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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Richard, the link doesn't work for me... It's asking for a username and password
  2. OK, what have you done...
  3. How bout "You Called" Nice work Terrence
  4. Thank you guys for sharing your stories It's a real treat for me to read and enjoy all of them We all have our glory moments in life and this is no exception, every one of those stories is unique and brought a huge smile on my face Keep'em coming
  5. You bet!!! Thanks Vince
  6. Lew, I can only imagine what you have gone through loosing your only son and by what you have posted here, know that he has a special place in your heart. My family and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers tonight Jacques
  7. Wow Bruce... the first pic hurts me looking at it Glad that your friend is home and resting Wish him a speedy recovery. Jacques
  8. No I haven't Skipper... even if I try, don't think I can make a clean cut like that LOL and now it's got 15Lbs powerpro around it Right on dude
  9. It sure is skeet... but these are unique and not found in any store why I made the repair lol
  10. Well first and foremost, I’d like to apologize to those that were offended by the words I posted in my last thread I’m truly sorry Not intentional but got caught up in the moment at the time of posting Of all the years I’ve been fishing, 2008 and 2009 were my most productive years to date To start, 2008 was the year of abundance… the year, where I was out fishing every weekend, rain or shine or snow and got into a multitude of different species of fish…. it was absolutely phenomenal!!! The long hours spent on soft & hard water, was time well spent amongst friends 2009 was the year of quality, not as much time spent on soft & hard water, but nonetheless, some great moments that I soon not forget. I’ve made a couple of videos of those two years to share… I know you’ve seen most of them but I’m proud of what we, the amigos have accomplished I’d like to know your story, so please, go ahead and post away!!! Leechman p.s. Forgot to say that 2008 video the pics go by real fast since there's so many <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf"'>http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FBestof2008-AmigosFishing.mp4"> <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FBestof2009-AmigosFishing.mp4">
  11. That was excellent Cliff Sydney sure got a great voice Great job you two Thanks for sharing!!! Jacques
  12. That's terrible news Bruce. Hope your friend get's well soon. As awfull as it was, dog's are resilient and they bounce back in no time. I've had this happen to my pooch in my driveway and he was fine right after.... a little shaken from the ordeal but jumping like it never happened.
  13. Thanks mon chum
  14. Thanks Blair!!! I'll be keeping a close eye on that
  15. Should I say the word or just buy a dozen minnows
  16. That really sucks big time especially being so close to the holiday season. Leechman
  17. Interesting Shawn... Thanks for the reply So from what your saying, you do this recipe often during softwater season
  18. I find that the thickest gloves I wear, the colder my hands becomes because I sweat... The only gloves that I feel comfortable and warm (and as sealy as it may sound) is a pair of cross country gloves like the ones shown below: Cross Country Gloves Affordable, not bulky and warm for the cold winter days out there Leechman
  19. So what you're telling me, Gorilla glue is the way to go.... OK, I'm good with that Thanks Tybo
  20. I didn't want to hijack the thread but something similar to this structure would be strong enough I believe
  21. Man you got this down to a science Great job BCLT You feed them carps real good!!! Thanks for sharing your recipe P.S. Question: How long would this batch last you? Leechman
  22. Nice work Bob
  23. I used Lepage carpenters glue to bind both pieces together DOH Make up your mind eh?? It's black & white Shane, I'm usually careful handling them and never had any broke on me but this time it slip my grip.... ah well it's all good now, I've just finished repairing it... as good as new ***** UPDATE Repaired and as good as new ***** I got to it this morning and decided to glue both pieces together with carpenters glue.... gave it a couple of hours to dry. Then I tried the cheese cloth wrap around approach but didn't work as expected so decided to use braid like Art had suggested But before I could tie the braid on, created 4 little notches so that the braid would fit in and not slip. Then I tied on using a Uni knot, cut the tag ends and applied 2 coats of glue to secure it. Then applied a coat of paint to hide as much as possible the braid and then a coat of varnish for protection Results.... AS GOOD AS NEW Here's a couple of pics Closer look.... you can actually see the braid here in white Thanks again to everyone for all the suggestions... I'm ready to go fishing and happy
  24. Genius idea in having a gap in the middle for drilling holes I like that Now for the walls... I'd got light, 2" x 2" for framing should do... but that's just me Great job you two Can't wait to see the final project. Jacques
  25. Thanks Joe Paul, the wood is pine and very dry since I build those tipups a couple of years ago, so nails are not an option... just afraid it would split if I insert nails even pre drilling holes... but here's what I'm going to do and think it's going to work just fine: Glue both pieces together and clamp it down, let it dry.... then dip a strip of cheese cloth (about 1/4" wide) in glue and wrap it around and let it dry... then apply a thin coat of apoxy, sand and re paint I think that might just work fine. Thanks again everyone for your input, much appreciated
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