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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. wow thats a lot of snow! I actually like when we get heavy snowfalls, i mean like the London area just got. I dont drive so doesnt bother me, i lovvee snow, ever since i was a kid and still do. Here in Toronto we dont get much, but im hoping well get some soon. I wanna wake up and open the door and have snow pouring in
  2. wow thats a lot of snow! I actually like when we get heavy snowfalls, i mean like the London area just got. I dont drive so doesnt bother me, i lovvee snow, ever since i was a kid and still do. Here in Toronto we dont get much, but im hoping well get some soon. I wanna wake up and open the door and have snow pouring in
  3. i broke quite a few, but this one time was funny for my buddies but not for me . While fighting a big salmon my rod snapped right at the back bone nearly LOL. This was a cheap one i think, i got it from europe and it was one of those contractable rods, made from like timber or something not even sure LOL.
  4. born in Novi Sad, Serbia, left when i was 4, lived in oshawa, ontario for 10 years, and now i am currently living in t.dot.
  5. Thnx Terry! i cant wait for first ice!!!
  6. nice! when does cooks bay freeze up? for safe ice fishin.
  7. great report and pics
  8. hey yall, i just received a BOTTOM LINE TOURNAMENT 2100 fish finder unit. I says to take a 12 volt battery for it. Two questions. First question is it safe to hook up all wires to it and leave it out on the snow, during ice fishin? And last where can i buy a 12 v battery? any good links for this? Is there any cheap ones? Saw one for 40 bucks.
  9. hahaah im still laughing!! Great report. Were those little buggers much of a fight
  10. managed a few tiny ones, but then 1 good 2 lber came along, buddy of mine caught it, and it went straight in the pan.
  11. Lol, im asking that same question, see Steelies at the T.Dot Islands.
  12. Yeah i always wanted to go to the BOQ but never managed, is the eye action really that good during the hard season? What r some good spots?
  13. yup humber is closest to ya, between old mill, and up to steeles i think is good...
  14. simcoe or the bog, i cant waittttt!!!!!!!!!
  15. wow sweet fish! did u get any on meppes number 2 or 3? sliver blade? or gold?
  16. Is it true there are steelies around the islands, and canals? Has anyone ever fished them during this time and catch anyone, if so on what? I dont think drifting roe is good there, for depth reasons. What do u guys think? Thnx
  17. i love urban outdoor adventures. I am an urbanangler and dont travel too far, not that i even can, and this show is great, teaches u urban angling spots and techneques, and that u dont have to travel far to hook into a trophy.
  18. yeah that would be a great idea. I also look all over for it on the web, hard to find, i usually dont find any good ones, or any for ontario.
  19. nice fish guys, what was the choice of bait/presentation?
  20. congrats, vey cool.
  21. sturgman, i had the same question, i tried deleting one of my posts but couldnt find the button? lol
  22. i got a biology project i just finished up, phewww.
  23. lol Kemper, what line u using there?
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