Every year my daughter competes in the YBC 4 Step to Stardom in a 4 player team or single for the nationals at the provincial tournament and every year she comes close (second or third place) but not enough to make it, but yesterday was another story The team played great and took the gold for the win
I had good vibes about the team synergy and their performance from previous tournament games leading to the provincial finals and I couldn't be any prouder of them for their quest and commitment they showed. After the first game, they had a deficit of 43 pins behind the lead but in their next 3, took over the lead (they had 100+ plus pins after the third) and did not look back
Me, my wife and the other parents were their cheering fans and let me tell you, my ears are still buzzing from all the noise. We put in a 12 hour shift but it was all worth it
It took Mélissa 7 years to achieve her goal and now is going out West in Saskatchewan to compete against the other province best team
The medal ceremony was quite emotional for me and felt real good seeing them on the middle step of the podium Proudest dad in the universe if you ask me
Here are Québec's gold medalist and representative at the Nationals in Saskatchewan My daughter is the one on the far right Love you my little princess "insert hugs and kisses emotion here"
Hope you enjoy