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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Bruce,


    I gotta say yer reports are like an old shoe, and I mean that in the best possible way. No theatrics, no wild water, no steroid monsters - just good old fashioned down home country fare, fishing the way it generally is for the majority. You give us a chance to catch our breath with normal fishing between the hugely entertaining epic experiences of a few on here, for most part only available to the majority of us vicariously. It reminds us that fishing doesn't need to be all about PB's and records. It's about realizing I don't have to fish every day from a 70mph bassboat. You help keep us balanced. Keep up the good work. :worthy:



    Thanks for the compliment ( although the Mrs claims I smell like an old shoe most days :P )

    Fishing through my eyes is about the day, not the score card. Mind you a lot of fish does make it fun, but who wants to see 20-30 cat, bass or perch pics. A few representations are all I need.

  2. hey guys, i've finally run into my allergies again recently while cutting down a few scrap trees. i dont know what the heck is going on. i got the usual pollen symptoms: itchy eyes, sneezing, whatever else. but this time my palate (either soft or hard one) is EXTREMELY dry and i cant seem tp get rid of it. it just doesnt go away and im waking up at night because of it and am gettin a huge loss of sleep. can anyone please suggest a site that i can go to or something to help with this? reacton and other allergy medications (in pill form) dont seem to work. i've spent about an hour now researching but cant find a single thing.



    Been a cutter, arborists asst. for many years,. Not uncommon to get a reaction from wood dust and shavings from numerous species due to sap, tannins, etc... Some can be quite serious. You need to talk with an MD.

  3. Had time to waste on the banks today after running the daily errands. Found a nice spot out of the wind, and found some willing playmates. In the vicinity were some blue herons, a big Niagara bank beaver, and , for a real treat, a bald eagle.

    To join me was Rockfish.

    You just never know what you are going to catch on a Lake O trib and we had a nice mix.





    The mix was rounded off by some OOS incidentals and a line peeler that straightened the hook ( some mutant fishzilla? or a big old carp)

    Had so much fun we stayed til the sun went down.

  4. its not just that theres a private school there. there is also a high school and a childrens mental health hospital all very close to eachother. its a shame that the bear was shot but bears in london is extremely rare and its not something that probably any london police officer has ever had to deal with.

    So again, if the officer was not qualified to deal with the situation, where was animal control and the MNR? Who cares if it was near one school or a university., A hospital or a nursing home? What is the difference between a community up north and in the south. The only difference is 10X the voting power. Bears are cute up north but a menace in the south. Hypocritical period.





    The bear was shot and killed in the field next to Mathews Hall an elementary kids private school, which is next door to St. Thomas Aquinas High school. I really hope you're not suggesting that they wait and see what the bear would do with all the kids around. There was need to deal with the issue as quickly as possible.



    Happens up north more than you realize. Spent part of my childhood around Mactier before the parents headed for the "Big Sewer". As kids we just stayed indoors when the school yard was "invaded" and the Game Warden arrived. Don't remember a bear ever being shot at school. I guess the operative phrases would be 'private school' and Southern Ontario.

  6. I think it's a good thing that bears are returning to Southern Ontario. They were native down here as well. Seeing as urban folk don't want to see them hunted, they should learn to adapt to having bars and yotes in their backyards.

    Waiting to see if some urban survivalist type will try to pull a Crockett and "grin a Bar to death" :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  7. Just a short update. The DFO has deemed, from information provided by the NPCA, that there has been no actual disturbance or damage to the stream bed :blink: so they will take this no further action.

    The MNR and NPCA are still working with the landowner to rectify the situation.

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