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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. I'm a German Supporter as I'm German/English Background and I'm kind of worried. Next Match Vs England, The following match in all likelihood vs Argentina. VERY VERY Difficult. The world cup, the eurocup, and Champions league are always great events, even for casual fans. This world cup, as kicking frog stated, has been providing tons of great enterntainment. My hats off to the South Africans for putting on a very well organized show and hosting this great tournament. It only gets better from here. No Italy = Awesome - always been my second most hated squad - bunch of divers. No France = Great - They shouldn't have been there anyways. No Portugal = Hopefully - They are my most hated squad. Divers, Cheats, Whiners, Whimps, Actors, you name it, they play it. I suspect I'll support whoever beats the Germans (should they lose) whether it be the three lions or Maradona and Co (which is where I think the Germans will lose).
  2. Yeah, it already started registering with the little fella - on our next trip on Father's Day he found a worm container at the side of the river and said "this shouldn't be here." He then stated his desire to take it home and use it to hold stuff, but I said it was probably more at home in the garbage bin.
  3. I can really feel for you here and I think your tribute is amazing and touching. Let me tell you from personal experience - it will get much better and the memories are PRICELESS. The feeling of connection never goes away and you'll hope that one day, you'll see the big fella again My dog, Bo (got him during the Bo Jackson Era, and I was young), lived to 14. He was a yellow lab, 130lbs of pure beast ahaha, he almost died in a hunt camp accident at 2 years old, and $2500 later he fully recouped after intensive surgery. My dad carried him out of the bush, tied him up with the shirt off his back, and saved his life. He was diagnosed with cancer at 11, but being the charmer he was, he got himself into the Guelph University Vet program for free treatment. Their help, and the help of our amazing vet, extended his life for 3 happy years after being said that he only had 3 months. I had him from when I was 8 to 22 and he was definitely the best friend anyone could ask for. On the day he was going to be put down (after the cancer finally started getting the best of it) I was hugging him in the back hall and with his last bit of energy he licked my face. To this day I think he knew what was going on. I still don't have another dog (6 years later)as it just didn't seem right until a few months ago. Our family often sits around talking about him for an hour, laughing at the hilarious things he did (plentiful until the day he died), and all the good memories. There is limited sadness now and lots of laughs. You'll reach this point too. Just recently, I've decided I'll soon be ready for another dog and my girlfriend and I have been going to the Humane Society to walk dogs and make their days a little brighter (sneak some treats in sometimes too!). All the best in your grieving - My condolences are strongly offered as I know EXACTLY how you feel right now. I found that talking about it (such as this tribute) helped a lot. Laughing at some of the memories is always good. Regards and thanks for sharing, Ryan
  4. Thanks for the heads up. We were debating between the Grand and Saugeen for Friday, so this might sway us, or at least prepare us. Cheers and Appreciate the Info! Ryan
  5. It's not like it's a hassle folks, I'm fishing! But I appreciate all your kind words nonetheless. The kid has all the instincts and passion needed to be a great little fisherman and I suspect he'll come along. He prefers active fishing, as opposed to sitting on a rock wall, so that's what we're going to focus on. Wait til we get the little guy out in a boat.
  6. You can PM me with what you want to pay for it For at least another week, it is unfished! Picked up a few more baits for the vacation, but denied the Williams Whitefish, as to me, it appears to be a Daredevil Spoon for $9. Ryan
  7. Welcome aboard KawarthaGuy and I look forward to seeing some Kawartha reports! Cheers, Ryan
  8. :rofl2:
  9. I didn't feel it, but it looks like the Epicenter is near Ottawa, so that makes sense: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/us2010xwa7.php
  10. Reports are indicating that the presence of Snakefish is a little more "ground-breaking" than we originally believed.
  11. Welcome aboard Rigged!
  12. Yep, that sir is 100% right. The best part now is about problem-solving. Where are the fish, why are they not biting, what else might they bite, is my setup proper, did I approach correct, should I approach from somewhere else etc. That's most of the fun right there. The fish you play for a long time now are the ones that PLAY YOU for a long time - the big fellas.
  13. Yeah, that may be true, but that's where it is up to your personal experience and ability to "feel" a rod come into play. I rarely just grab a rod off a shelf on a first rod-shopping trip and pay for it right then and there.
  14. Yeah I knew the spinner section of my box is a little low, as I don't often go for Pike. I'll bite the bullet and get a few.
  15. I have the same rod - it's a gem. Love it.
  16. The lemons thing in front of BPS with your boat out front is your best publicity I guess. It will let you tell your story a few times and start getting reactions from the store too.
