking day to be out. A multi species report too :thumbsup_anim:


    Is that little guy an ATLANTIC :whistling:

    IF it's an Atlantic, there are going to be a lot of very surprised biologists. Place hasn't been stocked in well over 20 years with chinook and rainbow, not sure about browns

  6. Despite the damage that has been done, the fish are running in from the lake and the spawn is on. Yellow perch have finished and now feeding. White perch and drum are moving in. As are the big schools of shiner.

    A little sampling from today.



    Despite the fact it looks like a stink hole, it is still a spawning ground for major sportfish. Found a couple of frye in my baitnet making their way out to the lake.



    What a great way to spend 5 hours.

  7. Hey Bruce, is that the type of sucker u can use for catfish cutbait and did ya keep it ? Good to see Anna and friend still likes fishing. :canadian:

    I think the girls would have been a bit Eewwww like :rolleyes: Did strictly C&R for the outing.

  8. Spent part of the day, yesterday, visiting with the daughter. Of course, brought the rods and headed to Bayfront. Bite was slow, but we managed a few fish, cats and suckers.

    photobucket is acting up, but problem solved.




  9. So, many years ago we had a small kitchen fire. About $15,000 in damages. Luckily we had smoke detectors throughout the house which caught the attention of a passer-by who called the fire department. The working smoke detector saved our entire house. Now we have 9 smoke detectos and three carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house. Fire extinguishers on the main floor and basement.


    Three years ago a watermain on the street in front of our house busted and flooded our yard and basement as well as four other houses on the street. Completely not our fault. $30,000 in damages. So we sealed the basement completely to prevent a re-occurence. Our cost about $500.00


    Last summer a flash thundershower hit Sudbury and flooded large portions of the downtown area. Our house, one of at leasst 500 got flooded due to a sewer back-up. $30,000 in damages. Everything came in through the basement bathroom toilet and shower drain and fast. Again, completely not our fault. We installed a backflow preventer in the plumbing system to prevent a re-occurence. Out of pocket cost, $1,000.00.


    To-day I get an unsigned letter from our Insurrer "CAA". They are declining our insurrance policy and we have four weeks to get another insurrer.


    So I call around to get quotes and am declined by the first two companies because of two claims in the last three years with my present insurrer.


    I guess these are the hazards of living in downtown Sudbury. Now I have to wait around all weekend to continue my hunt for another insurrer.


    By the way, my boat, motor and trailer pkg are on my policy. Any one had this type of experience with an Insurance company?



    Further to the above,


    Three years ago my doctor advised me to take long term disability because I have heart disease and COPD otherwise known as smoker's lungs. (I don't smoke) SO he supports me completely in my application and so does my heart specailist and lung doctor. On a Friday morning in March I receive a call from the Heart Transplant team in Toronto to come down on Monday for some tests. A few minutes later I receive a letter in the mail from my Insurrer, "I am sorry but under the circumstances we can not give you long term disability insurance. Coverage will stop immediately as I don't qualify.!!!! My application is successful with CPP but not my private insurrer? And I am sitting there thinking, as my whole world is unravelling Gee I have to go back to work. I wonder if i'll be able to get time off to get a heart transplant? Several phone calls later and the private insurrer called back on Monday to say it was a clerical error.


    I am hearing that this is an automatic response by all private insurrers. Say no and hope he goes away?


    Regarding house insurance, I have called back to ascertain that this is not a clerical error. Now I will call back and ask to speak to a "senior supervisor" to dispute this (insurred for many years, dues and premiums always fully paid on time etc,. etc. and if their position has not changed a call to the insurrance company's own ombudsman and finally a call to my MPP and Provincial Ombudsman.

    The insurance thing is such a pain. They, naturally are in the business of generating a profit. Regretably, the common practice is to drop clients and properties with repeat claims. They will 'forgive' the first, and maybe the second, claim, but by the third you are done come renewal time. As for LTI, I'm surprised you are getting it with COPD unless you had the coverage before you were diagnosed. Most insurers decline medical conditions that predate your initial app for insurance, whether that be life, LTI, even mortgage insurance.

  10. Is there any hope of reviving this program? If we put some pressure on the MNR would they be willing to give this or a spin off program a shot? I've become very frustrated by some of the things I've seen and would like to do something about it. I'd certainly be willing to give some time to assist if a program existed. Other than continuing to make the phone calls is there anything else us responsible anglers can do?


    And I'm not just directing this at Rick, but anyone who has any ideas, lets hear them.

    First, the management admin of the MNR have to be convinced of the value and viability, but more importantly, one has to convince the politicians to cough up adequate coin and commitment for such a program.

    To be honest, the folks at Queeen's Park can't see beyond the next election, let alone throw together planning for a future one to two decades from now. That goes for Mcguinty and Hudak

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