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Everything posted by Lunker777

  1. What type of lube are you talking about ? like WD-40 ?
  2. Hopefully I can get some work done on it tonight ! I'm going to pick up some oil for the lower end today, and some cleaner. I have some parts on my "watch" list on eBay.... ready to be bought if I find something needs replacing haha
  3. Hey everyone, Whens the time to start hitting the Thames river for some Cat Fish ? I gotta get a line wet here haha I'm going crazy ! I live in Chatham... so hopefully there some place close. Also, Ive never really fished for cats in particular... whats a good beginner set up ? baits, rod/reel, etc. Thanks
  4. I fished the frog quite a bit last year. Caught a few fish, nothing to special tho. We were using them in about 3ft of water late in the summer at night. It was awesome ! haha I love the feeling of top water fishing.... when that spash happens ! ADRENALIN !
  5. Alright, So I took some pictures of the motor to kind of give you an idea of what Im up against. Most of the nest was up near the electrical/spark plugs and I see some of the wires are chewed. The carb. end of the motor is clean as a whistle tho. The prop seems to be in good shape ? There is a chip out of one of the blades though, just a small one, that should be OK, right ? Are these the 2 screws to check the lower end oil ? Im thinking they are. How do I go about cleaning all that stuff (feathers, dirt, etc. ) off properly ? What would be the best method ? Other then that area, the rest of the engine is fairly clean ! Carb. I'm hoping to maybe start clean up on it tomorrow. I think Im going to give myself a $1000 budget for this WHOLE project, including decking the boat out with some toys... IE Minn Kota transom mount first, then fish finder. I'm thinking if I try and do the engine work myself... I should be able to get away with about $350 in the motor ? Would that be a fair estimate ? Comments WELCOME ! haha Thanks for looking ! Isn't she Cute ?????? haha
  6. A buddy of mine has reffered Merit Marine to me. He takes his 9.9 there to get work done, and he said good things about them. If it comes to it, they will probably be the ones I go to. Maple City is the store your talkin about on Grand and I agree with the general consensus... Ive gone in there to look at boats and they arent the most helpful bunch... it seems as though if you not lookin to spend $20000 +... they arent ready to help you ! The service aspect is the same... again the same friend that reffered Merit Marine to me also had work done at Maple City and was NOT happy at all !!!
  7. Realistically... how hard would the work be for a beginner ? Or how much is it going to cost me to have a professional do it.. roughly ?
  8. Hey guys... Im trying to get things going on the 9.9 I got from my grandpa. Im having trouble finding the model number ? The plate with the serial # and model # is missing. Does anyone know where an alternate place to find the model # would be ???? Every website I go to seems to want the model number to get parts to come up... since I dont know the model number... im having a hell of a time gettin prices for what itll need to fix it . Also a site that would have the schematic for it maybe ????
  9. Haha yea, I was thinking it would go cheaper then $1500 too... at auction that is. Problem is, I dont know what auction exactly its going in hahah I think I might wait and try and find a nice 14' aluminum... I have to get my engine checked out.. make sure its runnin right... then I will get a 14' and deck it out with some electronics. Make it last till I can afford a decent 16' aluminum.
  10. haha Now Im VERY torn on this boat. Some say its ok, some say to walk away.... Should I offer a REALLY low price... see what he says, take it or leave it ? Or should I just save the hassel, and keep looking. Although... for $1500 even.... there really isnt much in the way of quality out there ? He is putting the boat in an auction this saturday he said.... maybe I should wait for that ! haha might get it cheaper then I thought.
  11. ......... Thanks..
  12. Hey all I'm going to start looking for a trolling motor for my 12' boat. I don't know which would be best for my situation. Its obviously a small boat. But I want to be able to keep it if I move up in size to a 14 or 16' aluminum. I'm going to be fishing Rondeau bay mostly, and the shallows have a lot of weeds... so I'm thinking I'll need a pretty high LB thrust to get through the weeds ? Does the higher the thrust mean the faster it goes ? or just the more bottom end / ability to get through the weeds it has ? Also, I think if we go on some lakes up north, I want to be able to use the electric troller for troller as opposed to the gas one, what sort of battery would be best for this application ? Price is a concern, but all will be considered ! Thanx for any help :D
  13. I know there is lots around for $1500... but most of them are 14'.... and I have noticed the quality of trailer that you usually get for $1500 is not the greatest and when i say not the greatest... I mean complete CRAP haha :dunno:
  14. Hey all ! I was out at the farm talking to my grandparents and it came to my attention they had a small aluminum in the back shed. NEVER knew it was there hahah SO i took some time yesterday and got it dug out of tall the CRAP it was under... I should have taken a pic of that ! They didn't know if it was a 12 ft or a 14 ft so after getting it dug out I measured and its only 12' :angry: A little to small for out area... but good for a cottage boat I suppose. AND it was free so Im not going to complain haha Then I comes to find out they have 3 outboards as well.. a 9.9 a 5 and a 2.5 HP haha The evinrude has been sitting for quite some time but when they put it away ( about 15 yrs it hasn't moved ) it was running great .. according to my grandpa, and I believe him.... he takes VERY good care of his stuff. When I got the motor home and popped the cover off... I found ... what I am 99% sure is a mouse nest... the motor was stored outside in his work shop ... will that do any serious damage ? Can anyone tell me the year the engine is from ? Also , where should I start on this thing to get it running again... check spark plugs... etc. ???? thanks for any help !!! Thanks for looking and any help !
