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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I know what happens to co-workers in these childish little tattle fests that come from abusing the rules. The parking lots get bloody messy.

    No different than kids dealing with the tattletale after school.


    Beyond that, we have sex, porn and smut all over our daily lives in print, images and telemedia, yet we will try to bowdlerize people in the workplace. Talk about asinine.

  2. Both of mine are grown up now. The son is a fishing junkie. The daughter leaves her gear with me, but will call me up with "Wanna go fishing Daddy?". Their friends have always been welcome to tag along fishing and camping. Always been happy to take neices and nephews fishing. Used to have a couple of fishing days planned for my cub pack every year, but the insurance rules put paid to that. TOOOOOO RISKY.

    My great neice already has her first fishing rod. I still have to wait a year to see her use it. ( she's only one. The rod was a gag gift on the wedding day to remind them that uncle Bruce gets first dibs on corrupting the little ones :devil:

  3. We all obviously have a great love for our friends. Even the other half's rats :lol: We need them as much as they need us.

    Have you ever noticed how, on even your very worst days, the dog will still be there to be your friend. I think I'd lose my sanity without the girls.




    He has been gone over five years now but he is still in our hearts...


    I still get a yo-yo in my throat when I run across a picture of him...

    They do become a very important part of our lives. I'm thankful to be woken up every morning by mine.

  5. Everybody has seen my wee fish theiving rats a hundred times or more.

    We love Xmas.


    Lucky was a rescue dog I picked up at the humane society. Despite being abused she is the most loyal and lovable dog I have known. 15 years old and just starting to slow down. She has been surrogate mommy to every puppy and kitten to enter our doors. Even when she really did not want to. Harlem kept trying to suckle the old girl for about 6 weeks and she just put up with it.


    They know when to line up for brekkie


    I have to thank Hammercarp for the nickname. Quite an appropriate title for little Peanut as a "Scandinavian Fish Retreiver" :lol:



    Last, but not least, we have Ruffins. A loveable rascal in our home for 3 short years, but I was forced to put him down. Found out later he was the product of a puppy mill. My kids still have not forgiven me.



    Yes I am as attached to my animals as my own offspring. The dogs at least listen when spoken to :w00t:

  6. loon


    30lb snapper

    rods and reels

    old anchors.

    a 12 ft boat (landed it too!)



    umbrella ( my biggest fight. Was opened up and drifting along the bottom of the 12 Mile creek)

    lawn chairs

    beer and pop cans

  7. Should be no problem fishing downstream of the Queenston ramp. As already mentioned, just be mindful of the current. Also keep well to the Canadian side unless you have a N.Y. license and equipment that conforms to USCG standards. They have different requirements.

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