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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. If you don't want to empty the BC, take it back half-way (or abouts) and tie a uni-to-uni with the braid. All the benefits of braid on the front half, half the cost. Just a thought. Depending on how "good" you are with the BC, you may want to stick with the mono for the rest of the season. It is a lot easier to pick out the birds nest's with mono then braid. If you are comfortable with it, then 'giver. Not sure about the diameter of the braid and mono, but a UTU is best used on lines that are of similar diameter. There is another knot to use if they aren't the same, but it escapes me right now. Should be a how-to in the braid package. Don't worry about the "cheapo" stuff. One man's cheapo is another's pay cheque. Take care of it and it will outlast you.
  2. Ha ha.... that sounds like one of the fish stories I was talking about in my post earlier in this thread....not that I doubt it though.
  3. I have (errr...had) one like the $44.99 special. Past tense as it didn't last a full season. I think those are made for lawn mowers and tractors on cold mornings, not for repeated abuse topping up deep cycles and cranking batteries.
  4. I did not see 50% off, but this is in the flyer for this week at 30% off: http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...D=1184359465566 Also a half decent deal on a Colour GPS unit: http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...D=1184359349225
  5. Nice fish. Your buddy looks like the basketball player and MVP, Canadian, Steve Nash - IMO.
  6. 19"? I am jealous......lol.
  7. You fellas sure do well with the Kawartha 'skis. Looks like you had a great day and got some real good fottage.
  8. Highly doubt it. I saw a 7 Lb 8 oz. LM bass and it was a monster that looked like a football. Eleven pounds would be mammoth, but not in our climate. Might be a good fish story though....
  9. Can't help you with the shore suggestions, sorry. If you do decide to rent a boat for a day, make it the Monday. Much less boat traffic to contend with.
  10. Sometimes second chance offers on e-bay are not legit. I would contact the seller (through e-bay) to ensure they are really offering you a second chance. Seems like a good deal if it is legit.
  11. Saw the preview - piqued my interest, that's for sure. Loved Transformers - great effects, best I have ever seen! I suspect a remake of Godzilla....but who knows for sure.
  12. Congrats BBR!
  13. Try the spot at the opposite end of where the boats go through where there is the opening under the causeway. Many people call the bridge Gannons Narrows. I have always had better luck on the leeward side of the causeway (opposite side the wind is blowing). Try 4" yum dingers rigged texas style with the smallest bullet weight you can find. Takes it to the bottom, but doesn't hinder the action all that much. Pop it and retrieve, fish it slow. If that doesn't work try the #1 bait of all time - the curly tail grub - I prefer 3" power grub in pumpkinseed with a 1/8 oz. unpainted jighead, Sometimes I rig it with a safetypin spinner just for chits and giggles. Good luck.
  14. There were a total of 4 different articles in the local paper tonight on this. One fella who lives on Little Bob channel, north-west end of Pigeon lake between Sturgeon and pigeon did an informal count around this small bay and counted close to 100 dead carp. I hardly suspect that those came through the channel. I assume the hold-up is not the goverment dragging their feet, but having to wait until whatever this bacteria or virus is, grows and multiples in some petri dish somewhere.
  15. I've only ever seen 4" - Berkley Power Grubs.
  16. Roy, I would definately do what I could to pitch in/help out.
  17. Yes, I think the bacteria/virus is making it's way through the chain. Not long and it will be into Buckhorn, Chemong, Lower Buckhorn, Lovesick etc. etc. etc. I will definitely not be going anywhere near downtown once it makes it to the Otonabee an into Little Lake. I can only imagine the carnage and smell.....not good for the Festival of Lights, not good for tourism at all.
  18. I was reading the Peterborough Exaggerator, err...Examiner tonight and apparently there are heavy die offs of carp in the aforementioned lakes. The VP of the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce is reccomending hiring 5 teams of 2 people to go out and clean the mess uprather than have residents responsible for clean up of their own shorelines. I guess the issue has been brought up of "who owns the shoreline" and who is responsible for clean-up. Does anyone think this die-off will affect tourism in the Kawathas this Summer? My thinking is that many people have already booked their cottages and are coming regardless. May stop some day or overnight trips though.
  19. Glad they found him.
  20. Cast the way you are comfortable at first, then try the "fancy" stuff later. Tip - After casting the maximum distance you can reelin in 2-3 ft, put a piece of tape across the spool and up on the sides of the reel so as not to hinder the reeling action. Reel the line over the tape and cast away back lash free, at least up to the point you put the tape on. It will not hinder your fishing at all.
  21. Sorry, but not even close - 2.5 to 3 max. I would like you as a fishing partner though....lol.
  22. Great colours on that smallie in the third pic - great outing for sure.
  23. Great pics there, Joey. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Story of my life......fishing related of course Don't know those lakes myslef, but I imagine tubes and crayfish imitations will work nice. Try different depths untill you find 'em. Probably will be shallow in the morning and at dusk and deeper during the day.
  25. I like the law - as long as it is not me getting the ticket..... This is not a money grab for the Government (or state in this instance) they are using this as a deterrent. The only way for a deterrent to work is to ensure people are apprehensive about the outcome - this I'm sure they would be. People know they can get away with speeding and other types of aggressive driving in Ontario, or at least play the lotto (i.e. hope they don't get caught) when they decide to do it. We have probably all done it at one point. I'm sure it has happened a lot where one (myself included) has got a speeding ticket and said they will never speed again. I know there are times now I speed (within reason), so what happened? I can guarantee that I would not speed if I were to potentially get a $3,000+ fine. There wouldn't be more cops policing it, but more of a deterrent to stop people doing it in the first place.
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