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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Geez, check out our classified section, there are some good deals!!
  2. The dogchain murder, as they referred to it occured around 1966 or so. Just outside of Cache Bay, ON. It occured on what is now known as Levac Rd, past deadman's corner. You hang a left. (If you turn right the road goes to the main Hwy 17.) As you come around the corner, it is the second house on yer left. Follow that road and you wind up in Verner, ON. A couple of brothers owned a pig farm, and were on the receiving end of a home (farm) invasion. I can still recall the event being recalled by the one brother that survived. It was on the radio. His brother succumbed to his injuries a few days later. The assaillents tied them up with dogchains and tortured, them in the hopes they would reveal where they kept their money. My cousin, Det. John Racine worked the case for quite some time. Apparently the Police beleived it was one of the neighbours, but an arrest was never made.
  3. Yeah the house is vacant. Probably real cheap.
  4. That's what keeps fishing interesting. It gives us something interesting to talk about besides work.
  5. Imagine the weight on the end of the rod!
  6. Except fer the Rockie, gotta say it's all good.
  7. All I caught were OOS LM Bass, 5 in total, one was around 6 lbs. Some scrawny Pike, and 8 jumbo Perch, which I kept. Here are a few Pics of the area... Oh and the Dogchain murders house... very spooky!! The muder was never solved...
  8. Welcome Aboard!
  9. What a way to usher in Spring and Summer! Nice bright pics with a nice !st Pike for Bly.
  10. Keep them camera batteries charged!
  11. That must be tough. I feel yer pain.
  12. Wow, Banff and Jasper. Hope you have a fun and safe adventure.
  13. After awhile you will pay attention to those "Red Flags". They are little clues revealing very important information as to the outcome. Ignore them at your own risk. Too soon Old Too late smart.
  14. Dang! Hadda I a known! I based it on PP because of that thread on Vanish FC.
  15. I like that. It's like the Uniknot, but with a different (twist) to it.
  16. Quite a task tying double Uniknots from PowerPro to monofilament, but I got it. Then added a 4 foot mono leader to tandem snelled hooks to a red bead 4" up from the hooks then added the 1st small split shot then moved 7" up the line to add another slightly larger split shot moved up the line to double that distance (14") to a larger split shot then added the slip float then on to the sliding neoprene stopper bead. (in reverse order of course!) The doubling of the distance between the split shot allows one to cast a slip float and bait without the whole thing winding up a tangled mess. You keep the heaviest sinker of the group closest to the float end, and then the sinkers decrease in size as you move down towards the hook(s). You experiment with adding or substracting sinkers till you have the float 3/4 to 9/10ths submerged. That way it has less wind resistance and it is easier to detect light biting fish.
  17. Yup that is a good one!!
  18. Welcome Aboard Tinman!! Remember.. ♫ Oz never gave nothing To the Tinman ♪ ♪ That he didn't already have. ♫ ♫
  19. Some nice spots there fer sure! I thought the Treatment Plant was a "mudline".
  20. Dunnville is Fishmaster's domain. Maybe he'll offer a tip, cause he fishes that stretch of river.
  21. Welcome aboard Scott!
  22. I think he needed a longer length of rope.
  23. Yeah, it's called money. The $100 works reasonably well!
  24. I can almost smell the fresh air. Thanks for a look into one of Canadas' foremost Provincial parks.
  25. Hungry is a good sign!!
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