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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. [quote name='solopaddler' date='17 May 2010 - 10:13 AM'


    (I should say if someone is blatantly unfriendly I won't shop there regardless of how good the store is. Case in point Grimsby Tackle which is just down the road from me)


    You've had that experience too?


    In retail, if the prices aren't the best, then you better have good quality and selection, and bang on service. Far too many people working tackle shops with their hands down their pants and won't waste their time on you if you are not a regular. Happens at local shops and big shops like BPS, alike.

  2. Hit a pond yesterday in hopes of some pre front fishing.. Wrong!


    The east wind gave the fish lockjaw long before we got there. 3 hours with only 3 soso perch and an OOS bass for our troubles. One of our party gets to wear yet another white stripe :o

  3. Yup, we've done the plug thing twice. Each time it was aQuestion of who forgot to do what. YOu know the argument. "MY job?! I thought you were looking after it!" :whistling:

    The strap thing too. Son tried revving the boat in full reverse a couple of minutes before realizing the straps were still on. Another case of being in a hurry and forgetting to follow the checklist. :wallbash:

  4. We're just too much alike TJ !! Leah's dad cleaned his guns in front of every boy she brought home... except me! He's still regretting that....


    We've gone out since Leah was 15 and I was 17.. married at 18 and 20.

    And I try to do the same for my daughter now. She dreads introducing her boyfriends to me. Don't know why :whistling: Just because they gets a little edumacating while I sharpen my blades. :canadian:

  5. Your supposed do like I did and BUY before the value goes to high!!! LOL Get them when they are 16 and keep hold your stock!!!

    I tried the 16 year olds. Unfortunately their daddies all had well oiled shotguns back then :lol:

  6. Fax machines. There's a good one.

    Date service. :huh:

    Draw prizes. :thumbsup_anim::blahblah1::(

    Is so and so there? :blink:

    I think they pay people to just randomly phone people.... :lol:


    Anyone else notice the unwelcome soliciting they are getting on their cell phone lately?

    Maybe it's just me. :worthy:

    Cell phone i no different than a land line, and as 30%+ of all ph#s are cell phones, that is a huge market to tap. Get used to blanket call networks.

  7. With the weekend being written off, I grabbed the dogs and the gear and headed to the pond. At least I got 3 hours in. Not the most exciting morning, but not dead either. Random samples:




    Certaily beats staring at 4 walls and a puter screen. Once the rains started the bite totally shut down.

  8. South (5 minutes)of Kinmount on hwy 121, turn left(east) on Crystal Lake road, go about 8 Kms you'll see the Dump on your left. Sunday nights the Dump Lady lets you park and watch the Bears.

    That or the Minden town dump off 35

  9. 24076113065945384532100.jpg


    thats my pup, he is a shepard/lab and something big, 150lbs, he's a bit lame right now, hurt himself a couple days ago and I hope its nothing serious. The only thing i disliked about the adoption process was the 4 page questionnaire i had to fill out and the cost, for a dog that nobody wanted he cost me close to $300 to adopt, i think that included the neutering which i was forced to get done as well. I didn't really expect that and i know they need to raise money somehow but rescuing a dog and paying so much for the privilege of doing so was a suprise.

    The vet bill is part of that cost.Hamilton charged me $325 for Lucky. I also dislike the questionnaire. I do know that some humane societies will descriminate against hunters. The Lincoln Humane society, which had close ties to the Toronto H.S., has specifically declined membership and refused adoption to those who are active members of local hunting and fishing clubs.

  10. Guess I was spoiled. I could not begin to single out a day, or 2, or 3, that stand out from my childhood. Summers and weekends were an endless progression of fishing days, with a few special vacation trips thrown for interest.

    First really memorable experience I was in my late teens. My cousin, 2 friends, and I spent 2 weeks canoeing and fishing through the Muskokas and backwater routes. What a blast. We didn't have a lot of gear. Didn't pack and carry a lot of food. We sure did eat a lot of fish. Didn't even think to bring a camera back then. It was just so beautiful and a lot more peaceful than it is now.

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