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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. i read alot more into this story then just a die off ...especially when they are concerned to the public health about wearing protection and removing them to a secured landfill....


    Question???? are we or the yanks drillling for oil on the lake????


    possibly a tanker off loading accident???

    The most obvious reason for protection when handling dead fish.... SALMONELLA. :stretcher:

  2. Japan has had four prime ministers in the last four years resign, due to public outrage over broken election promises.

    In Japan, people still believe in honor as part of their way of life. There is nothing worse than bringing dishonor and disgrace upon oneself and one's family. Those kinds of ethics died some decades back in Canada.

  3. As some know, my Mrs has been unwell for some time. Lots of running back and forth to hospitals, etc.....

    Anyhow, I'll be sitting in Hamilton a lot for the next while shuttling Judy to various appts. and clinics. Rather than pay to park and twiddle my thumbs, off to Bayfront we go.

    Today's target the WGSF. The weapons- micro tubes and Gulp fish fry. Great way to waste away 6 hours.




  4. Sadly, Ontario does not vote the provincial government in, Toronto votes the Provincial Government in.

    No different than federal politics. The ruling party is one which controls Ontario. It used to be Quebec before the BQ arrived on the scene.

  5. Time for the "deadhorse march".


    Rule #1: All politicians are liars


    Rule #2: Only special interest and lobby groups (those funding the political party) are of interest or concern to a politician. Us individuals do not count.


    Rule #3: Learn to make lots of noise. Politicians, and bureaucrats, hate being put on the spot.

  6. [

    As for Ross G. Lord park, I am very curious where this 'lake' exists. If you mean the pond/resevoir at the south end of the park... that is hardly suitable for anything recreational. For all I know that is the runoff from last years sinkhole at Finch and Dufferin.

    I'v seen carp in there years back. Even heard of bass. But if you look at a google map satellite image of finch dufferin today, and all spring, its been DRY! only a little river running through it, I remember when it looked like a deep mud hole! now its a sandy hole with a piss across creek running through it. This must obviously be a result of the dry winter and lack of rain right? any thoughts on this?

    Have to admit I haven't been that way in over 20 years, But I used to catch carp, cats, bass on occasion in the late 80's. As I said, G Ross Lord was built without foresight or vision. Mind you the only vision the City of North York had was one of being bigger and colder than downtown Toronto.They are still working on it.

    Someone mentioned Black Creek.

    There used to be brookies above the city before Vaughan developed the Jane St. strip and allowed everyone to dump whatever they wanted into the system. Beechwood cemetary had a nice little Japanese garden in the one corner but it reeeked of industrial waste during the warm months

  7. You can't swim at G Ross Lord. Its a mud pond with carp! I want to see like a giant recreational pool like the one at Wonderland just much, much larger with beach sand all around. Put up some shops and Restaurants to start and it would be packed like sardines... I have no doubt it would draw large crowds.


    Obviously there are many more polluters, but hearing that you can develop film in Lake O made Kodak stand out.


    With a billion dollars I'm sure the Queen's Park could make any mud hole swimmable.

    G Ross Lord was simply built as part of the flood control system. Nobody thought about the development potential.

    Or let Mel and family build it with private money and charge a Queen a head to get in.

  8. I'm sorry, but there is already a "lake" in Downsview at Duff & Finch. G Ross Lord I think?

    Put the money into upgrading that body of water first.

    As for the Humber and Don, both are toxic dumping grounds right up into the 70's. Kodak was one of several plants to dump in the Humber.

    The Don's list begins with Lever Bros. and goes forever.Beyond that, most of Toronto's waterfront is comprised of landfills and dumps that have pushed south over a period of 150+ years. Crap still ooozes into the harbour.


    Just gotta love these pie in the sky proposals the politicians dream up. Election season has begun.

  9. I've had the displeasure of eating smoke for a couple of summers killing hot spots from small bush fires up north with shovel and piss can. I could not imagine how terrifying being in the path of a major fire, or worse, a fire storm would be. I was told stories of the 1916 Cochrane firestorm by some of the old timers. A bunch of towns destroyed, 200 odd souls lost.

  10. Great looking fish. We have them here, but have to travel 800km or more north to find fish of such quality.

    Most here do not realize how much further north you are.

    Helsinki is 60"10'N. Moosefactory is only 49"15'N, and closest city in Canada to your latitude is Yellowknife at 62"28'. Great Slave Lake is 61"40'.

  11. Couple of early colour photos from on the lake. Would have cost Gram a small fortune back then. There were no fibreglass boats around then.



    First photo is with my uncle on one of his few leaves from the Bonnie. I was still fishing with that old green boat some 20 years later.


    2nd pic is my Grampa sitting out at my uncle johnni's. Still in his Sunday threads.

    Sorry for the quality. Taking pics of old pics. The finger printe are probably as old as the photos themselves.

  12. My family was in the small bunch of people as well.


    My grandparents where both young kids when their parents bought crown land on the lake. Something like 8 cents a square foot, or something ridiculous like that. My grandpa’s uncle was a surveyor, who was offered Battleship Island, as payment for some work he did. All in all, between my grandparents families, they had something like 15 cottages on the lake, back when there only were about 75 on the entire lake.


    They also used to own a few other islands around the lake, a few lots off what is now Steep Rock Rd, and property on either side of the mouth of lost channel (which they dubbed “Woodside Cove”, as they painted it on the rocks in front of the cottage)


    Have you read the book Echoes of Six Mile yet? It’s a great book detailing the old days on the lakes. It talks about some of the pioneers of the lake, and all of the family history of the early cottagers up there.

    Never knew there was a book about the lake. Used to love paddling up the back reaches of lost channel, or portaging up above the pool and making my way into Tea. Is the little whirpool rapids still there? Used to sit in that natural jacuzzi for hours drinking beers. Ever go sliding down White's Falls?

  13. I've never caught a muskie on Six Mile. Been fishing there my entire life.


    Maybe the odd one cruising around in there. But I definitely wouldn't go there just looking for Muskies.


    Bigugli is right, no fish in lost channel.. Just Poison Ivy, and Rattle Snakes..


    Hey Bigugli, you've been around 6 mile for ever, I thought 6 Mile Marina used to be called Volicks back in the day. That's what my Grandpa always calls it anyways?

    My family were amongst those resident Finns that bought some of the first Crown parcels that came up for sale after the war along the 69. Us younger ones liked to terrorize the neighbourhood. I vaguely remember the name Volicks, might have been bought out in the early days by the White family. My uncle's place was in the bay down from Pastor's point, the cousin had a place by Hungry Bay behind Sori's point

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