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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. Hahah yea there is a lot of bondo it seems near the front... I'm not to worried about it... Think steel flex would work ?? It took about 3/4 of the jug to do the sides and a bit of the bottom near the front. We haven't touched the inside yet, but I'm pretty sure that paint can be sanded and painted over... its seems to be on there pretty solid, not flaking off like the outside ! There still is a bit of paint on the out side of the hull I need to take care of, just stubborn spots. Hopefully I can paint this weekend ? We'll see how the weather/time/budget are at the end of the week.
  2. Well, my grandpa and I have started work on my boat. While striping the paint, LOTS of things came to my attention... and also, I found out I have a "springbok" now as well ! haha the stickers appeared as the first layer of paint came off . The boat has a 64-65" beam... and is 14.5' long. So far we have striped the paint from the sides, sanded the surface of the boat slightly, removed the transom support and the transom, and started working on removing what we can of the left over carpet glue, the stuff is like ROCK ! Major issues that came to my attention: #1- The rib between the first and second bench ( first bench being closest to the transom) has cracked on either side... one of the previous owners has tried to "mend" it by riveting steel pieces as braces.... BAD BAD BAD !!!! Here you can see the main brace in the middle and he has pop rivetd to others next to it and just massacred the aluminim... Should have noticed earlier ! Rookie mistake! Another This is the other side... the rid has completely cracked on this side. #2 - The boat was at some point SMASHED into a stump or a rock... the front end has has a massive dent pounded out pretty good. The evidence became clear once the paint was off. You can kind of see the in perfections in the lines here. This view is looking from the underside of the seam. This was the spot that took the brunt of the hit ! You can see the bondo he tried to fill it in with. The gap next to it is about a quarter inch wide, and you can see through to the other side. In this pic you can kind of see the hammer marks. It was tough to get a good picture of it, sorry ! #3 - The transom support was cracking near the top where it boats into the transom. I tried to take as good of a photo as I could but I couldnt stop them from coming out blurry ! Right Side Left side I have no idea how I can fix these things ??? I have a customer at work that welds aluminum ? would it be best to give him a call ?? Over all ! Those are the major things, the rest is just stuff that comes with fixin a boat. Here are some pics of the overall progress of the boat now. Transom 1" plywood.... Still debating what we are going to replace it with... Oak maybe ? I thought there was oxidization but it sanded right off... I didn't get a picture of the transom after we sanded it though. BEFORE ! AFTER ! So as of now... I have to figure out how to fix those problems I have.... as cheap as I can ! Yesterday, I found a link for a website that sold all sorts of things for restorting/modifying your jon boats. They sold pre assembled braces that can be welded in place. I think that would be a good start, but I cant find the site any more haha ! So tonight we are heading to the lumber yard for the wood for the transom, the sealer, and some other misc things. Im happy with the progress so far... Total cost thus far.. $1065 ... Not to shabby. YET ! haha
  3. Theres a new show on animal planet called " River Monsters" and the guy goes toi all these remote and foreign places and catches BIG BIG fish hahah I think its actually the guy in the pic !
  4. I wouldn't look at it like that, people don't trade boats just because they have problems. You'll lose close to half of what you paid for that "toy" when you buy brand new. I would rather buy a couple year old "premium" boat than a brand new "average" boat. Not saying the brands your looking at are bad companies... because I'm not familiar with them. IMO, a couple year old boat has had time to have the problems (if any) worked out and is way cheaper than brand new. Im new to the boat thing, but from my understanding, LUND is one of the top brands right ? why not look for a 2-3 yr old lund ? Im a salesman, and bashing the competitor is one thing I NEVER do... I sell John Deere farm equipment, and I tell everyone that John Deeres are just like any other tractor, they have 4 wheels ( sometimes more haha), an engine, and a transmission, the same as everyone else. ALL MACHINES MADE BY MAN WILL BREAK at some point or another.My job is to tell you how our products "features" will benefit you more than the competition. Like it was already said... Buy from the dealer that will help you AFTER the sale. I keep my cell phone on me at all times and I tell my customers to call if they have any problems or questions, weather it be a chain saw, or a $200,000 combine, that they can call me ANYTIME day or night. Our local dealer here.... no matter how good of a deal they can come up with... I dont think I would ever buy anything from them. I think if your not spending at least $2-300,000, your not considered to be worth there time. It sucks because they are pretty much the only dealer with in an hour.
  5. The Canadian tire in here is really stocked up too ! I was very impressed . At the moment they have a 33lbs 30" shaft minnkota for $115
  6. Im sorry, but the questions I asked in this post... If you take the time to read ALL of the other posts....have never been asked thus far ! It may be about the same product, but this is not the same info... well at least I wasn't looking for the same info... Sorry if this is a waste of anyones time... but, no one ASKED you to click the link ... Why reply if your post isnt going to benefit the topic ? :dunno: Good morning guys, Irishfield, thanks again... I think I pretty well have all the info I need now. My uncle actually was asking me these things and I didn't know the answer.
  7. Yes I know Irishfield covered the paint removal questions... and I thank him for all his help I guess I should have been more precise with my previous questions.... this is how they should have been asked 1)I knew the method to remove it was with a putty knife... But I wanted to know if you could just blast it off with a power washer? 2) Will covering it with some plastic after applying it help speed the process at all ? I guess I should have just PM'ed irishfield directly !
