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Everything posted by jwl

  1. in TJ's post there, that's basically like the one I have ..except the one I have the bucket fits inside an outer shell with a lid on it..same sort of thing...different style..we use it at camp in the winter months..after October we don't have running water at the trailer because we have a lakefront lot so the water lines cannot go below the frost line to have running water in the "off season"...having 3 dauighters and the wife, they appreciate it in the winter.
  2. My 40 Merc is a 3 cylinder...as for the new break in period on your motor Fisher,is you motor oil injected???? only asking because I find it funny that different dealerships or marine mechanics tell people different things in regard sto stuff like break in periods. For example, when we got our boat we where told to burn 3 tanks of mixed gas through it, of course running the boat at various speeds ect as per most break in advice,then told on the 3rd tank of gas we should start noticing the oil injection working and see the oil starting to go down in the oil level indicator tube on the motor, once the oil injection was working then we didn't have to run the boat with mixed gas anymore. Motor runs like a champ for the last 5 years and still going strong as ever.
  3. I'm not trying to rain on your parade there, but if you plan of fishing that area, lots of places are a fish sanctuary...no fishing this time of year...check pg 91 of the regs under exceptions
  4. I know quite a few people that look forward to bass opener just as much as a kid at Christmas, for me no real allure to go just "bass fishing" for the day, I figure I catch enough of them throughout the year while fishing for everything else that it doesn't matter...reminds me of a time me and a buddy where at camp trying to scope out a couple spots for pickereyes, the first spot we tried ..between the 2 of us we probably boated about 30 smallies of all mixed sizes in under an hour, it was litterally almost every cast we each had on on..it got to the point that we where laughing our mule off over the fact that we where cathcing so many fish but still though it was a bummer cuz it wasn't what we where after at the time.
  5. wow nice, haven't seen specs that size since I lived in the Soo and fished a tonne of back woods lakes,ponds,streams for them. wicked colours on those ones in the pics, and always a wicked adventure surrounding some good speckie fishin..gotta love the fact that sometimes you have to go fishin in some pretty remote locations to get into the nice ones,and the fact that if you look around the area you are fishing and it looks virtually untouched by people, and can often feel like you may have been the onlt one to fish a spot all season. Thanks for sharing, pretty cool moose pics too, that don't happen every day
  6. sounds like you guys sure know how to make the best of the mission for sure....now it's hot I want some ice cream , they sell the K Dairy icecream at the avondale just down the road from me..but it's too late it's closed now...thanks guys . all you guys gettin all the skis are kinda giving me the big bug bad...haven't been able to go since they opened..dam work,closest I got was sorting out some of my musky lures. Pretty amusing read and pics to go with them too.....oh I get it...if ya live off chicken weiners...more money for beer right
  7. hey way to go on the first ski...I know I loved it when I broke that skunk for the first time. mission accomplished there...hunting muskies can be pretty tough sometimes,nothin like spending so much time on the water in the boat for the day that ya still feel like you are getting tossed up and down for an hour after ya get back on land eh guys gonna get fishin elbow from tossing so many big lures around all day....guess that's a bit more pleasant of an affliction than....golf balls
  8. sounds like a pretty good time...4th place is a pretty successful day out there
  9. if I am at my camp we are generally only about 1/2 hour at most run away from my dock so that's no big deal cuz if it's the wife and kids on the boat we aren't fishing for the whole day...funny the wife thinks fishing is boring...but will sit in the boat and do nothing, catch a tan or read a book if we where to go out on a super long mission I have a small porya-potty we use at camp and such for the winter months when we can't have running water..it's actually just like a bucket in a shell with a small toilet seat...cost maybe 25-30 bucks..add a packet of sanitizer and Rv toilet paper and you are....no pun intended...good to go
  10. right on man, that's a nice one...funny to think that in most places they have to be that big just to count as a so called keeper...yeee haww...a 44 is a great PB..ya got the bug for a bigger one yet??
  11. always great to see someone get thier first..right on man there are people that fish a lifetime and never get one,others seem to make it look easy,k it's just the start man, if ya get the bug watch out..those 20 buck a pop lures add up fast
  12. #2, I fish for the fun of it, and have been pretty much on a quest for the next trophy sized fish of many species for over the last 25 years. I will keep the odd chunky pike if it's hooked bad and might not make it(generally I don't fish with cranks loaded with hooks because of this) otherwise I keep maybe 6-8 fish a year that's it..more often than not it's less than that...so say 8 fish out of hundreds a year, not a bad ratio ..last year I kept 2 pike and 4 walleye all year, I don't like eating fish all that much and don't like salmanoids, I kept 1 rainbow this past winter season out of probably 100 I caught cuz I weighed it in for a derby. That one I donated to my neighbour when i got home.
