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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. There used to be 3 marinas on 6 Mile Lake. The third one was Gerry Bye's place at the end of Crooked Bay rd. Long since closed down.

    Before Wauwatosa was built, the Tolles family operated their business on an island.

    6 Mile Marina was originally called White's Marina.


    There are no fish down at lost channel.

  2. Can anyone tell me how I can find the contact information of the marina at 6 mile lake??


    every search i do on google gives me a six mile lake but im not sure if it's the same one..


    is there only ONE AND ONLY one marina??? im looking for the one around white falls road.. going north on 400.. where you can rent a boat and reach the lost channel area and what not..

    There are 2 marinas. 6Mile Lake marina down White's rd. and Wauwatosa Trading Post on Crooked bay rd.

  3. I think this is a great idea it will save lives, even if the amount statically speaking is historically low - every life counts.

    I think some of the old timers on the board have a mind set from a different time and place, and hey guess what - Times change as do provincial laws.

    Is this seriously a big issue? It sounds like some people on here have an issue with authority and change. I mean the cost of a life jacket has come down immensely in the past few years (even the auto inflatable ones) where everyone who can afford to be out on the water can or should be able to afford one.


    This should be praised as a preventative measure to save lives.

    You are right Chancho, we don't like the changes we see. We see common sense being thrown out the window. We see a new generation needing someone to perpetually hold their hand and wipe their :asshat: for them. We see a society that likes placing blame with everybody but themselves when things go wrong, with the usual argument that "a law be passed to prevent this tragedy from happening again".

    What is there to like.

  4. Actually this guy was probably in his late 40's, early 50's and was certainly old enuff to understand what he was doing.....at least you'd think so anyways.


    See second comment of post :lol:


    There will always be some idjit who does not think the rules apply to them, or believe the lake is their private pond, etc... And as is typical in this day and age, "rules only apply to those dumb enough to get caught" as quoted from the son and his buddies :wallbash:

  5. Unfortunately, common sense is not as common as we think it is. Glad it turned out ok.

    Common sense and courtesy are words only older folks seem to comprehend these days.


    Mind you there are some right nasty old codgers out there as well. Especially if'n I tain't had my morning carfee :lol:

  6. There are no spots to launch from a trailer at Charles Daley park. Only way to launch is to drag boat overland to water's edge. 16 Mile pond of the South service road has a shore access to a small lake. 100' carry from road to shore. 16 pond in CDP is pretty small for boating. 15 Mile creek off south service road is more of a bog than pond now. i5 Mile ponfd in the park is down by 2 1/2 ', making much of it non-navigable. You also have a steep uphill portage to get boat out.

  7. I agree 100% with everything you said... you would think that there destroyed fishing regulation sign and pay-box would spark some sort of ministry enforcement but I guess not... Even during the fishing season I also seen people using live bait, keeping over there limit, and one time I even seen a group of people launch one of those big great lake aqua boats with a huge outboard mercury...I canoed over to there boat once they launched, told them they couldn't use there motor, they ignored me... Needless to say on one hand it was funny watching them pull weeds from there motor, but on the other hand it disgusted me with there lack of respect for the rules/regs.

    Mountsberg is regulated by the Halton Conservation Authority, not the Ministry. Most of the park's seasonal/student workers do not have any real authority to enforce much. Real enforcement usually involves calling in the police or a park supervisor.

  8. Easy to max out your CC on all the toys and gadgets at a BPS or Cabelas. :wallbash: I figure my credit would hold up for about an hour. :blush: I lock it up in the trunk ;)


    The bins in the aisles are where you find a lot of the feature and clearance items. Picked up 10 x-raps @ $4 a pop one year.

  9. Isn't "Grimesby" in southern Ontario?

    Yes it is in the banana belt, and the politicians here avoid any and all discussions pertaining to hunting like the plague.


    I grew up just outside Mactier, til 1970, when the family moved us to the "festering sewer". Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Never managed to find enough work to make moving back permanently a possibility. A good portion of the family is still strewn across the 'Skokas and Haliburtons. They were the smart ones.


    This is not a north south thing, it's a bear thing, Bring back the spring bear hunt!




    First you have to convince "Southern" urban voters, and their political majority that banning the spring hunt was a mistake. That won't happen until there have been some maulings close to home.

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