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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Our whole North American standard of living is gone, globalization does not mean our companies are gone but we will fall under the globalized standard of living 10% rich 10% middle class 80% dirt poor thats how the world standard will happen. I mean our companies , our government has promoted us into globilization and many of us made big $$$$$$$ doing it but our standard of living will soon be gone and most of our population like others will be in poverty! This is how globilization will eventually affect your children and there children, we will soon be like china and other asian countries 80% of the population below the poverty line, come on dudes wipe the unions out wipe whats left of a decent standard of living for Canadians, bring on more globalization........I don't mind eating rice 10 times a week
  2. Sweet year my friend congrats to you and the group, personally I havn't hunted in 4 yrs although I still keep my liscence and such up to date those pics have got my blood boiling, living here in niagara it's a tough go for hunters unless you have friends with property all my old hunting spots are golf courses or houses now. It's realy sweet to see others still enjoying the great fall sport of getting some meat for the table, those moose are perfect eaters again congrats on having a great season
  3. That fish is infectted with a virus, I' ve seen that in all great lakes walleye, in fact Erie fish it's common, it has nothing to do with the quality of meat for eating purposes but the virus is in the great lake population of walleye. It may not look nice to those harvesting fish for the table it is no threat to humans these viruses have been in the population for 1000's of years and in noway are a judge of the health of the population, or the quality of the catch for hunan consumption. In other words don't worry about Quinte eyes they still taste great and trust me if something is going to kill me ODing on quinte walleye is a sweet way to go
  4. I'm in for another derby next month guys, gotta get my boater dudes to go along but I'm sure they'll be game the fish'in just will get better on the niagara! Great fun with a great a bunch of anglers and a chance to get some $$$$$ what else can you ask for
  5. Shoulda hit them today Jack, Congrats again on that sweet brown you got Saturday, Sunday morning I got one that woulda challenged the Rainbow hahahaha!!! Thats the way it goes but the ole girl did offer me some sweet roe .. anyway I had a great time fishing the Derby and hopfully I'll be around for the next it was a sweet event, Thankyou to you and Cliffy for all your hard work class act show and a great event
  6. Nice!!!!!! I fished the Niagara on Sat from a boat a nailed 2 sweet bows and 2 lakers the ole Niagara is starting to heat up as the weather gets colder .......I got a brownie and and a bow today from port d but that bite is definitly slowing down and it's a zoo fishing that area
  7. Shouldn't the hillbillies be about done with Bronte now that the cold weather has arrived, I know I fished it a few times from mid Dec to the end Dec 31 and it was a sweet stream lotsa bows nice pools and I met some good steelheaders down there. I can't really comment on it much, but if you choose the right day and the right people to fish with it can be a sweetheart of a river
  8. Your right dude the whole thing is way outa of hand, if you come up this winter and see me on the bike don't be afraid to say hello!! Lottsa of steel in the winter in the harbour but streamers seem to be the answer then, give the dude a shout I tie my own and know what colours are work'in
  9. Great post, I knew I'd learn somthing off this site!! That is the all time greatest post I've gott'in off the internet dude I'm definitly going try that technique......Thankyou
  10. Take me out and let me run your boat for the day dude, I'll set you up with lotsa trouties and we'll never bother a shore fisher all day, I know that harbour and don't worry the dude will catch fish! When the fish are up tight in the fast drift leave your boat on the trailer dude, you may be chuckling but I know the fish down there, I know what freaking runs there sitting in, I can call fish if I hit the right spot on the drift so don't freaking laugh dude, I fish that harbour 12 months a year, I know every drift in there hahahahahahah
  11. Fish'in fredie, I'm the dude or Johnny nice pic brother I hope to see you drifting soon, ya I'm the ugly guy that rides the bike, in the grey coat in the pic!! Looking good freedie hahahahahahaha
  12. We are shore trash, but thats because unfortunatly we don't have a boat, sorry for my comments before dude but I can set you up on a pile of trouties and you will not have to put up with any shore dudes. PM the dude I'll set you guy's up on a few drifts
  13. Dude it's not that wide a harbour, why bring the boat in there ??? if you want to fish the drift do it from shore, if you fish from the boat do it in the lower sections away from the shore anglers, if you want to fish the upper come fish on shore an drift!! It 's not nuclear science here dude if you want to fish the upper drifts leave the boat on the trailer if you want to boat fish, fish the areas the shore dudes can't reach!!!!! But don't run your drift through 35 shore guys or there going to get ticked, don't you get it!!!
