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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Awesome report and pics frozen-fire Great to see Mike back on the shoreline and in action Thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Tried to vote a second time at work and didn't work..... but got another vote in at home Good luck Jet!!! Leechman
  3. Wow Corvy!!! Not many hits but quality fish for sure Great job you two and thanks for sharing Jacques
  4. I think you should sell the pin and concentrate on chucking hardware with the spinning setup Awesome looking browns johnnyb Congrats Leechman
  5. Great report and pics johnnyb At least one of you was paying attention joking Sounds like a fun time.... except for the wind Congrats to Bice on those beauties Thanks for sharing your time on the water!!! Leechman
  6. Good luck on your fishing quest COPPER Looking forward to those reports Leechman
  7. Looks nice your way Lew..... over in the valley it's just pouring right now Check the little video I just made <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2FMOV04473.mp4"> Leechman
  8. Thanks for sharing those pics l2p Always a nice surprise to catch a tag fish Congrats Leechman
  9. Love the colors on those browns and they sure are pretty to look at Excellent report and pics Aaron!!! Thanks for sharing your time on the water Leechman
  10. Your sister in law has amazing skills Joey Congrats to her Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Yeah hey.... get a grip on the hat already Thanks for sharing those pics fishnsled Sounds like a great time Leechman
  12. Great report and pics Joey Sweet reward for your efforts considering mother nature's nasty sense of humour Doesn't get any better than that Thanks for sharing your time on the water!!! Leechman
  13. Leecher


    Yeah you can say that again What's going on with the site?? or should I say with the hosting service provider?
  14. I love the way you worded your reply lol Thanks Paul!!! Thanks GoneFishin!!! much appreciated Thanks splash!!! The slip float rigs are very easy and cheap to make.... You'll need small hooks, pill size floats, plastic beads and mono or fluro lead depending on the species of fish you are targeting The ones I made are for brookies so 36" 10LBS mono lead is all I require for them little gems Thanks Simon!!! just fill in the form and mail it back to me Thanks corvy!!! Thanks Chris!!! Thanks Terry!!! can't wait to try them Thanks Rod Caster!!! No, I haven't received any calls from BPS yet Yes the chartreuse tiger pattern is the ones I will be using first next year
  15. Great introduction and first post Mike Welcome to OFC Of all the pics you posted.... this one stands out from all the rest What a gorgeous fish Congrats on a phenomenal year Take a bow.... you deserve it!!! Leechman
  16. Wow Terry You guys sure struck some great looking gold Congrats on your PB a true hog Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. After looking at brandon's post about the Bondy Baits shoot, was inspired in displaying the ones I built this weekend from Luremaking.com I know you've seen them but wanted to get a group shot of them all Confidence goes a long way when firing the first cast into the water and I always use the same baits where ever I go.... I don't know why I have so many different lures in my tackle box cause some never get use and some get overuse.... here's my confident collection I made.... from cranks, spinnerbaits and slip float rigs.... enjoy! What's your go to lures when fishing?? Leechman
  18. Nice chrome Chris Always good to fall on plan B lure wise Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Very true B very true
  20. That's too easy for you Brian Just playing ya Don't feel bad about it Splash.... you did not know since you are not a hunter.... you guys in Ontario are so lucky to be able to harvest road kill and lost animals.... over in la belle province it goes to soup kitchen and can't claim it That's a 10 - 11 pointer from what I can see in the pic.... lots of good eats in that animal for the freezer for sure Too bad the yotes will have first dig Just remember what you are allowed to do next time you have an encounter with a dead deer in the bush. Leechman
  21. WOW Drew.... what a great season you had Never seen the bunkster holding so many bass Looks like you adapted well to your new environment Thanks for sharing the pics from the vault!!! Good luck on the hard stuff Leechman
  22. Solid report and great intro zdan That 7lbs 10oz bronze is one hell of a big fish Congrats and welcome to OFC! Leechman
  23. That's incredible Adrenaline to the MAX Thanks for sharing Tracker Leechman
  24. Great job with the site Mike I love the way you have it layed out Those baits of yours look awesome I like the Double 8 Midnight Mojo Good luck to you! Leechman
  25. Nice work Brandon Which one of the baits (color pattern) got you your first muskie? Leechman
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