  13. wicked report man, awesome adventure along the way....are you sure ya didn't bring my kids fishing??? cvuz that story happens to me all the time too Nice pike in that neck of the woods
  14. nice report, looks like a greatplace to spend time in the canoe. Hope ya didn';t try and pet that scragly looking kitty
  15. Paul from Cast Adventures is an A-1 guy I spent some of the harshest days this past winter fishing steelies on the lower Niagara and every single time I saw Paul's boat out there, he was carrying a full load of action and smiles from everyone aboard the boat. I seen days where 100 fish where boated between 5-6 boats out there and a @#$% load of guys for little fun derby days ect....and I also had the pleasure of hopping aboard the boat with Paul one day for a let's go kick some mule on the water day...not a working day.....a fishing day... . Paul wanted to get in some fishin and scope out a couple spots, and a couple of us wanted to share some kickmulewinter steelie tactics. We headed out on a great adventure,the day wasn't so great..it was raining, it was snowing, it was freekin freezin' outside but we made a great day of it sharing alot of fun and many laughs along the way. It was in Paul's boat that very day that I got my biggest steelie of the season,It was a great winter for steel on the big river if ya had the $%^# to take on ole ma nature and get out there, bundle up and go fishing pretty much better to head up into this neck of the woods in Paul's 20 footer than my boat I am, however still trying to figure out how to get all the slime off the carpet from the winter still, before I slime my boatup musky fishin from a kick mulewinter of catching these puppies..............the BIG river is a whole other story,..........no "flossin'em" with pink marshmallows here
  16. is it a pull start or key start????? if a key start you say it cranks but won't fire...is the kill switch on or off???..easy to mix up, had that prob before..my kids when younger would goof around in the boat alot fishing from theboat cuz of course that was way cooler than fishing from the dock..and sometimes when goofing around they would hit the kill switch...then I told them they couldn't fish or sit in the driver's seat any more..lol also did ya choke it/or use the "cold start lever"???or could be your battery not cranking out enough starting power could be the plugs as well..take one out, have a look, had probs starting my 9.9 first 2 trips out this season, would take 8-9 pulls to fire up, then would run like a champ..last trip i cahnged the plugs and she fires first pull every time now.
  17. nice guys, thanks for sharing. I do know that Denis has had a tonne of trouble with the one he had though, just an example that can happen to any make/model of boat...mine has been trouble free and loaded with fun the whole time we had it. I just think it's cool to see some of the differences in some of the models of boats that's why i started this thread up
  18. I know, I know, been done before..a "new guy" comes on the board and next thing you know there is a post pertaining to what everyone is floating in out there. I just thought this might be interesting in light of a recent post that Outdoorsman had started pertaining to showing off his new ride. That got into a bit of common discussion with a couple of us regarding Legend Boats, and I read back in posts or see on the board since joining that a few people have Legend Boats, and thought it might be pretty cool to compare a little about the different styles and models of some of the Legend Boats anyone has out there. Sure it's a fishing forum and we all love the boat porn now and again, and before everyone starts with the ..this brand of boat sucks, that brand of boat is junk for whatever reason. On a forum like this there are many many different levels of anglers so to speak....right from tourney pro's, the odd fishing show affiliated guys, guides,ole diehards,weekend warriors, and so on right down to the up and comers. That being mentioned there are many people with a huge amount of experience with boats and I bet ya that someone some where has heard the exact same type of horror stories with all makes and models of boats..I am sure the same goes with your motor as well..guys have everything from old beater 3 horse kickers to the newest 225's and up and different experiences with that as well. I just thought, being a Legend owner it was kind of cool to see some other models of Legends popping up in the forum and of course it is the time of year that many lucky people get to go toy shopping I must say that ours was a great investment for the family,been a pretty solid ride with many many hours of fun and adventure logged on her, we use it and use it hard...we treat her well she treats us well, runs good as the day it came out of the box....well the day I started rippin around after the couple tanks of gas break in period Well here is what I got to share 2003 Legend V-151 Viper- 2 stroke Oil Injected 40 Merc and also got that same winter 2003 -14 ft Legend Ultralite-nothing fancy on the back of that one just my old reliable Evinrude 9.9 you can even see for a small tinner, still a bit of room for a couple people and some gear as me and my buddy up front paddle into the shore to pull the boat out before I had my dock in for the season..great you can pop it in andout of the water pretty easy, and as you cas see, plenty of room for my littlest one in the middle as well All in all I am pretty happy with my experiences with these boats, hope ya'll wanna share a little more
  19. sorry to the guy for the bit of thread napping here , it has to come to the dealer, and the dealer still has to rig it all up????? that sucks man, cuz when we got ours it came factory direct all rigged up with the upgraded motor,bowmount,extra seats, extras on the trailer, trailer plated, and so on, all signed sealed delivered and registered and all.
  20. I think I got a few things lined up I wanna try out my first mission this season
  21. a month???, that seems like quite the while, we got ours into the dealership within days of ordering it, I think if we ordered the boat, with upgrades on say a Wednesday afternoon, it was in the lot by first thing Moday mornign and out on the water for a test run...and it was about this time of year.
