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Everything posted by jwl

  1. that pic is a classic, I wonder if the other side says.."Will Fish For Food"
  2. will see tommorrow night when I hit a local bar with the wife to go check it out. My first thought ever since I heard of this match up is that Rampage will crumble Griffin..he walked all over Lidell a couple times and I don;t think that would be a good match up for Griffin either so I say...He mo whup Griffin's mule
  3. right on, I bet she remembers that for a long time. ya gotta watch them girls, I know, I got 3 daughters, and they can do a good job outfishing the boys sometimes (well mostly because when I got 3 kids fishing with me, I don't really have time to get my line in there, so they think they got one up on Dad for the day ) thanks for sharing a great catch
  4. skipped out on the car for first vehicle bought this instead cuz it seemed wayyyy cooler at the time 1972 Triumph - 750cc Trident had the bike for many years, in the pic is my oldest daughter who is now turning 14 on the 7th,my how time flies Still got the daughter , not the bike divorced her mom 10 years ago,got screwed over ..had to sell the bike...wish I still had it cuz I had it since way before I met my X wife and started having kids....oh well maybe one day when the kids get older time for more toys..for now I am happy that I get away with having a trailer and a couple boats as for first actual car...1980 Pontiac Pheonix, red with an ugly grey stripe..definately not as cool as the bike
  5. not to be a wize guy here , but if the alleged experts said it was a "Lunar Moth"...that one isn't, the one on the pic of mine is...and there is definately no "R" at the end...it is LUNA MOTH just funnin, look up Cecopria moth(spelling again) ,you will see it's the one in your pic
  6. cool pics, but I beleive the moth in your pic is a Cecopria Moth(not sure the spelling), they get huge too, hatched one in a jar once when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing the little one thinks they are pretty cool
  7. anyone know of a good way to edit the pic of the 4 elk to get a decent close up of them????
  8. have a great safe trip. don't worry when over there it's pretty easy to separate the men from the boys........all you need is a crow bar (couldn't help it, there was already some jokes flying around )
  9. hope there is a speedy recovery , about 10 years ago I had to have carpal tunnel surgery, spent months not being able to fish, it really sucked man, and way too much time in physio. best of luck with everything and hope ya get back at it very soon
  10. you always have a pretty good tale of the musky adventures along the way, thanks for sharing, funny how you have great luck first thing in the morning, I have gotten most of mine in the mid day hours. I am sure we will hear many more great reports to come..thanks for sharing
  11. that will run your boat just fine no probs, my boat is rated for a 50 and I run a 40 on it woith excellent performance, I can get almost 40mph out of it pretty much, I am not too worried about a drag racing hole shot..lol my wife's uncle has a startcraft deep modified V rated for a 30 and he runs a 20 on it and it is great for that boat.
  12. great way to share a report..nothing like some good ole funning around between fishin pals
  13. thanks for all the comments folks..as you can probably tell from most of my reports, I love sharing this kind of time with my family and we always have a great time at it, many more trailer reports to come for the season as well. My youngest one is always bugging to go to the trailer, she loves it there...the older girls..well, you know teenagers they have thier "moments" where they think the trailer is boring, but once they get there they have a good time We caught lots of fish as usal, I am waiting for some pics back from my buddy's camera to share some more. As for the moth, those things are huge, it was a pretty cool find, but even cooler to me that i actually saved it from the water, it dried out and flew away
  14. good luck in the quest man, I saw a couple just out from my place this weekend, and spooked a huge one on the top out in the open water heading toward the centre bar too won't be up for a couple weeks, but my brother is going this coming week and bringing our bigger boat up with him for his trip so I am getting him just to leave it up at my trailer for me when I head up next time so I have it for a few good missions before I bring it back home. Will have to meet up some time out there if possible if we head out there at the same time since we are practically neighbours
  15. As luck would have it, it worked out for us to be able to spend 5 nights up at camp,my work schedule was open, the wife had docs orders to take the rest of the week off,our 13 year old headed out on a 3 week RVing adventure to Thunder Bay with a school friend and her grandparents. So off we went as this was probably the longest stretch of time on a row we can spend this summer between work ect and why not take advantage of that. It was a fun filled trip all around but we where thrown a couple curve balls with the wather along the way...not to mention the approx 350 km trip turned into a 6 hour drive but we made it in time to put a fire and settle in to a few cold ones for the night. Woke up Saturday for some decent weather, so I headed down to the dock with my little one for a few casts. Emily was having a decent bass opener so far and here is another for her with Mommy helping her out to get a pic..gotta love fishin in the back yard!!!! and guess what Dad caught , Emily wanted to take a pic just to rub it in I think..lol Later on in the day the weather tuned crappy for a bit and the wind kicked up so we didn't even bother to push the tinner in for the day. Sunday started off a decent day so we packed up a bunch of stuff and headed down to the beach so Emily could try out her new ride We all know how spoiled kids are these days and she insisted that she had to have a chaffuer to get her around A while later on Sunday afternoon one of my good fishin pals of over 20 years