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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. i havnt been here long either but i have noticed mikethebassfisherman quite a bit with some nice pictures!
  2. i guess if we're goin for best post how about we go by # of posts? 300 400? how many defines an "amateur" is the question i guess, if i wanna have a chance i better stop posting suggestions eh? lol
  3. sounds like a good idea! maybe people under 500 posts or only been here a few months?
  4. hahahh thats what i like to hear. opinions are good as long as not cruel intended!
  5. are you sure you have been here long enough to be voicing that kind of opinion terry? hahahahha jk
  6. ok i realize this is an old thread AGAIN! BUT! lol if you didnt get a measurement i can help ya with a few measurement s on the computer comparing the size of the J-11 in his mouth compared to its full length the fish would be just shy of 25 inches long if that lure is 4 inches in length! sorry folks didnt really wanna comment on an old thread but figured i could let ya'll know the trick of comparing to a known object in the pic and P.S nice bucket! Matt!
  7. and yes i do own a dakota it is a pig on fuel and can be quite a problem to work on if you do your own repairs the canyon or colorado (chev/GMC) are much better for both reason a buddy of mine has one and is easy to work on and much much better on fuel!
  8. and if smart at 0% you would be better off to go month by month becasue if u can afford up front u can make some interest money off of the money in the bank at 0%
  9. yea very healthy doe i would guess the same on age maybe about 120 dressed out, fairly heavy lookin doe. dont know who would want a mug like mine in a mag but it may be worth a try! the elements were harsh but well worth it and yes one of the 2 tasted great already the other is breakfast.
  10. now why would i wanna do that? HAHA
  11. so as i had said leechman i was gonna have to self take photos! and i did it turned out to being a great time on the water, as i said in my report yesterday one of my favourite pike holes has a few walters in it as i found out yesterday. so rather than pack up at my usual 4- 415 when the pike stop biting i figured i'd tough it out till dark and try for an eye. at 34 below with wind i thought i was gonna freeze! so instead of hitting the 12-16 foot area i fish pike i moved out a bit and found a lil' over 20' i got set up and right away a hit a small perch i ended up with 7 of them all in the 10-13" range catching them on 2/0 wide gap hooks and 4-5" minnows. i ended up losing a nice pike in the 5-6 lbs range at the hole and caught 2 other small ones. just as the sun started to set one line slowly went down and sure enough a nice walter. at dark i figured i'd freeze the tips of my fingers off and pull my lines as i was pulling the second one up i got a hit and set the hook a second walter!!! so after letting all my fish go i catch two nice wallies and end up with a good feeed! to top it all off i saw a nice healthy doe in a back yard on the way to the lake and snapped a blurry photo. pretty cold as u can see the ice on the beard and the walter pics are in the tub thawing a bit so i can clean em it was too cold to take more pics on the ice and too dark
  12. the gear is in the truck and its warmin up as i type hope to have a few pics for ya as well gonna have to be self takes my buddies think its too cold after yesterday!!!
  13. it's already -21 here and -32 with the wind, i think i'm gonna have to use the hunting blind on the lake today!
  14. nice report and a gorgeous lookin' fish! keep em' comin
  15. speckle trout in the 12-18" range
  16. cant give that away this early in the season!
  17. good to see some of them still kickin round!
  18. i wouldnt wanna have it any other way wayne! this is a pic of my crew after a fire in algonquin park
  19. only ever done it once about a 17-19 incher and we have ling too!!! (burbot0 i believe great tasting!
  20. drop the hood and it would look like a little fender bender u could drive away from!
  21. you name man! i live near a lake that has LMB SMB walleye Pike Musky/hybrids lake trout the odd speckle trout atlantic salmon suckers whitefish smelt the occasional rainbow (very rare) catfish (brown bullhead) perch rock bass sunfish sturgeon and this is all in one lake there isnt much i cant catch around here within an hours drive and i'm only 3 hours to lake huron (manitoulin island) i am a lucky kid for sure hahah
  22. HAHAHAHA i ride a 1987 skidoo citation starts 1st pull with 2 primes!!!! everytime only 45 MPH sled but dependable light and has as much experience as me!
  23. yea we have been gettin similar type weather as dryden and its just a small eye about 13 inches but had to keep it to have a bite havnt had any since last winter!!!
  24. just a quick outline on paint but u can see where there are two black squares on the tunnell are at the back with my sled i drilled holes in these two spots so i can put the auger handle on the running board and the spiraled part of the auger out the back i also use a hand auger will never catch me with a gas jobby lol but use a small bungee to strap spiral part to back of sled it leaves two small clean looking holes in tunnell and when out jumping and running water and doing all the crazy stuff u have nothing attached to the sled like a box or a bracket of any sort. and the reason for no power auger is because i run 10-20 miles into little lakes to fish speckle trout and dont trust them always starting i also carry a thread together 3 pice chisle under the hood at all times just in case as well. good luck with w/e u decide to do
  25. i like to think i'm still a kid not much older than yourself! and definatley am a lucky kid! hahah
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