  14. Thats why we fish Port D, nice steelie dan
  15. I totally agree with you, some how a fresh chrome steelie or brownie brings out the most of the angler comunity, but in there defence I fished walleye, Bass, Muskie and all other sportfish but once I started steelheading the other species come a close second.hahahah !! I mean I go out on erie and get 6lb smallies and they still don't give me the thrill of getting a 3lb steelie fresh run, I guess I'm a trouter now, steelhead fishing is a disease and I love it! Perhaps it's there look or there crap not to bite but what ever it is once you start steelheading you get adicticted quick, it's like crack to fishing hahahahah
  16. I know what your saying dude , but hey if any of you dudes need some advice down at Port D ,hit me up , I'm the dude riding the bicycle you can't miss me, I'll set you up with leader length and weight for the right bounce imformarion is FREE dudes just ask
  17. Well dude I'll tell you it's because we catch lots of fish, it may look like a zoo and it is at times but some of us don't have $30,000 boats so this the chance to access the fishery!!! We all catch our trouties and the more people that show up INMO shows the government how important this fishery is!!!!!If we didn't get the crowds and such the MNR will have no idea how important the stocking program of the great lakes is!! I like seeing the out of towners coming to fish our resource, it brings in business to the local tackle shop and such and perhaps may put Port D as one of the great troutie destinations on the map, at least thats the goal for me, so I don't mind the crowds in fact I like it, it shows the MNR the potential of our area!!!
  18. the posse did not only comment on this behavior we got the MNR down there to lay a few thousand $$$ in charges, and stop the rappage of our smallmouth fishery. We are a small group of local anglers but we do not in anway put up with overharvesting and rapage of our fishing hole!! Our efforts have lead to increase MNR presence and the protection from the white bucket brigade, in noway do we encourage vistors or anyone not to harvest a few fish for a meal but we don't want to see our fishery raped! As for me I encourage people to come down and enjoy what our fishery has to offer it's good for business and it's good for the community. I will say that at times we will be very vocal and will watch anglers if they abuse limits and such and you wil be reported, like I said before catch your limit but limit your catch
  19. Hey dudes if you think it's a zoo at Port D stay away, that gives me more room hahahaha, but hey it's not that bad I've fished in crowds for trouties on every freaking trib in Ontario and Port D is no different, I' ve seen a dude get his leg broken, down at Queenston(NIAGARA) over fishing a drift and I see shore guys pelt boats with bb's outa sling shot for fishing to close , now thats ridiculous. To be honest if your from outa town and ignorant to the drift just ask one of us regulars, we're more then happy to show you the set-up the right weight to drift to get the proper bounce and so on. We are not evil people but the only we ask is catch your limit but limit your catch, in other words catch lots of fish but don't kill all every fish. Take 1 or 2 home but most of us release alot of fish we get it keeps the fishery going, 1 or 2 nice trouties is plenty for meal. Hey guys don't be afraid we are not an evil bunch down here and there is a good run of brownies and steelies from now till May. About the posse getting on top of fishers we ran into a problem a few years back where a few certain groups of anglers raped the smallmouth fishery bad, taking buckets of fish, well the posse responded with the MNR and fortunatly through undercover stings some big $$$ fines were laid and the rape of the fishery has since been controlled
  20. I fish Port D daily aswell and that is the first pushing match I've seen in the area in over 5yrs and both of the guys involved were not from the area. It can get crowded down there but ussually tangles and such are kept to a minamal everybody seems to get into a groove with each other so drifting runs pretty smooth. If you want to see battles try fishing Queenston( Niagara) when the Rainbows are hitting, boat and shore dudes put on a good show with some fine boxing matches at the ramp .....I've seen shore guys with slingshots as part of there tackle to keep the boats outa the drift
  21. My buddy fishes down there weekly and never leaves anything in his truck and never locked the door, well that was fine for a few outings and then they stole the whole truck ......so I don't know what the answer is unfortunatly it is a regular occuence on the Niagara
  22. The biggest problem I have is once I started drifting $300+ rods it's tough to go back the under $100 rods. The lightness, sensitivity and all out enjoyment I get from fishing the high-end products make my experience much more enjoyable. It may just be physcological thing but I find my fishing experience is greatly enhanced when I'm drifting with a high end rod. My only rant is with warranty issues from loomis canada, I'll tell you guys they may advertise a $75.00 no strings attached lifetime warranty but just try to collect, I've been jumping through hoops for 2 weeks now and still no rod
  23. Ok gentlemen , I don't post here often since I just found the site and I'm new the pute, but I wanted to warn people about how loomis canada is giving me a hard time, or a bum steer so to speak. I spent $300 on a rod last year which was great but unfortunatley it snaped on a snag this year, it was a great bottom bouncer and I caught well over 300 trouties on this rod. Enough said about the rod, I sent it way and was told to do the $75 expeditor no question asked 2 day warranty loomis plan, so I did that I thought why go through the crap and I'll have my driffter back soon!! Now I'm looking at 6 - 12 weeks before I see a new rod, so becarefull dudes loomis does not stand behind there product, look at St Croix avids you bust one of them a dealer will take care of you. You bust a Loomis the factory won't take care of you, $300 they won't even look at you, Loomis does not care what so ever for there customers
  24. I think Trent Edwards is going to be the the next Tom Brady. The kid shows some great potential, he's got a good arm, is accurate and best of all a smart QB. He does show signs of still being young but when this dude gets in his rythm he is fantistic
  25. Salmon hit in the rivers due to aggresion, they are not feeding only protecting the area there in. It dosn't really matter much to me why, as long as they hit. As far as runs go this year has been dismal to say the least, at dams a few fish jumping may give the impression there are lots but in reality the numbers are way way down from previous years
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