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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. I bet he's hooked now... Nice gator Congrats to him
  2. 6 inches... you're good to go then Mine's just a Walmart special but works just fine for me Thanks Mike!!! Love this statement "...I like FISH WITH TEETH" I like'em too Nice gear Boss!!!
  3. Sure dude... going out tomorrow morning... want to join? Leechman
  4. That's awesome of these guys to help her get to shore Thanks for sharing the video Lota!!! Leechman
  5. Lots of quality fish in that report Congrats on a great year Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Ah I see... thanks for the info Dave Must be frustrating at times to fight a fish a long time, only to see it spit the hook at the very last moment
  7. Murphy's law eh Wayne I never change mine either Only reason I change is because I'm targeting speckles and you probably notice that my regular tipups aren't part of my arsenal... that 30# dacron is just too heavy for them little beauties Good luck out there Wayne!!! Mike, I know you're a musky fisherman on soft water but what species of fish do you target on hard water? Funny you mention the lawn mower cause before Christmas, I was in the same weather you were Now it's all white and it's frigging cold -16C with windshield -25C
  8. Hey Dave... I think you should stick with pike I saw your other report and those were nice gators At least you have safe ice Question: Are you stuck using barbless hook in the north west territories? No obvious reason I ask, just curious?
  9. Looks like a spud that's frozen in
  10. That's awesome Simon Can't go wrong for the price and goes real well with the rod I put it on Can't wait to try it
  11. Looking good lovetofish Keep up the good work
  12. That's just great Joey I'm glad I read through the thread cause trifle, didn't know what it was Looks delish Sounds like you and your sister had an awesome time and your little friends
  13. Awesome Frankie Sounds like you're ready to go Good luck to you when you're able to go
  14. You bet Terry I just can't wait My daughter suppose to join me but that snow and wind needs to calm down a bit I'm just being a little picky this year, that's all
  15. Just come on up and will go for specks on ice
  16. You were thinking anchovies eh No such thing my friend... them beauts are to be slice in halves and put out for trout bait Wish you the best of luck on the hard stuff B Thanks Chad!!! I heard in the grape vines that the back lake I'm targeting is safe to walk on about time Glad you liked them and wish you the best on the hard stuff I'm as ready as you are my friend Sux about no ice in your area but it won't be long now... Patience for you.... but heard that there was some walkable ice a few hours from home Salties are in the freezer and ready to go Just need mother nature to cooperate weather wise
  17. It certainly is Rich!!!
  18. We've got about the same up here Brian... since Christmas eve, it was all green... but now, 7" - 8"s of the white stuff and it keeps on coming down!!! Good luck to you on the hard stuff Jacques
  19. Speckle trout season up here ends late September and doesn't open until late April... but this year a few local known lakes are open from late December to March 31st those are put & take lakes (stock) The past couple of days been prepping the ice gear for an up coming hunt and I just can't wait Had to change line in the reels and tie up some leaders with the smallest hooks to accommodate the bait I'll be offering It's been quite some time since I've targeted them on ice and to tell you the truth, I'm pumped to the max Yesterday went to CTC to get wiper blades for the car but they didn't have any because it's a 2011 so I proceeded to the fishing aisle since I had a gift card Well didn't take long to spot what I thought was a well deserve purchase My new reel... Quantum Optix ICE! Nice little reel Compliments my extra rod I had Today went to the dépanneur to get minnows (I know... only in Québec will you ever find minnows ) can't go fishing with live bait up here so this dozen will end up in a bath of pickling salt and then thrown into the freezer but the best part is, I've been purchasing minnows from this place a lot, every ice season and the owner always gives me a little extra so this dozen turns out to be almost double bonus... for $6.00 can't go wrong Here's the rest of my arsenal... Rods... notice the last two, those are my favourites, they have aluminum strike indicators on the ends Tackle Artificial power baits The bucket for hauling Since Christmas eve, we've had a lot of snow fallen... unexpected all of a sudden But hey, when it clears up... I'm gone fishing So what about you... are you ready?? Leechman
  20. I'm glad to hear the news Chris and don't worry about the reports... you get well first
  21. Wow Terry you've hit the jackpot on the slabs Nice haul
  22. We sure did Corvy!!! We do this the odd years and it's fun for the whole family As we past Mont Tremblant on the highway, you could see the white clouds at the top the snow canons were making She sure is Tony!!! You bet Drew!!! Paradise on earth
  23. Just thought I'd share my family's Christmas gathering, but first, let me extend my best wishes to all for the holiday season Every year my sister, brother and I meet around thanks giving to decide who will be hosting, to set a date and plan ahead... we all know that it's not easy since we all have to split our time to see both side of our own families and this year, my sister decided that she would be hosting. She rented a cottage and invited us over for Christmas eve dinner and a sleep over Guess what was on the menu??? Yep!!! deer bourgignon with brussel sprouts and mash sweet patatoes and garden salad Destination, Blueberry Lake Resort in Labelle QC, just 30 some kilometres past Mont Tremblant... Paradise on earth if you ask me I was anxious to see what was waiting ahead, the plan was for my brother to pickup my mom and meet us at my house, then leave on our journey... 2h 30 minutes later we got to destination... up there the scenery was all white, a beautiful place The cottage, well I shouldn't say that, more like a mansion if you ask me... I'll let the pics do the talking Here is the kitchen as we got in Dinning room Me and mom Closer shot Looking at the cathedral ceiling, front view Gifts Fire place and decorations My sister up above on the second floor Shots from above Brother in law waving down below Mélissa and her cousins snacking One of the 3 washrooms One of the 4 bedrooms Basement, entertainment room with pool table, lots of shots Needless to say, that area is enormous Now the hot tub.... outside My brother and Mélissa Mélissa Couple more The next morning it was snowing when I got up and took a few shots from the side porch The lake Front porch view Did not manage to get shots from the outside main entrance but you can always go to the following link to see Blueberry Lake Resort All in all was a great time The trip back home took 3h 30 mintues due to a snow storm and the roads were slippery. Once arrived we had to prepare for another gathering at my sister in law for Christmas dinner. All this to say that this is a moment in life that we soon not forget Again best wishes to all for the holiday season Tight lines Leechman
  24. That's EXCELLENT Bruce Good on you
  25. Chad, when I'm not using frozen minnows (salties), I always tip any of the lures I use with Gulp fish fry... chartreuse or white works great for perch and walleye
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