came up to his camp which is right beside mine and used to be my mom's, he bought it when my mom put her trailer up for sale. We decided we would try and get some fishin in around the weather, but wouldn't ya know it, about an hour after my buddy came we got a huge down pour for a while. The wind started to kick up again and we decided once again, not to push my tinner in the water for the day and do some fishing off the dock. My buddy got this one that looks like something tried to "catch" it first. Finally on Monday morn we woke up early to some decent weather,popped my tinner in the water and headed out for the morning, we got into a bunch of these guys and also a bunch of panfish and perch for the morning but we decided to try for something a bit bigger and I headed over to my "pike spot" where my buddy got the biggest one of the day It was a great time had by all, but time on the water was pretty limited around all the crap weather, and like clock work every day the wind pretty much blew us off the water by noon hour, even yesterday morning we only got about an hour or so of fishing in before we called it a day when the whitecaps started to come over my boat and watched the lake all day as it got windier and windier, so we puttered around camp, packed it up and headed back for home about 7 pm. As I also mentioned in the title, this was a great couple days for some pretty cool encounters with nature. We headed into town to run some errands and along the way just before the main road we saw an awesome sight. It was a huge majestic, full racked Woodland Elk bull with 3 cows...what ya know...no camera go figure, so I rushed back to my camp to grab the camera in hopes of getting a few shots. By the time I got back the Bull had wandered toward the tree line and the cows where laying in the tall grass..not sure if you can make it out in the pic but just about in the middle of the pic around the tree line is the Bull looking right at me, and off a bit to the right are the 3 cows...pic does it not much justice but if you look closely and see a couple brownish specs...that's them On one of our trips out in the boat, I spotted somehting floating on the water and tuenred around to go see what it was and get it. Turns out it was a huge Luna Moth, I thought it was a goner floating on top and wanted to scoop it up just to show my little one. Much to my surprize when I put it down on the boat seat it started to crawl around. We got it back to camp to show my little one, and happy to say that after a little while of drying off, it eventually flew away. This fella visited my dock every day Tuesday while helping move a shed that the neighbour gave to my buddy for his site, I came across this pretty cool looking black and blue salamader hiding under an old piece of wood I am glad we didn't actually "catch " any of these on our adventures but I was startled to find this in my fire pit on Tuesday night when I went out to put a fire in All in all it was a great trip, and great also being able to share some of these nature experiences with my little on along the way, it's way better than sitting home on the couch watching re-runs, and great all around family type fun that has held many great memories along the way.
  16. tell ya when I get one in , never landed one trolling before, have hooked a few hogs that I got the pleasure of watching a good air show......watch the fish jump out of the water big time...then fish goes one way...lure goes the other kind of deal . All the muskies I have caught have been casting....of those probably at least 1/2 have been caught while fishing for something else..caught on everything from a dew-worm while drifting for browns, to tubes and twisters fishing for bass and walleye, and even one on a top water scum-frog while fishing for largies in the lily pads...so hard to say..maybe these ones didn't count either cuz I was fishing for somehting else at the time ...then of course there are the days where you practically rip your arm off tossing around big lures on a heavy rod all day to come up with nothing more than a sore elbow
  17. don't get your panties all in a bunch now, I just had the chance to check it out and I responded as soon as I saw the post and PM soon as I got back from running some errands before heading out on a couple day fishing trip to my camp, and appologized openly on the board to you and so everyone could see. I can admit to being in the wrong or taking somehting out of context no prob..even in front of the 3000 members of this board We all know it's easy to misread something on a fishing board, and tonnes of people on here have probably responded in haste to something...I don't say nothin on the fishing forum I would not talk to you about face to face..I don't hide behind the keyboard. Those who know me, know that about me, and that I am really not some kind of crap disturber just for my own personal entertainment for the day. I have quite a few direct MNR contacts from being a trustee on the exec committee of a conservation club, and from volunteering the last couple years on a walleye enhancement project, I got no problem at all trying to get info from them and sharing. Thanks for taking the time to do so in the other thread
  18. that's a great reply walleye boss,my appologies for not reading your post correctly in the first place..and this is news to me, I was always under the impression that you where NOT supposed to catch fish and give them away and any kept fish where to be for personal consumption. Looks like the MNR help us answer a couple more questions again, I was going to ask one of my MNR conacts that I volunteer with in the spring about this. Thanks for the lesson of the day in the regs...who says you don't learn something new everyday Again my appologies as I wasn't trying to be "one of those guys" who gets all wrapped up in the soap opera of the board just to see the trouble unfold for something to do...that's not what I am about ..just being over protectiuve I guess, I grew up fish all around the Niagara Region and have seen all kinds of crap along the way when it comes to people breaking the rules.
