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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Cougars and wolves?! Pffftt.. Not scared. Bears?! Scary!


    C'mon long weekend, I want to catch some smallies!


    Oh, does any one know anything about wood? Do I have to buy it there in their park, or can I bring my own?


    Cougars.... :D

    It depends if you still live outside the new quarantine boundaries. If not, the fine was $400

  2. A lot of the regular voices are gone. Me? I'm too busy brewing up salsa most Tuesday evenings to sit online for any length of time. Heck, yesterday was the first time fishing in 3 weeks. Now a day behind.

  3. Some folks are antisocial, some rude, some shy, some are afraid of striking up a conversation for many reasons.

    Mind you when folks see the son coming over to chat and snoop they either run for the hills or put up barbed wire :P

    Lots of people just don't want to share there little piece of paradise.

  4. Had a few hours to spare this morning so i hit the river for shoreline smallies. Early in the morning nothing would bite. A lot of casting and nada on tubes, senkos, sticks. Switched to live craws found hiding under some rocks and whaddya know. The fish come out to play.

    A few of these:



    and a few of these:



    After 3 hours the back and legs were sending some very specific time out signals, so I called it a day.

  5. Don't be getting rid of that stove if you live in a rural area. Power goes out, you freeze. The more remote you are, the longer you wait for power to be restored in large blackouts. I've had my neighbours bunk in with us for a few days because the power was out.

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