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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Great story bigugli . . . how old was she when you got her? It's good to hear that people on these boards have only had good experiences with the Humane Societies.

    Best guesstimate my vet friend gave, was that she was 5 when I adopted her.

    I'm also lucky in my vet. A real country vet with down to earth common sense. (Will also barter services for fillets on occasion. ;)

  2. My Lucky came from the Hamilton shelter. Emaciated, distressed and abused, we took to each other the moment we set eyes on each other. When I first took her out of the cage she literally clung to me. Being some 15 years old now, I'd have to say we were both kinda lucky.




    All any dog wants, like any other orphan, is a chance to be loved.

  3. Corporate citizens fund the election campaigns that get politicians elected. No politician is going to cut his financial throat by making big corporations, and their executives, financially and criminally liable for all their misdeeds. Nor are they going to impose the best interests of public safety if it means loss of profit.

    There is not a single federal MP with any true leadership ability. In fact Canadians are afraid of real leaders like the Churchills, Kennedys, Roosevelts, etc... All we elect are backroom puppets totally devoid of character.

  4. Someone's going to be having a great meal or two :whistling:

    WTG Bruce :thumbsup_anim:

    You must be pleased about catching those on your own rig B)

    Great job you guys!!!


    They don't go far when feeding 4. Them 2 dogs are real porkers when it comes to eating fish :sarcasm:

  5. Hahaha, love the "rare finnish carp retriever" LOL.




    In the past I rarely brought the dogs along fishing.It was easier, and there was usually somebody home. With the daughter gone, the son home part time, and the wife frequently in hospital, it would be wrong to leave my girls cooped up in the house. I wished I had done so a lot earlier. I have as much fun watching Peanut's fishing antics as i have catching fish. She is a character.

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