  22. work,work and more work, and in between wife is working so Dad duty calls...may go out tonight after the wife gets off work for a couple hours and try my luck at some local pickereye or channel cat fishin just to say I got out this weekend, but can't compain too bad was up at my trailer for like 6 out of 10 days in the last while so I guess I can settle with that
  23. they should do regular checks at alot of places for sure, I always welcome seeing the OOP boat or the MNR when out at my camp...too often you see boats loaded up with too many people, or people just plain not obeying the rules of the road. Thier presence on the water for a few days can get word out quick and get people to thinking on being safe around the water..specially in scenarios like people water skiing and tubing and stuff..either not haveing a proper spotter, or not having a seat in the boat for the person in tow...they count as a passenger in the boat!!! Heck even my kids..well my 2 older girls,5 year old has alot to learn but she is learning all the time and loves it on and around the water...anyways even my older girls know what they need to have in the boat for safety gear ect...they been in boats since weeks old..it's up to us to teach them...they have my old 12 footer tinner they use as a row boat...when they where smaller we would let them take it out with a big rope tied to the dock so they could only go so far out, but yet still fish, goof off and feel big, now they don't go out without myslef or one of the neighbours outside in the yard with boats in the water ready to go anytime that can go help them in a pinch or if the wind kicks up and they can't paddle back...they have to stay within site of camp....and they don't go anywhere without lifejackets on or a safety kit in the row boat with them. I know if I get stopped and checked, I have everything I need in the boat with me and probably a bit more,a copy of the ownership/registration for the boat, and since recently my PCO card. Thanks for the reminder, and cheers to a safe boating season in 2008
  24. I have always enjoyed the challenge of 12 month a year multispecies angling. Being lucky enough to grow up in the Niagara Region where there is always somehting open 12 months a year. I also have spent a huge part of growing up travelling to different areas up north more camping and fishing for many species over the years. For me also I would say since being "hooked" as a kid I soon found myself in the quest for big fish more and more, starting probably when I was about 12 catching big Chinooks and Coho's in the river, heck I even have fun catching big carp and suckers. I have never really been one that goes fishing for my dinner, lucky if I keep between8-10 fish a year tops, most likely less althuogh my wife wishes it was alot more I am sure. I love that 12 months a year I have developed pattern through lots of time on and around the water experimenting, keeping fishing journals, and pics of fish along the way, and learned some great tactics that will help me catch fish all year long as different species come into play. Some of my most memorable PB's include a 42 lb Chinook,22.5lbs steelie, both caught in the 80's in the lower Niagara,a couple pike in the 48 incher-25lbs plus range -1 of which was a local fish and a real giant as far as I am concerned, a couple at my camp,my PB musky is about 56 inches, I based this ona 52er I kept for a mount and another I measured at 54, the PB was bigger so that's my guess, now I am in the quest to break the 60 incher mark. Although I keep making it harder on myself all the time, I still like the challenge of beating my PB's, and I think that will be an ongoing quest for years to come. I love the alure of "trophy" fishing but I also take note to myself that a "trophy" is certainly different from one body of water to the next..for example, anyone with the knowhow can easily go out on the big lakes like Erie, or fish lake O in the BOQ and boat eyes in the 30 incher plus well into the teens range...to me that's not much of a trophy and more common place for those bodies of water...but on the other hand, to pull a 8-10 lber out of a small lake is a trophy in comparison. Or like when I lived up in The Soo for a while and would tag along with some guys when they where moose hunting and go and fish little back woods lakes, streams ,ponds you know are virtually untapped and you pull out a few speckies in the 5-6-7 lber range...those are real trophies for sure. I also like other aspects of enjoying fishing and the outdoors for example, I am a trustee on the executive commitee for a local conservation club, and volunteer on a walleye enhancement project together with the MNR for the last couple years, as well as being involved in different aspects of wildelife and habitat enhancement projects that our club is involved with....this is just one way I like to give back to a sport/hobby that I enjoy so much. I also like see some of the values shared by fellow sportsman over the years, as well as countless memories with my 3 daughters along the way. I value the family aspect of fishing,the bonds that can be made with good friends along the way as we share our values together, and sometimes even the serenity of a few hours on and by the water quietly alone soaking it all in.
  25. all you guys are funny with that, I get a kick out of the "console guys" and the "tiller guys" razzing eachother I can't have an opinion on that...I have both 30 plus MPH is pretty good on the water...lots of bigger boats with bigger motors don't get much more out of em than that, sure maybe not the hole shot the bass boat guy get but.....you and your family will have a blast...My Legend Viper with the 40 on it in comparison with a bit more decking and heavier seats ect still comes in at about only 1000lbs all together, and I can get about 40 MPH out of it,2 guys and some fishin gear. We use the boat for family boat rides, goofing off, tubing, ect along with fishing.....this way it was well justified as a "family" purchase Looking forward to some great reports along the way..stay safe this summer on the water and get out there and have a blast with the family and friends
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