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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Sweet, thanks. I love the perch patterns, they generally do really well for me. HJs are my favourite Rap, though it's close with the X-Rap.
  2. I buy old tackle boxes loaded with lures from people and that little number was in the bottom of one - I have yet to fish it, but will give it a few casts for kicks.
  3. An absolutely amazing report - hands down first class. Loved it. I know who I'm calling for a guide when I'm in the area. Love the underwater pic too
  4. Just got back from Shoppers and picked up some Benadryl. The Pharmacist told me to take a few now and keep it in my tackle box. I concurred. He said a doctor probably wasn't necessary but if it gets any worse in the future to get an allergy test. Thanks for all the help guys. Guess this is a more common reaction than I originally thought.
  5. I don't think he was talking about that kind of cougar.
  6. You really must be old You know what, I'm going to give the pork rinds a try . . . all my pre-1985 fishing books rave and rave about the Pork Rinds.
  7. The Husky Jerks and X-Raps are in there - but they just didn't show up that well. My perch baits are shad raps of various sizes.
  8. The swelling has gone away almost completely now - I think I might be out of the woods here - there has been very limited pain today and I think it's pretty much clear. I'll still see what they say at the pharmacist.
  9. I really wish I could say that it got that big from me scratching it, but I've scratched it once and I stopped myself. It was that big on its own sadly. I iced it and slept with it elevated. I'll go to Shoppers soon and try some reactine.
  10. Hello Folks, I'm counting down to my week-long cottage rental on Sans Souci (Frying Pan Island) in Georgian Bay. The area is loaded with fish from Rainbow to Salmon (sparingly) to Lakers, Bass, Walleye, and apparently some Alligator Pike! I'm going to do a little series leading up to the trip of the selected weapons for each species. Those of you who have tackle suggestions, technique input, or general comments, feel free to share them! (I'm having problems uploading the other two images - I'll try to add them shortly!)
  11. I was fishing mid-river with my nephew yesterday and as I was helping him get some weeds off this hook I got hammered by some flies. One bite really stung but I brushed it off. 4-5 hours later I notice I can't move my wrist and that my hand is balloon shaped - big-time painful, stiff, and swollen. Has anyone had this happen before from your standard black fly bite? My hand today is still really swollen, but at least I can see my knuckles again and the pain has subsided a little bit. Out of thousands of career bug-bites, this is definitely the biggest reaction I have ever had. Ryan
  12. I have a Bosnian Girlfriend too and she doesn't hate the Serbs (despite the fact she had to flee her home because of the war), so I don't see why someone on here needs to hate them either. This is a fun thread, a world cup thread, a Serbia epically beating my team (Germany) thread - not a political thread.
  13. Sounds like a great day out. Nice fish and thanks for sharing.
  14. This happens all the time and it can result in dangerous situations. You're only ever a split second away from being a front-page news story in those situations and I think you should lodge a complaint. Being in a canoe you're more susceptible to their idiocy and people like that should lose their license. That behaviour doesn't wash anywhere else in our society - it shouldn't on the water either. Some recent things that have happened to me (albeit not dangerous). 16 Kayakers coming down the Grand. One guy is in the group yelling "go behind the fishermen!" We move over to protect our hole that is full of rising, active fish. One guy goes right in front of us, the other 15 go behind us. As the guy is going in front of us he asks "Are you guys getting anything? Does boat traffic effect the fishing?" 4 kayakers decide to go out onto a busy Steelhead river in awful weather and land themselves right in my casting lane to battle the rapids in front of me. They sit there for 30-45 minutes. I was definitely considering running a spoon by their boats, but my better judgment won out. Belwood and Conestoga Lakes (also GRCA) are full of donkeys like the water-skiers that you just mentioned. I guess the GRCA lakes need some serious unsafe-boater attention. Go get 'em V.
  15. I hear that for sure . . . this company sounds absolutely disgusting. And again to Wayne - I, for one (and everyone seems to), really appreciate you sharing this with all of us. You're saving people the same stress you're going through by showing us this and that deserves a big thank you!
  16. Hahahaha, That's actually really depressing. Sigh.
  17. You don't need a lawyer. Take them to Small Claims Court (the limit is 25K now - not 10K like it used to be). It will cost you $75 to file the claim and you'll have a few other expenses along the way. Small Claims Court works quick and in my history it works well! You have a serious case here as you've been seriously screwed and the ignoramuses at Tracker are just delaying and delaying and keeping their wallets tucked away. Here's a general outline of what a SCC case would entail: 1) You file a claim - $75 2) You serve tracker with the claim 3) They have 20 clear calendar days to file a defense, if they don't, you file for default judgment and win on the spot. In my history of taking people to SCC for unpaid accounts at work, everyone has paid and not filed a defense. If you go to trial, you'll have settlement conferences and the whole shabang. I can help you out with it if you choose to go that route. It's a good route to go and they'll probably call offering to fix your boat as soon as the claim lands on their desk. They won't want to invest that kind of time. THE IDEA OF THE BOAT AND THE LEMONS WAS SWEET TOO! Best of Luck (and remember, I can help you, free of charge, with the SCC process if you feel inclined to go that route). Ryan
  18. So that makes 2 now. That's good. I love when the player is kind of like "applauding" the ref for catching him.
  19. That's because I'm a Germany supporter first Anyways, EVERYONE was predicting Serbia to be the "dark horse" of this tournament so very few people thought you were bad.
  20. Blah . . . second time I have to write this post as my last one got screwed up! Refing: The refing here has only been bad in the sense that they've been handing out too many cards (which is bad enough) because it has been changing the outcome of games. This world cup is already "up there" for most red cards in any World Cup and we're only @ games 2/3 of the group stage. If we get a game like the Netherlands V Portugal at the last world cup, we're really really going to smash some records. Diving: Diving is a huge issue and the federations know that diving is a huge issue. In the EPL diving WAS an issue, but the refs were informed that they'd need to start disciplining the "actors." Cards, both red and yellow, started getting handed out for diving and the diving slowly went away (as low as it will ever get anyways). The other leagues know diving is an issue and they'll deal with it in the same sense soon. I think there was already one card given at this world cup for a dive. The dive last night by the Ivory Coast guy vs Kaka from Brazil was disgusting - one of the worst displays I've ever seen. So, I guess we'll see about diving soon as we can Queue South American teams, Spain (not as bad as they used to be, but still dive lots), Italy (An Italian dive yesterday resulting in a penalty), and Portugal to be falling all over the place as soon as the elimination games start (which might be next game for some of them).
  21. Thanks again Big Buck. I'll pass the advice on to the boat-owner. Cheers, Ryan
  22. Do you already have your ears pierced? You can get them done pretty cheaply on the river
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