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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. As I got my self involved in specialty cropping at my good friend's greenhouse. Here's what we focus on.

    Tomatoes. 3 varieties of beefsteak. 4 varieties of cluster/vine.



    10 varieties of miniatures.


    For the "Klompers" out there Snijbonin


    My garlic was picked much earlier. Here are my salsa jalapenos.



    Currants are done and the elderberry are a long way from ready.

    It sure keeps us busy.

  2. bigugli I don't know how you refrained from going over there and umm...telling them off (being nice although I would have wanted to do more). Thats not right. Poor kid.

    One handicapped individual confronting 8 or so ethnic adults has too much potential for a nasty outcome. The bycycle cops rode by without any concern.

  3. With a small garden, skip roots like taters and carrots.Take up a lot of space and require more care with weeding. Besides they are dirt cheap. Use the space for fresh herbs, spring peas. Once kids get bigger, they get a kick out of growing their own pumpkins.

  4. I watched this wee fellow down at Bayfront last week. He was absolutely terrified by the geese. There are hundreds there. The boy's family dumped the child in the middle of the flock and started throwing bread all around the boy to attract the geese even closer. The more the child screamed, the more the adults taunted and insulted him, and the more bread they threw at him.

  5. Man" that Garlic looks good, peppers to. Leechman I planted Ox-heart tomatoes this year also, couldn't find plants so I did the seed thing. My plants are about a foot now. you don't hear many people mention Ox-heart. Have you grown them before? Do they pollinate with the other types? Someone told me that you should only grown one type of tomato because they get mixed up and get funny shaped. I see you have wire around. You must get pestered with Rabbits. Nice looking garden :good:

    Oxheart is an old standard juice tomato. Long, cylindrical, a beefsteak that looks like a Roma. The drawback to the variety is that it is prone to blossom rot in wet years. Never water in the evening. Cross pollination is not usually an issue. We have 12 varieties of tomato at the greenhouse staying true to form. To increase pollination yield we just rustle the plants a bit to shake the pollen loose. I'll put up pics later. Just getting ready for the market.

  6. In today'e political environment, the parties put up crowd pleasers as their leadership hopefuls. Diminutive eggheads, mommas boys and non descript nobodies.

    No person with real, drive, talent or ambition will be put forward. Too risky politically in the public eye and too uncontrollable for the back room brokers. John Tory was too non-descript to garner the needed support. The next premier of Ontario will be in the mold of another Stephen Harper; a momma's boy. Tim Hudak.


    And I guarantee that no taxes will be scrapped once he is elected.

  7. In the words of Noel Coward, " only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun". And I'm not English :lol:

    Hit some high afternoon bassin after physio today, seeing as the lake was just around the corner. Was it ever hot out there, but the fish were biting and hitting senkos hard.

    A few samples.



    Even the perch wanted senkos. Hook went straight through his head. Dead instantly.


    After 2 1/2 hours I had enough. Back home to the A/C and cold beer.

  8. With this stinking heat it is hard to get the fish to move. I had a couple of fish sitting in a wee pocket last night that would not budge. I tossed everything in my back pack to them and nothing after an hour. All I found was an 8" rockie for my troubles. :wallbash:

  9. I`m off to the kitchen now, to eat another slice of humble pie. Have I mentioned yet how many times today Nick has reminded me that he fished my a$$ off!!!!




    I knows the feeling. 10 Years from now your son is still going to be saying " remember that time I fished your a$$ off and showed you how it's done?" :P


    This is how the legends of the great white angler begin. :tease:


    All the same you and your son had a great day together. You will just have to get used to eating chilled crow :w00t:

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