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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. Well, started out at 7:30 in the exact same spot as last week. Didn't mark to much on the the fish finder all morning but what we did mark were on the bite. By 830 we had both lost two and the action slowed down. Then around ten just when i was saying we should leave marked something got him to bit and landed a nice little white fish, not too minutes later my friend hooked and landed a small laker that we released.
  2. excellence!
  3. Yes, waiting for people sucks. I usually pick up my friends when were going out, and i tell them all the same thing. I'll be in your driveway at such a time if you aren't out in five minutes or i see no lights on i'm going with out ya.... Good job on the lake trout!
  4. Toolmaker, for an automotive prototyping company. Mostly developing car parts, and programming and running alot of CNC equipment. Yes it has been very slow for the past two years or so.....
  5. I'll most likely be heading out depends on the weather mostly if its going to be nice then i can take the little sleigh and i don't mind a far walk but if its going to be really cold i don't like fishing in the open.
  6. It'll take more than one day of +7 to make the ice on simcoe unsafe.
  7. Guns and ammo check couple large bags of rice and some canned goods in the basement check. Only thing i need now is some precious metals in physical form for when inflation starts going through the roof shortly from all of this money they're printing. Oh ya did i mention i'm a bit of a pessimist on the whole economy situation right now....lol
  8. Can always salvage a day with some good perch fishing on simcoe!
  9. Was too damn tired to get the photos off my camera and onto the comp last night and was busy watching a little football too. Anyhow decided to go with the short walk sunday and target some perch. Headed out at 7am and walked about a kilometer punched a hole turned on the fishfinder 18ft too shallow. Walked about another hundred yards punched another hole 24ft still a little too shallow for my liking in this particular spot. So about another hundred yards or so i was in 28ft and my friend and i had the hut all set up and we were ready to rock. Took about five minutes to get the first one but then it was on. After about 10am the action died down considerably and we only got the odd one. Anyhow ended up getting i would say 60-70 perch between the two of us with 20 nice keepers and 3 or 4 that were prime 12 or so inch spawners i figured should go back. All and all was a pretty good weekend on simcoe for me.
  10. I was in 104ft of water.
  11. Well decided i'd give it a try this morning for some lake trout but was mostly hoping for my first whitie this season. Got the truck parked and gear together left at seven and had one hell of a walk pulling the portable. After nearly having multiple heart attacks from the tough walk i had arrived at where i wanted to be and had my first line down by 8:15. Not two minutes later after i was getting the hut set up and heater going the still line with a minnow on goes off. Landed a three pound laker and i though to myself maybe this was going to be a good day. Anyways marked alot of fish and had alot of fish follow my spoons around but no more takers. So i decided to try the old white tube jig. THe fish seemed to show alot more interest in the tube, and i finally coaxed one into biting. Landed about a four pound laker. Ended up missing one more on the tube and one more on the plain minnow outside. Didn't end up with any whitefish, but didn't get skunked so the walk was worth it. Gonna head out in the morning and search for some jumbo perch.
  12. Good work, you really seem to have those lakers dialed in. I was out on simcoe this morning also marked a ton of fish with a alot of followers but i only managed two lakers.
  13. I have had my best luck this year from 20-35ft of water. I always use one ultra light with 4lb test size eight or so red hook and minnow, with two small splitshot, and one the other line i'll jig with a small spoon or badboy type lure. As already mentioned if you arent catching move and keep moving till you find em.
  14. Nice work hard work and moving around alot pays off, and i know how you feel about the sore shoulders from the hand auger....
  15. Not that i've had alot of luck with lakers on simcoe, but my best luck has come on a blue/silver little cleo tipped with a small minnow jigged right on bottom. After that i'd go with the williams.
  16. Headed out yesterday morning by myself couldn't convince anyone to come out with me, what do i expcect when its supposed to only reach a hight of -18 for the day. Had good intention to head out to the laker/whitie grounds but after dragging the hut for a few minutes i decided i'd cut the walk short and try in shallower for some perch. Started in 40 fow and didn't mark a thing. Moved about 100 yards and punched a few holes ended up being 28 fow. Caught a few small perch right away so i set the hut up and continued fishing. Small schools moved in and out all morning. The action was pretty slow but every fifteen twenty minutes i would hit a few perch. I was not dissapointed though because quality definatly made up for quantity. Ended up catching about 30 - 40 perch and kept 17. Ten of the perch i caught were 12"+ and i caught one monster that had to be 14" released her quickly to hopefully spawn in the spring and make some more jumbo perch! Headed back out to the same spot this morning. Didn't catch quite as many as yesterday but the size was definatly still there.
  17. I was out last friday and saturday from gilford. Did pretty well on friday probably caught atleast fifty from day break till 11:30 nothing huge but kept 22 between 8-10 inches. Saturday went back out to the same spot with no luck first thing, had to move around alot after trying about 8 spots settled in 24 fow and got into some decent action fished until 10 and ended up catching around 30 fish and ended up keeping ten. I think i'll hit innisfil park this weekend for some perch and hopefully a rogue whitefish...lol
  18. Thats the thing with sleds most people drive them all winter, and park em in the spring with no maintenance what so ever start them up in the fall and sure it runs great no need to check anything. Then you're on the middle of the lake and it breaks down. Just be glad atleast you got it looked at before you went out on it and got stranded....
  19. Perch, Walleye, and smoked rainbow for me for sure. I'll eat pretty much any species though, if fresh that is...
  20. Over 500,000 jobs lost in the states last month plus who knows how many lost here in canada means a whole lot less people driving to work....
  21. Two weeks ago i went down to my favourite hole to burn a few hours. Got there nada no good completly frozen over no other good spots open either. Tried a few drifts under the ice with no luck, time to dust off the ice fishing gear.
  22. I seem to have my best luck on just a plain small red hook with a shiner hooker lightly through the back with a few small splitshot roughly 12 inches up the line.
  23. Shes icing up pretty good right now, might give it a try this afternoon out of boredom...lol
  24. Well, i coaxed the old man into going out for an hour this morning, even though he called me at quarter after six complaining that it was raining heavily and blah blah blah... I didn't know what to expect with the rain we got last night, but the river was only up about a foot and the water was only a little dirty. As soon as we walked down to the hole i frequent we seen a few jumping around. So it was a good thing i brought my dad out cause he went 2/2 and got a pretty nice workout on the one nice seven pounder. I ended up getting one little one no bigger than 2 pounds. I guess it pays to be out in the rain!
  25. Right on man! Heading up to the french Tomorrow morning for the whole week for deer/moose hunting as well. Couldn't sleep hardly last night too excited. Hopefully the weather is decent and i can get out in the boat for a little walleye fishing too. Good luck!
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