  19. great going on the tourney, nice fish. I love seeing musky pics from different bodies of water and the difference in colour patterns on them, those are some nice looking fish. You guys hold tournies that are a far cry from the days my Grandparents had a cottage at Stoney Point, I would go there and rent a boat at the marina when I was about 14-15 and go fishing and chat to the old feller running the marina..back then when they held a musky derby most of the big fish where killed and the winners would have the heads of the muskies cut off and made into a mount...there where tonnes of them all along the doorway ect at the marina...I always though that wasn't very cool at all, and a big shame to kill all those big fish like that
  20. for allbusiness in comparison, here is the differnce in the layout of my boat..they have the same hull, but layout is alot different, you may not have seen at a dealership if you got the boat new in comparison because they don't make this model any more for 2008. I think maybe one of the reasons they took it out of thier line-up was sales...cuz in comparison as well the base price on the Viper compared to the Angler is about $3000 on the base package
  21. no way, once on plane I can goof with the trim and run it at half throttle no probs at all..when you cut back on the throttle, trim the motor up more, you will see if you play around with it..hard to tell really when you are breaking themotor in cuz you can't really just give 'er and run the crap out of the motor to play around with it..you should not have to have your boat WOT throttle to keep it on plane...or to even get it on plane in the first place, and once on plane , with the trim adjusted well it should stay a smooth ride pretty much until you practically slow the boat right down..doesn't take much to get those boats on plane...the hull itself is only about 700lbs, my boat is probably heavier because it has more decking than the one you have.
  22. I have the 151 Viper...pretty much the same boat, same hull (Viper is a little more decked out)..they are rated for a 50, I have a 40 on mine and can get pretty much 38-42 mph out of it when I tried clocking it before....the 25's are pretty underpowered for these boats. To get on plane quickly...trim the motor all the way down...once on plane, slowly start trimming it up, you should feel the boat smooth right out and go fatser as you trim it. If it starts to bounce up and down adjust the trim accordingly until you get a smooth ride. I know guys with simular boats that came with a 25 and when they where in my boat with the 40 they all said they wished they upgraded the motor because with the 25 they lag. Legend packages come underpowered for sure, mine was being sold with a 25 no power trim ( was told it doesn't come factory installed on anything less than a 30) and it was going to be $800 to get power trim, we decided to go with the 40-oil injected 2 stroke(was 2003 when we got the boat new)..even the bigger 18 footers at the time only came with a 30 for the base package. I am glad I opted for the 40, the boat has great performance with the motor...it's decent on gas, of course sucks it up when running WOT, but planes out in seconds, trims out great and is fast enough for my boating needs If this is a brand new boat..perhaps the dealership you bought it off of would let you trade in that motor on an upgrade...if you are keeping the 25 on it...after the break in period take it for a few hours of screwing around and play with the trim until you get a good feel for it....when it's on plane and well trimmed you should really feel the difference, the boat will smooth right out...trim it up a bit at a time and you will feel the boat go faster, if it starts to bounce, trim it down a bit at a time until it smooths out again, if you feel like it is lagging after that and cutting through too much water, slowly trim it up again until it smooths out....same as when slowing down from WOT, if you are slowing down fast and don't want to feel like the bow of the boat is being pushed up to high and the back "digging in", start to slow down, and trim the motor down at the same time this will really help. Goof around until you get the feel for it...have a blast and a great safe summer with the new boat.
  23. technically speaking you really aren't supposed to fish for the purpose of giving away the fish to someone else, it's supposed to be yours. If for example you gave them to your mother...if the MNR was to check so to speak, and she told them that you gave her the fish, they hypothetically speaking, they could check you, make sure you had your liscence and that you didn't give your mother more than your limit of fish...and yep if she has those fish in the freezer for 10 years...that is YOUR limit, and you are not allowed to keep any more fish of that species until those are gone That's like suggesting that the guys who go out get a limit of fish then call someone up to run down to the place, pick up the fish so they don't have the fish on them anymore and continue to catch another limit and call thier buddies back are doing this legally.....believe me they are not and I know of cases in my area where people have gotten busted by the CO's big time for this activity
  24. Don't let my 13 year old daughter hear you guys saying stuff like this...she leaves tommorrow for a 2 week or so raod trip up to Thunderbay with a friend of hers and thier grandparents for some camping,fishing and boating.....hmm wonder if I can sneak in there
  25. correct me if I am wrong here, but do you not have to have a fishing liscence to be in possession of a sportfish of any kind??? and probably not a very cool thing to come on a fishing board with alot of great ethical anglers,including lots who do different things to help preserve our resources and fisheries and try and tell people how they can "cheat" the rules. You need a fishing liscence if you are between 18-65 period the end wether you keep fish or not..you need one before even casting yuor line in the water...this includes helping your kids..if your hand is on the rod for example casting for your kids or helping reel in a fish, you need your liscence. If you have fish that you didn't buy from the grocery store in your freezer you better made dam sure someone in the house has a fishing liscence and also you don't have more than your limit...ethically speaking you cannot sit at home with fish in your freezer, then go away on a fishing trip and keep/possess over your limit of the same species you already have in the freezer at home...even if you are 100 miles away from your freezer at the time. your pOSSession limit is for the liscenced angler and INCLUDES FISH THAT YOU GIVE AWAY
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