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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. no fishing stuff, cept for a 25 doller gift certificate for BPS, clothing and more clothing and money!
  2. pic turned out bad, damn disposables!!
  3. sorry to hear chris, my mom just recently got diagnosed with cancer, and she got the surgery completed and all is well now, thank God. Gerrit, right on, i agree completely, ive heard a lot of things about ppl finding cures underground and govt paying them a ton not to spread the word and cure.
  4. WOW thats crazy! u lucky son of a gun...
  5. oh ok, thnx guys, yeah i thought i had a big carp on by the way it was fighting, it sure was fun.
  6. nice fish! btw how were the water conditions?
  7. I caught this fish in the summer while fishing for carp, i believe its a freshwater drum, but not sure. What do yall think?
  8. yup for sure! we are gonna have our dinner on christmas eve, sooo yeah ill be out at my fav trib! hey DSN where are u planing to get out?
  9. i think, no tax, and gst on some items? i may be wrong...
  10. oh man, it was a blast playing road and pond hockey, we'd bring out the steel nets and play from sun up till sun down some days. 5 on 5, 4 on 4, it was a blast! i lived in oshawa for about 10 years, they were the best years of my life soo far...
  11. awsome report! also i heard the best action on the islands is 2 weeks b4 the season closes, is this true?
  12. thanks a bunch guys! i will take whatever i can from ur tips and advice!
  13. hey guys, im looking for a fishing store, or anything to do with fishing as a part time, or summer job. I have a SIN card, and really wanna start something, and suggestions, or tips, for this young guy, would be appreciated. I live in the Toronto area. I really wanna start a career in fishing in the later years...
  14. thnx Shaun, merry Xmas to u and all, have a safe and fun trip!
  15. haha Bad Santa was a halarious movie, but my fav would have to be Christmas Vacation.
  16. great stuff, nice to hear!
  17. I agree completly with u. Well said, cept for go habs go tho LOL.
  18. wow those are some nasty lookin fish...
  19. pic aint funny at all... but go leafs go i guess, 7-3???? i dont know...
  20. interesting guys, good stuff...
  21. hey guys do u ever get a bad feeling when taking a fish home, and not releasing it? i sometimes feel bad for some reason... how bout u?
  22. It turned out very delicious, we had a few long stripes and just breaded it with seasonings, dill weed, pepper, salt. Had it with mashed patatoes and sauce. Reallly tastttyyy! good stuff...
  23. ohh very nice! maybe ill hit up the islands soon...
  24. o man that sux! thnx for update tho...
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