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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. have not had any fishing to report lately. Been too busy with the joys of the harvest. Time to can some of that summer warmth :lol:




    I'm still picking a bushel a week of the jalapenos.

    Nother few weeks and they'l pull all the tomatoes in the hoop houses. Can you say pickled green tomatoes?

  2. Every once in a while, the employer gets back in a big way. I've sent numerous fellas packing when i've caught them soused on a jobsite. Drunks operating equipment are a hazard to everyone on site. And when house starts are slow, contractor crews are dime a dozen.


    In reference to plant substance abuse. The Scarborough van plant had to be one of the worst facilities on record. The union dug it's heels in and refused to address the problem. Any vehicle built on a Friday or Monday was a lemon. There was also a practice called red-balling that employees were engaged in. A red ball on the dash meant the vehicle was due for some "special attention". In the end the plant was shut down and a lot of jobs were lost.

  3. I am VERY LEARY of any of the LIBERAL MEDIA reports now a days.....EVERYTHING is now slanted to how they want us to view something.


    Ever notice when there is a disaster they will ZOOM in on the SELECTED area and NEVER give a wide view of what they are showing so we can actually judge how wide spread the problem is ? ? ?

    Right wing media does the same thing, and uses the same methodology to push a different message. Read up on McLuhan. As he put it, the medium becomes the message.

  4. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, put another copper in the old man's sack,.....


    Caput apri defero, Reddens laudes domino..


    We love Christmas :santa:


    Those are some beautiful Christmas scenes. You'll definitely be making the "nice " list. ;)

  5. On a blue you need 30 rays on the anal fin and a squared leading edge. Channels have 24 - 29 rays and a roundes shape to the anal fin. In the L Erie watersheds there have been a number of incidental catches of blues conforming to the accepted description of the species. Most likely causes for the extension of their range would be warming water temps and artificial connection tween the Ohio and Mississippi systems and the Great Lakes.

  6. Boy does that ever bring back memories. First days of school were scary.


    Just remember Dad, you are the parent. If you and the daughter need a little extra together (fishing) time, then so be it. I was notorious for yanking the kids out for some prime father/ child time (So was my one uncle). The kids would be at school next day bragging at show and tell, and I'd be having another talk with the school principal to put him in his place. ;)

    Besides, you can probably give your child a far better education about nature than some stuffed shirt in a classroom or another NFB reel.

  7. Bin there and done it. Nothing like drawing cable watch in a force 10 or worse and sitting in the eyes. had that displeasure aboard Margaree.


    My uncle told me of a few times when the Bonnie stuffed a wave. They hung on to whatever they could and prayed the bow would come up.

  8. I've known that feeling only too well when having to put my furry friends to rest. All these reminders can just choke you up. My condolences, they are special to us. That being said, there is an animal looking for a happy home, that wants to be loved and will love you unconditionally in return.

    As for all the other stuff piled on your plate, it is only temporary, but yes it feels like someone has dumped the world on your shoulders.

  9. Thanks man, from my searches for 6 mile, you were the guy to post on it the most. I'll keep those spots in mind. Its good that the lake will be easy to shoot across, I've got a 50hp on a Basstracker so we'll get there in good time. :)


    I'm going to have to pick up a map of this place and check it out before I go.

    I grew up there, fishing every rock and stump with my cousins.

    If you go out to Hungry bay, scoot across the bay mouth to an opening in the rocks. The place is called pretty channel. You can tie off on the shore and walk up past the falls, or run an electric up into the needle. Used to be one of those hidden gems, but it's been 5 years since I was last there, and I never go on a weekend.

  10. Cool cool, thanks for those images Dar! My campsite will be right were the huge bear is. :o


    How long of a boat ride is it to crooked bay, and in what kind of boat? I'm wondering if I'll be able to fish the whole lake?! I won't be fishing your spot, my goal will mostly be concentrating on islands and drop-offs to get some smallies, I can go to long point and get largemouth and pike at any time.


    And not so afraid of rattle snakes, but I will keep an eye out. Do bears smell empty beer bottles? Damn Yogi, why doesn't he just leave people alone and catch carp? No one cares about carp! :P

    Crooked Bay is at the opposite end of the lake from the park. Easily a good 1/2 hour run for 2 people with a 10hp. If you run from the park to the main lake, go right towards Hungry Bay. There is a sreies of islands and channels with good ledges and breaks to work.


    2 weeks of hard fishing every day might get you to where you've fished a good portion of the lake. There is a lot of productive water starting right at the camp's doorstep.

  11. Don't worry about the bears man. My family has had a cottage up there for nearly 80 years, and they've only see a hand full of bears.. The park sounds like a safe place. I camp on the lake a few times each summer, and the coons are there every night.. But no bears for me yet.

    That's because the bears are all after the easy pickins at the campground.

    Hey BooBoo! Lets go steal a picnic basket before the ranger catches us :canadian:

  12. I think salt water fish tastes better....but I never have it at home. At home I eat what I catch. It provides me with an excuse to get out and enjoy the outdoors and the chance to get a feed of fish. If I lived near the ocean I know I would eat alot less fresh water fish, cause I would have the chance to fish salt water species.

    The pure satisfaction is in cooking the catch. I'm not down in the maritimes so I just have to be satisfied with what's available here til I'm down East again. Once I'm there I'll eat fish every day. ( the wife hates me :devil: )

    If I go south I eat loads of cat and crawdads. It's whatever the catch of choice is.

  13. Sorry Bruce,you of all,should know better.Fresh seafish IMO,cant be beat. :canadian:

    I appreciate each for their distinct differences, whether it be East coast halibut and cod, BBQ char from Frob, gravlax from Sweden, or fresh perch from the ice on Simcoe. I don't play favourites. They all have their place on the plate. :thumbsup_anim:

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