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Everything posted by camillj

  1. 346 views .... Does anyone at least know where lake Rosseau is ???? :D
  2. Yes .. sorry to digress Gerritt ... mine works just fine in a small hut (and the only difference is I can also use it in a golf cart (but its the same unit essentially and works fine to keep the portable toasty ... doesnt burn gas too fast either
  3. Thats AWESOME doug ... but I gotta admit .. I missed the link the first three time I saw your post
  4. Thanks Wayne I am pretty sure we have a few 'locals' from that area ... just gotta keep this up near the top till one of them logs in I guess Either that or tip toe out a couple miles until I find the weak spots then work my way back
  5. I'd look for a dead birch along the shorline ... dont ask me why ...but the hottest spots always seem to be right out from a dead birch stump Then I'd eat the chocolate bar that would be stashed in my pocket and try to figure out how on earth I am gona fish without a hook or bait Time to start trackin and setting snares
  6. Ya know ... I am gonna keep bumping until someone responds
  7. Mine is called a 'golf cat' ... it has a cup shaped base that happen to fit exactly in a cupholder of a golf cart ... how cool is that ... I only ever use it Ice fishing though .. and works fine inside the hut ... does little good outside ... not enough 'kick'
  8. Personally I always go for the higher ratios ... for me its easier (and more important) to do a speedy retrieve ... as for power... my approach to fighting the big girls may be a little different (as a steelheader who normally has line much lighter than the fish I am fighting) ... but I almost NEVER use the crank for power ... I use the rod (flex) to manage the fish ... the handle is for ensuring that the line is always kept taught ... the rod is used to advance the fish to the boat/shore ... and when the fish is running (the drag does the work there) ... I never turn the handle ... in fact I normally dont have a hand on the handle except when there is line to be retrieved... and if a big fish is swimming towards you it is even more important to be able to 'keep up' with her ... Of course the 'pin' float or flyreel approach for steelheading will debunk my ratio argument ... but the rod still does most if not all of the work
  9. heh .. I think I am good for about 1% of that
  10. Wow ... has nobody ventured out on (or near) the ice at Lake Rosseau yet ? .... (145 views ... no replies *** runs to bathroom to check for signs of bad breath or body odour ***)
  11. They will still keep ya warm ... just dont ASSUME they will keep ya afloat ... and dont take chances so you will never need to find out
  12. Just a safety note ... if I am not mistaken the mustangs have a 'life' as far as flotation goes ... around 5 years I believe ... be real careful .. cause a survival suit that doesnt float .. becomes an anchor .... A buddy of mine tested his and sank STRAIGHT to the bottom .... it was a good thing this was summer-time in shallow water (read the instructions/labels)
  13. I am heading up for a boyz weekend next friday ... just wondering if anyone can give me an update (safety focussed) on the ice conditions along the west shores/bays (from port sandfield to minett) Thanks in advance ... I know there alot of areas on Rosseau that are NEVER safe because of the current ... but any locals probably know exactly where I mean
  14. Great report ... wow ... them there are some NICE lakers !
  15. Wow .. we are too tightly wound ... obvoiusly not enough ice time yet I saw the pic... and actually I was trying to figure it out (peanut shells makes sense now) .. but I actually thought ... hey what a clever idea .. take some wood shavings out there to get better traction inside the hut (it normally gets pretty slippery in mine after a hard weekend of jiggin) .. and more than once I've twisted a knee sliding for a hookset ... I actually already have some woodchips to take with me for the next trip
  16. Yep ... I normally arrive at 4:00 pm to be set up for last hour of daylight ... if the bite is good I have seen another feeding time around 11:00 - midnght (after most have packed it in but it can get dodgy ut there cause the late night sled crew are racing around without nearly enough care for the 'pedestrian' make sure you always have a lantern and better yet reflective tape on your back .. they come up on ya at pretty high speeds.... had a few good nights after 11 pm time frame... first light is harder cause you really have to be set up an hour before first light to 'catch' the feeding window (and its quite short)... rest of the day IMHO is just a nice day on the ice Try out by Goreski's (near the marker bouys) .. out the north end of the island ... over in front of Cesarea (or look for the 'village') .. the guys are pretty quick to move their huts to the producing areas ... and its hard to hide
  17. Must be chillllly down there ... Glen has his shirt on again ... guess thats kinda like a mississipi survival suit
  18. Atta boy ! Scott sure knows where they live ... I think I recognized that strecth of snow
  19. Goood news ! Just as an aside ... the laws of physics kick in ... a hot substance cools much faster than a cold one .. which is why you should always use HOT water in your ice trays ... kind of a momentum thing ... but the delta in the temp dictates the rate of change of temperature . counterintuative but true
  20. Depends on your point of reference ... in Southern Ontario Rainbow = Steelhead (in name if not definition) ... sorta like pickeral = walleye Course its always open for debate
  21. Scarey stuff ! ... glad nobody was hurt !
  22. Also ... be watchful ... it may already be burst ... but frozen ... the 'real problem' may not show itself until it starts to melt I would ge ready to shut off the main ... Anyhow ... is the hot water working anywhere else in the house ... sometimes this is a 'filled' hot water heater - youd be amazed how much rust settles in the hot water tank until ... eventually it just stops flowing ... in some climates this can happen as quickly as every ten years or so. Anyhow good luck bud.
  23. Charlied, Two points to consider ... 1) Alot of virus' live for a long time under very adverse conditions ... like extreme heat and dryness arent enough to kill some ... so just becuase the fish is dead and salted doesnt mean its safe 2) Be careful .. I read somewhere that salted minnows arent allowed in Simcoe (and perhaps elsewhere)
  24. Cant believe nobody mentioned Rockin Ronnie Hawkins... who has been a Canadian music legend and helped many a budding Canadian Artist Another one I woulda thought would have made the bill was Moody Blues Personally my music tastes have been pretty varied ... in fact almost every song takes me back to a very specific period in my life ... nowadays I enjoy just about everything from the seventies and eighties ... except the real heavy metal ... no punk (ok a little here and there ... but definitely no rap) Depending on the nature of the stimulant ... my age at the time and the time of day ... and of course the all important ... who I was with at the time ... but definitely it consisted of mostly classic rock ... alternative rock... some pop ... ok a little disco in there (when I was young) and some 'out there' mood (a personal fav was Manheim Steamroller - even though all their albums were called Fresh Aire) Funny thing .. I have noticed that as I get older how much more I enjoy the classical music too ... wierd but true... So anyways ...In no particular order these are albums that would get played with some regularity ... Beatles Alan Parsons AC/DC Led Zepellin Eric Clapton (especially unplugged) Pink Floyd RUSH Queen Elton John (Im not proud of it ... but its true) Men Without Hats Wings Brian Adams Jefferson Airplane Laurie Anderson (under special circumstances) Stones (in very small doses) Carpenters (when in an elevator or absolutely sure nobody is watching) Christopher Cross (driving) Phil Collins (and Genesis) Meatloaf When I get north of Barrie or south of Virginia, east of Port Perry or West of Milton (or in the shower or anywhere near a campfire): Stompin Tom Gordon Lightfoot Toby Keith Tom Petty Rockin Ronnie Hawkins Don Maclean Cat Stevens Harry Chapin and my all time favourite .. most under-rated Canadian duet ...banned in most provinces ... the two gross guys from Glace Bay Nova Scotia ..... (Gary and Blair) Maclean and Maclean !!!! Wow I guess I really need to get on that Ipod band-wagon ....
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