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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. A personal choice for me..... I seem to catch more eyes on mono then braid. Leechman
  2. I beleive Arctic Char is missing from that list
  3. Happy Birthday mon chum!!! Have yourself a super day
  4. Great report and pics Musky or Specks Loved the action shot!!! Congrats to your son on his PB A real beauty Leechman
  5. If I was you, I'd use 10Lbs Trilene XL mono for eyes and not braid..... but that just me Leechman
  6. You guys sure got into quality smallies for sure Great job to all involved and thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Right on splashhopper Congrats on your PB That is a fat smallie for sure Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Great report and pics Joey The smile on your dad's face says it all Those are the moments that you will cherish for ever. Thanks for sharing your special day with us Leechman
  9. Great report and pics Cliff Looks like you guys had fun out there!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. WOW Mike!!! such a beautiful place you got to spend the day.... You certainly got them carps dialed in Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Excellent report and pics Mike One word "EPIC" Congrats to all involved!!! Leechman
  12. Beauties Steve
  13. Sounds like fun.... Got to love the sudden action Great job icefisherman and thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. Don't know how deep the pond is but if you have a depth finder, try and locate underwater humps and work the drop offs with crankbaits. My preferred one is a white BigO. You can also work senkos around stumps and weed lines or like GCD said "live bait" Good luck to you!!! Leechman
  15. Great report and pics splashhopper Got to love top water action!!! Some good lookin bassin you got into Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Right on Bruce Got to love those mid day diversions!!! Good job.... Keep it up and thanks for sharing Jacques
  17. Thanks F to the Is-H!!! That buck came onto the dirt road 400 yards away from me and made it's way at 60 yards and stopped to look behind him, that is when I raised the scope about half an inch and pulled the drigger for the kill in the neck. It was the only target I had from my position in the tree stand because he was facing me. He never even saw or smelled me.... Dropped him right in his tracks on the side of the road.... Biggest buck harvested for me and easiest to put on the truck tail gate Here is a picture from my tree stand.... Looking at the dirt road, the fartest you can see is where he came onto it and started walking toward me in no hurry..... this is when I grabbed my 303, took the safety off and waited patiently in front of the jimmy there's a hump and below the hump is where he stopped and look behind him
  18. Thanks Simon and Welcome back!!! Yes I still like the last tip-ups I made.... they are well balanced and light. How was your trip to France btw?? Wouldn't mind seeing a report of your trip I use Windows Movie Maker that comes with XP SP2. Thanks Dusky!!! Thanks Will!!! Thanks ehg!!! Yes the other 2 amigos caught monster specks but did not have the pics on my camera.... that is why they are not in this slideshow.
  19. Right on Mike Looks like you had a great season so far!!! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing Jacques
  20. A real beauty fil Congrats to Rob Leechman
  21. Excactly!!!
  22. This topic surfaces every now and again and imo don't think a vertical or horizontal hold has any fatal impact on any fish that are being caught. The handling part / time out of the water will determine it's faith. The more time it takes to return it to it's environment the less chance it has at surviving. Any fish, big or small will loose a lot of energy fighting to free itself from the hooks that are lodge into it's mouth, so the faster you can get them to the boat the better.... A net will play a crucial role for the handling part.... if you have a livewell, you can use it too.... put it in there and leave the pump running to create oxygen so that it regains it's strength until you release it. So that being said, for me and this is just my opinion the holding part is no concern. The quicker you land and release the fish, the better it's survival. Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Kevin Man those are some nice fat smallies Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Thanks Chris for the report!!! Congratulations to Bruce and TJ Leechman
  25. Great report Dan That's the type of days.... being in the boat, amongst friend, having fun, just doesn't get any better than that Catching fish is bonus!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
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