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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Which storm to remember?

    The OCt 13 storm was only vicious in Niagara South/Ft Erie. I was working in Stevensville. Could not see 50 ft in front of me until I hit the escarpment.


    There was the March storm in 96. I was at Camp Nemo earning my beads as a leader. The snow was getting dicey driving in Friday afternoon. Saturday we were blanketted in heavy wet snow and all the area roads were closed. One of the leaders was having withdrawal because she could not drive out of camp to get her early morning Timmy fix. They got the roads open late Sunday afternoon. Wasn't worried. The cooks figured we had at least 2 days worth of food still left over.


    The Blizzard of 77 found me walking home from work when they shut down the buses in Scarberia. The 2 1/2 hour walk resulted in severe frostbite to the ears. The skin had split by the time i had got home. After wrapping my head in a towel, our neighbour ran me to the hospital on his skidoo.


    There was the snow/ice storm of Spring 67. Friday's rain quickly turned to ice, then on Saturday it started to snow for 2 days. The lines were down everywhere. We were told to stay indoors because the lines near our house were down. Took 3 days to turn the hydro back on. We got an extra spring break from school.

  2. ok ugli...so whats turre piedunno.gif

    The turre, or properly known as the Common Murre, is a coastal bird that lives along the cliffs of the Newf and Lab coasts. A poor flyer but fantastic swimmer, it often got caught in the fishermen's nets. In years of poor catch harvests, fishermen from the outports would go out and hunt them or net them. They'd be cooked in a pie, not unlike..." 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie' as the rhyme goes.


    Years ago a school buddy's Mom made a fantastic pie. His uncle would ship a crate of the birds from St John's every year.

  3. Sometimes it gets downright frustrating reading the reports on the board about the great fishing. My turn.

    The chaperon/son and I drove up to Orillia to meet up with CPH today. Left Niagara's stormy skies behind to be greeted by bluebird skies and calm. Any who know Steve will tell you he is a stand up guy and knows where to find a few fish. Well we found fish. Early in the day we caught this sow.


    Followed by a surprise.


    In the end Rob and I brought home 60 very sizeable perch.



    THank you for a great day out Steve.

  4. Bruce is this year batch of salsa as good as last years.


    The jars you shared with me last fall where as good as any salsa I have had anywhere :thumbsup_anim: Anybody who has not tried it is missing out.


    I got the empty jars all ready to return to you on Sunday.

    I'm certain I will not disappoint you. Was that medium, hot, or ?????

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