  17. Your comment of "the best warranty is a quality rod" goes without saying and is obvious in any rod purchase. Well, warranty does matter, but I don't buy on warranty and I barely factor it. 99/100 broken rods are not fishing related or manufacturers faults (on higher end rods anyways). People step on them, break them in their truck, etc. SOMETIMES a rod will break in a snag, or a fishing scenario where a rod just shouldn't break . . . all of a sudden the warranty matters. Here is why the timeline in a warranty matters: IT DEMONSTRATES HOW CONFIDENT THE COMPANY IS IN THEIR OWN PRODUCT. I see a 60 day warranty or a 1 year warranty and really wonder what kind of quality the rod actually is, whereas a 5-year or a lifetime shows more confidence. Also keep in mind that some rods get abused while on the shelf at your local store - your warranty can matter here too. I've broken one rod while fishing in my life, it was a quality St. Croix, the company confirmed there was a flaw in manufacturing (OR IN THE STOREROOM WHERE I BOUGHT IT) and they replaced it no questions asked. Regardless, I'd like to restate that I don't factor the warranty that much in new-rod-purchase, but it doesn't hurt to see what it is, and ask a few questions.
  18. I've busted one St. Croix and the retailer (Chad @ Rainbow Sports) sent it away for me, called me when it was back, and charged me $10 (which beats the $25 St. Croix says it will cost). I generally prefer St. Croix rods, so whenever buying one I ask the retailer "If this breaks, will you send it back for me? Do you do that here?" and they generally say "Of Course We Do." It's to the point now that I don't have to ask the two stores I frequent the most - Rainbow Sports and Fishing Fanatics.
  19. Has Friends of the Grand been CC'd on this? You'd think they might be interested in putting their name behind it as well . . .
  20. The people that don't like St. Croix generally don't like them because of the fact that if you break it you have to send it to Wisconsin for warranty and wait about 5 weeks. I do agree that you need to feel comfortable, and love, your own gear. A lack of confidence in your setup will get you into bad habits and get you off your "A game" The Loomis is INCREDIBLE. It's easily the top of the line and will probably be the next ultralite I buy - its price tag is in the $230 department, but all you have to do is pick it up and you'll know why. Good Luck Deciding.
  21. Awesome report That is what fishing is all about right there! Congrats on your first Wally and keep it up! I had a similar experience when I started fishing for Browns. I grinded out the better part of 2 years only catching small guys on and off and nothing of note. Last spring it all just "clicked" and I started being able to locate BIG browns and land them consistently. My first one had that adrenaline rush you described and the same feeling like a kid experience. This year has been my best to date and it resulted in me buying a fly-rod to start learning all over again! It's a cycle Canuck, but a great, rewarding, relaxing cycle. <----- That's what we'll both be doing when we start fishing for Musky.
  22. In my experience with Ultralite Setups I have found that the Shimano Rods have less feel to them than the St. Croix rods. The grip on St. Croixs are amazing and the sensitivity is second-to-none. You won't go wrong with an Avid or a Premier. I went with a 5'6 premier and it has been absolutely amazing. Try your hand at it before you buy anything and see how it feels.
  23. Some of you may have seen my previous post that I have been mentoring my nephew with fishing over the last year or so. Last year was dedicated ENTIRELY to sun-fishing, just to give him that "itch" a little bit and to teach him the basics. After a trip out for sunfish again to get the rust off, we've started going for "real" fish the last two Sundays. It was nice to take the little fella out on Sunday since it was Father's Day and he doesn't have a dad. It's also his birthday on Tuesday so that was an added bonus. Part One - Our First attempt at "Big Fish" - June 13 @ Belwood Lake. We decide on Belwood Lake since they have a stocked trout pond and an active Pike population. We're shorebound though and I figure hitting a Pike may be tough. I inquire about the kids trout pond and the gatehouse girl says "oh, we've rented that out today, he can't use it." We fish below the dam for a bit, and move up to the rock wall because the dam is pretty disgusting. He's on worms and I'm actively looking for a pike for him to reel in. I come up blank, but the little fella gets a few Rockies (which he is delighted with): He then decided to throw a piece of garbage into the lake after being asked not to and received a quick lesson in conservation: He was happy to oblige and happy with his day! Part Two - His First Wade & First Trout (Brown) at an undisclosed location: On Father's Day I took him for his first wade and trout fishing experience. The water was relatively low and it was a good day to get out (nice weather, low wind). His Casting Is Much Improved: "I just dropped one of Uncle Ryan's fish in the water by accident" look: "But I'll be damned if I'm going to drop my first ever trout into the river before a picture is taken!" I managed to catch a 16"-18" brown with him there and he got to witness a true battle. The fish ran and ran and it was an amazing fight. It would jump and dive. In a hilarious twist, he lost sight of the fish and asked where it was. No sooner were the words out of his mouth that the fish tail-slapped the water right in-front of him and soaked his face and shirt. He laughed and thought it was awesome. With Bass Opener this weekend we're going to try to get him his first SMB and wade again! Planned lessons include - "How to Hold a Fish"
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