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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Yeah, it's a much nicer river up here for water quality and clarity. I fish from the Shand to Waterloo often and it really does look like a different river down past Paris.
  2. This is from way back, so details are a little vague . . . I was about 9-10 (1990 or so) years old and we were going into the parking lot to launch my dad's boat. The guy running the boat launch asked my dad to roll down his window. The guy working the boat launch was a greasy looking fella and he was smoking two cigarettes both exactly straight out of his mouth AND he was talking in very clear English. Either he was well practiced, or he sounded like a poet laureate without the smokes. It has stuck with me all these years.
  3. Let me first start by saying that I wish you and your wife all the best. Definitely a much better way to spend your time. Thanks for sharing. You could really get into some interesting fish if you're going to be doing this often! I've been reading a lot of really high quality fishing books recently if you get stuck inside some waiting rooms. If you're interested, fire me a message and I'll toss you some titles. Ryan
  4. I hear you on this one - that same thought definitely popped into my head. I figure angling pressure these fish will encounter will be minimal and it seems that the MNR has planned out the seasons to a tee. I don't think they are messing around here.
  5. That sounds like the type of fishing trip that most of us southerners envy. I say go do it. I'd probably bring a sizeable knife and/or axe and/or baseball bat just to be extra cautious. If you end up going, be sure to post a report! I love seeing the northern fishing trip reports. Good luck
  6. Good spots don't stay good for too long when people publicly post them. Pick a river or lake near where you live. Google the river and search it on these boards. See what is in there to fish for etc and then research that fish. OR (and call me crazy if you want to) you could just go fishing for in-season fish in a local-to-you body of water. You'll get way more out of it by actually going and doing the fishing.
  7. Yep, that's how I understood it when I first read it. You can catch ONE aurora - whether you release it or not does not matter, you're done for the day as soon as you land one.
  8. The rule from www.AuroraTrout.com: ---------------------- Holders of a full sport fishing license may target Aurora Trout with a catch and possession limit of only 1 fish. ---------------------- I don't think this means you HAVE to keep the fish (but please correct me if I am wrong). I think this means that if you catch one, you are done fishing for the time-being, regardless of whether you release the fish or not.
  9. Great Job TJ, I read through the entire site and it is definitely the best resource online for Aurora Trout. Great Job to Tyler Dunn as well for his writing efforts! If I come across anything in the vast amount of fish/aquatic related reading I have been doing, I'll be sure to pass it your way. Do you guys intend on fishing for the Aurora this summer? Ryan
  10. I saw them once @ Meldrum Bay on Manitoulin Island. Google Aurora Borealis and you should be able to find out what you need.
  11. A few good eating size walleye there - thanks for sharing! What happened to the line in picture 2? It looks kind of like a noose on that poor pickeral.
  12. Poor guy has no idea of the state of his truck lol. Hilarious.
  13. I guess there's only one way to tell
  14. Thanks Spiel! Let's hope the recovery project works and that people remember the fragility of this fish should the time come that it is open to the public for a longer period of time.
  15. Hey TJ, I'd be interested in learning more about the Aurora Trout. From my brief research, I've learned that they were extirpated from the wild and hatchery produced for some decades and have been reintroduced to the wild. Apparently, another die-off of Aurora trout is happening again now due to acidic rain and high acid levels in lakes (despite the introduction of lime to the same lakes). Is this fish just doomed? Can it possibly thrive in our lakes? I see there have been some documentations of natural reproduction. Also, is the Aurora Trout also a char like the brookie? Ryan
  16. I fly fish (extremely poorly granted, as I just started), but the two spots I've found in this location that are holding BIG browns (22" and beyond) are next to impossible to properly present a fly at if the fish are holding to their cover. Regardless, my friend Timmeh, was with me when I got the 20-22" and he said even before I got it that you couldn't really present a fly properly in this fishes home. The 22" fish I caught on Friday night was back on the prowl though last night and he was just rising and eating flies the entire time I was there. I actually saw the bugger swim up to the exact lure I caught him with on Friday and laugh at it. I don't think I'll get him on that little panther martin again. I'd say fly-fishing is the best way to fish for browns only when conditions permit.
  17. Looks like a great day on the water and a great first outing for your son. Better get started on his first tackle box, if only just to keep your $14 crankbaits safe.
  18. Lansdowne is the Town!!!! How lucky! Good tackle shop in Lansdowne with really friendly owners. They had big shiner minnows in when we were there last time and we hooked up on TONS of fish with them. Good priced spoons, and a knowledgeable staff. You'll be just fine.
  19. Yeah, that seems like a good way to fish the terrestrials. The (weedless) frog on the lodge is a good approach. I snapped a few pictures of frogs today on the water and I'll try to match to the best of my ability. I'm still waiting for the right hours to fish the mouse. I'm more willing to fish the frog at any time. I'm really looking forward to fishing this guy during feeding hours. Re: Crayfish. I'll try the crayfish as well with this guy. He's going to hit something . . . he already hit a spinner. I agree that fish this size are looking for a meal, and a crayfish is definitely a meal. Thanks for the posts.
  20. A few updates: 1) I was there again today and saw the same old bugger brown chase my ugly duckling chub-coloured sinking crankbait. I've learned a few things about him - he's not really feeding in these hours, but he's definitely territorial all day long. He's simply chasing other fish away from his house. 2) I traveled upstream after I bid adieux for another day to my buddy in the beaver lodge and found another old pesky brown. I was fishing a small panther martin silver spinner. It was sunny, but shaded, and this was a beaver lodge near a rock pile. I cast for 10 minutes at the beaver lodge, caught a chub. I kept casting and then clouds took over the sky. On the first cast during overcast conditions, the brown hit the spinner and I landed it. Not as big as my pet, but around 20 inches and built like a Wilson Football. I was mid-river with rod in hand and couldn't get a photo, so he went back to be caught by me another day. You could tell by its appearance that it was an older fish. These guys will clearly hit spinners. Seems to me it was an annoyance strike.
  21. Yep, exactly like those tasty Crappies. Go get 'em tiger. Don't forget your PFD. Sounds like you'll be needing them when you cross the border soon (provided you are still legal to cross into Canada). Cheers and good luck with that pan-fare.
  22. Oh, well what do we have here, it's the American Amnesiac from the OOS Bass Thread. Are you just trolling these boards and trying to start arguments with people? Or are you just trying to get each post closed that goes over 5 pages? Too much reading for you? Or did the term 'devil's advocate' just confuse you? Regardless, how about you stop trolling for so many arguments and go trolling for some of those delicious NYS panfish that you love so much,
  23. I'm considering fishing it for Saturday OR Sunday. I'm not sure I can fish both days, but if I can I probably would. I'm currently boatless though, so that may keep me off the water unless I can convince someone to go
  24. We'll go one of these days . . . I've fished it a few times myself with similar results! Nice report man, always love seeing some local specs! I think I'm going to need a better camera . . .
  25. I don't think the Chronz would have a fish fry on the boat (he likes shore lunch far too much) but word of mouth indicates he probably had something else in a cooler
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