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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I can't help but thanks for the laugh
  2. Grew made some good boats, i didn't think they were around anymore
  3. I have got back into playing guitar this year after a few years of not playing (been playing for 18 years). Anyways I want to record some stuff lately, what program is best for doing that? I also want to mess around with drum and piano simulators. Any help would be appreciated, Dan
  4. I believe they are only in the classifieds
  5. Been on here a few times but here ya go. Sierra Chevy
  6. Right now you have the perfect Erie boat. I would stick with that instead of picking up a project boat.
  7. Funny you say that a couple weeks ago I had my feet in the water and a giant snapping turtle came out from under the dock!
  8. nah, I can't catch my mini fish with the 13's lol
  9. His profile says he was on here at 3:00PM today
  10. More of a photography report but here ya go. I had the day off yesterday so later in the afternoon I headed down to the boat to do some evening fishing. I knew it was a gamble because of the weather but I had the chance for some R & R so I took it. It poured down the whole way with lightning EVERYWHERE! I was about to turn around when I saw this So I kept going and was rewarded with a couple hours of great weather. The bay on the other hand wasn't so nice lol! I went out a bit and decided to come back in since I was solo and I started casting at the dock. I ran into a ton of these little guys. I managed one decent pike but it decided to slip out of my hands before I got the camera. Did see a bunch of carp in the channel as well as a gold koi The lighting in the distance was fantastic to watch so I did a bit of this for a while. The sky was doing some weird things that was pretty interesting to watch. This one had me a little worried though I hung out through it all and I was rewarded with these shots I watched the insane lightning show over the lake and finally headed home around 10PM.
  11. If it's just for Erie and big lakes, I would go for a 19 - 20 footer that is DEEP. Starcraft makes some big hulls that would be perfect for Erie. http://www.starcraftmarine.com/Showroom/Specifications.aspx?TypeId=18&SeriesId=130&ModelId=1092&Type=Aluminum&Series=Fishmaster&Model=196
  12. Thanks for the water all over my keyboard!
  13. If I can't catch a fish at a spot I throw on a Big O and it's almost guaranteed that I'll get one!
  14. I bought the 16.5' Legend extreme and love it. I upgraded to the 4 stroke and I highly recommend it. A 50 was standard and I get just over 30MPH with it.
  15. I've pretty well gone fishing every night with the kids for the last little while. I'll save the boring rambling and get to some pics! If you want to read the rambling just look at my WFN blogs lol. July 11 - Long Point Bay with Jacob and my Wife's little Brother Angus Nice shirt eh! July 12 - Carpin' with Jacob, no fish caught July 13 - Creek fishin' with Jacob July 14 - More Creek fishin' with Jacob July 15 - Fishin' with the whole family July 16 - The Johnson test I converted an old motor I got for $150 to a single line and got her running this night July 17 - Long Point Bay Pike July 18 - Carpin' with Jacob July 20 - Carpin with Jamie and Sam, Jacob is at the cottage for a week with his Grandma. As you can see we've been out A LOT. Hopefully I can have some pics of big fish soon Dan
  16. Launch out of the Old Cut in Long Point, it's a decent launch and it's only $10. Plan on going out to Bluff Bar for Smallies and to the point for eyes. Hit the weeds by The Long Point Company for Largies and Pike. PM me if you need any more info.
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