  15. Hey everyone... Well yesterday, I went out and had a look with a buddy of mine at the 16ft steel hull I've been thinking about. It was the first time Ive had a good look at it and the boat seems to be in REALLY good shape. The trailer is REALLY nice as well. The guy wasn't home when w went to have a look. So we couldn't start it or anything. I popped the cover off the engine and other than it looking pretty dirty.. oils and what not... she looked good. Now I don't know if that is a bad sign.. the oil and what not in there... but I took some pics to show it as best I could. Like I said... the engine is a little dirty and the I will have to replace the prop at some point... its getting pretty wore out. Could anyone tell me any specifics on this particular Merc. ? Age ? Known weak spots ? Thanks ! I plan to offer the guy $1500 for the package AS IS ! After I do a quick compression test . Opinions welcomed !!!!
  16. The moment with the trolling motor coming off in the hand is a GREAT thing to wake up to on a Saturday morning before work ! hahah I was howling !
  17. So I guess I'm not the only one ! hahah I get it from people all the time .... " you don't eat fish... but you fish ??? " they say it as though the world is going to come to an end hahah I just tell them I sport fish, I don't fish to eat ! If I go out with friends that keep fish, As long as we are fishing for perch or pickerel .... Ill keep a couple for them. But I NEVER will keep a bass, muskie, pike... etc. I put those ones back to gain a few inches or pounds for the coming years
  18. Just curious to see who here doesn't eat the fish they catch ?? I know of a couple anglers that won't eat fish ! Im one of those people. I had a bad experience when I was a youngster ( choked on a bone ) and to this day I CAN'T bring myself to eat fish. Ive forced myself to try it pretty well every year and I can only handle a piece or two and then I have to say no more ! Its funny when you here people say " Well you haven't tried it how I cook it ! " Each time Ive tried it "their" way, I still can't handle it ! I don't look at it as a bad thing though... I just ALWAYS practice catch and release I guess !!! hahah Have a good day !
  19. Yea I guess I never thought of that ! Well I guess if someone wants to let me know, they could alwyas PM me.
  20. anyone ?
  21. Hey everyone, Not lookin to spear any pike, but I thought it would be neat to go see some running in the ditches to get me outta the house ! Never seen anything like it, though it would be pretty interesting.... Does anyone know if they are runnin yet ? or where a good spot to go see some would be ? Sorry if this seems like a VERY dumb question hahah Thanks
  22. Thanks so much everyone !!! hahah Those seem like all good things to take with me. The guy said he didn't have a set of earmuffs, so i was thinking about taking some initiative and getting a set myself and taking them with me ! That way there is no reason why we shouldn't be able to try and fire it up.
  23. Maybe I understood him wrong or something. I do have to say he was pretty vague on the topic. I think If I do a compression test on the motor, would that suffice ? I mean, would that be enough to say the motor is in pretty good condition ? I'm planning on having to do a little tuning on the engine.... plugs, filters, etc.
  24. Well we are going to look at it this weekend, so I'm going to ask if it would be possible to put it in the river... seeing as its the only open water at the moment around us. He did say that the engine ran a little hard last fall for duck hunting season. But that could possibly due to plugs which he hasn't changed either ! He boat the boat from his cousin about a year ago and didn't change anything on it. He did change the lower unit oil at the end of last season, so he says. Is it true that you should alter the mix of your fuel when the weather gets colder ? He also said that could have been the problem ! It was a pretty cold season right... So by the end they were out in about freezing temperatures. If I were to buy it... he offered to take it in to the local dealer and have them go over the motor..... we didn't talk if that would be INCLUDED in the price I offer, or if he plans on raising his asking price because of that.
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