  8. Hey I am about to get some tal-strip and I was curious on the best way to remove it once its on ! Would you be able to power wash it off ? or do you have to use a putty knife to scrape it off ? Also, I was wondering if you cover it with some plastic once its on, if it would help it about to keep the fumes and the heat from the reaction contained ? Im doing it in my garage which has a door at either end, so there will be plenty of ventalation, haha I dont want to come out stumbling after its all done !
  10. Well I finally got a line wet this year !!!! A buddy and I decided we were going to have a shot at some crappie last night, so we got all suited up and took off, it was a late start, but we just wanted to go to get out ! We were fishing with minnows about 8" below the float. Not very deep at all. It was a pretty slow night, I got one hooked but being the rookie crappie angler I am, I set the hook a little to hard. The next bite and I was on. That was pretty much the action for the evening. Everyone was getting the odd bite, but they were barley hitting. Altogether we landed 2 fish in about an hour and a half. :wallbash: I went out with a couple friends tonight and we were all using a small tube under a float... That was my first try with one, but they fish with them a lot I guess, any how, none of us got a fish. So after a couple hours I packed it in and went for dinner ! Here are some pictures of the fish from the first night ! Thanks for looking , although there is not much to look at ! :P
  11. Took the words out of my mouth
  12. awsome !!! the sun is out shining now and we are going to be headin out shortly ! Aparently they are biting just before sunset!
  13. We have had about an inch and a half of rain here and I was just wondering how that effects the crappie fishing ? I know they were biting the last few days, so will this turn them off ? The rain has now stopped and its suppose to get nicer later this afternoon Thanks
  14. Just want to say thanx for all the help guys ! Im going to get started on her this weekend I think ! My Grandpa and I are doing this together ! Hes way handier than I am so hopefully he can show me a few things !
  15. hahah YEA it was a GRRRRREAT show !!! Heard the Poopy story for the second time hahah Paul, JP,Dave, subway and the rest of the sponsors.... The wife and I just want to thank you guys for dinner ( and lunch tomorrow ) and for the GREAT show... Paul, I don't fish for salmon of trout a lot, but I found out alot of stuff I never knew before ! . But JP and Dave had alot of great tips for me and hopefully Ill be able to put them to use this year !!! Thanks again you guys ! Sorry I didn't stick around to say Hi though.. had a bit of a drive to get home as well !
  16. what time do u think would be a good time to show up ? Im leaving here around 5-530 ? think I should leave a little earlier ?
  17. Umm.... Have you never been to the Detroit river ? Its about half - 3 quarters of a kilometer wide. And it HAS a current ! haha A STRONG CURRENT ! I dont know fly fishing, so maybe there is places you can float fish... but I doubt it !
  18. Are you talking about Koomans demolition or whatever ? or is there somewhere there I don't know about ?
  19. So I went to the shop today to price out some Aluminum to use as bracing for the casting deck I want to put in my boat. Once I got there, I was stumped with some questions, evidently IMPORTANT questions, that I should have had the answer for. I went in with the intention of using angled aluminum. But that answer for some reason didnt fair well with the guy .... I guess ! haha What type would be best ? angled style ? or tubular ? I told him Angled and then he ask What size should I be using ? I want to go with the smallest size I will be allowed... given weight and what not ? I said for estimate purposes that I would be using 2" angle for example and he said figure on about $3 a foot ? Sound about right ? I weight approx 230lbs... and I will be covering about a 4'x6' area ? Thanks for the help !
  20. Hey everyone Just got word the crappies have been in for a few days now so I'm plannin on headin out this week sometime... I was just talking to my buddy and he mentioned we had to get minnows ? ( I have never fished for crappie before ) I thought worms or a small tube jig would suffice... minnows are expensive and tough to find around here, or at least they were last year. So what would be the ideal gear and bait for targeting crappie this time of the year ?
  21. I used to go for walks by a near by pond when I was younger... My dad would take me and we would go "snake huntin" hahah I would be divin into bushes and all sorts to get these little guys hahah I would come outta there with my fair share of bumps, bruises, and scrapes..... My best day I caught 11 !! Snakes are sweet !
  22. I have a Black max and a silver max from Abu Garcia. I have no complaints BUT If your budget is $115, I say save another $25 and get the Abu Revo S .... Your getting a High end quality reel that way ! I was at a walmart when I was down in Florida and they had a Revo S for $99.99 !!!! kickin myself for passin that one up ! My black max stood up to some beatin last year, I only used it for about half the summer... but by the end of the season, I was getting quite a squeel out of her when I would bomb a lure... I think I just need to hit her with some Lube. But other then that, great reels. My next reel will be a Abu or Shimano.... I say go with the Abu Revo if I were you !
  23. I plan on going down, maybe with the Wife, or with a buddy ! OR possibly by myself ! hahah Either way, Ill be there !!! Most likley dressed in "John Deere" clothing as I will be headin there from work ! IM PUMPED !
  24. Ok I got ahold of NAPA and they are looking into the product for me. $47 a gallon ! Will a gallon be enough for a 14" aluminum ? One question I have is, how do you remove it after you have applied it ?
  25. Thanks guys ! Im almost positive I bought one for this year, when I went ice fishin a while back. It just came to me the other day that I havent recieved the card in the mail yet ! AND I dont have the paper any more (The wife washed the wallet ) Thanks again !
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