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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. Let me know what you find out. I have a Lowrance, and wanted to connect it to my Mercury. I bought what I thought was right - which I am guessing was a starter kit. I have run the cable to my Lowrance - and back to the motor, but have not connected it as I was missing items. I think it was an extra T as you describe. The lack of clear instructions on it - is frankly amazing.
  2. Been a while since I have posted anything - pretty much since it has been a while since I did any fishing (I did catch one fish out of season - not on purpose, but figured I wouldn't post it). The family cottage week this year was July 2nd to 9th, on lovely Lake Muskoka. Unfortunately the report will not contain any Lunkers - due in part mostly to me. Normally before I go to any new Lake, I do a lot of research, usually involving: Looking at Nautical Maps and marking potential areas to try. Searching forums for other fishing reports and possibly spots to try. This would also include colours to use, etc. Pestering people on OFC to give me their honey holes <grin>. For some reason this year - I could not be bothered - and it showed up in my decision making through the week (more on that later). The other thing that impacted - I had no idea how big Lake Muskoka was. I mean sure, I looked at it on a Map, but when I was tooling around the size really hit me. This probably meant I was fishing in the wrong part of the Lake, at the wrong time - but hey - live and learn (I know where the fish are not now). The start did not go well. I use an App to show Sun/Moon phases (two of them actually) and the week should have been awesome. But after fishing Sunday/Monday/Tuesday with nothing to show for it (big anyway), I was getting really discouraged. (ok - I did not get totally skunked, but the fish were tiny). To make it worse, while trolling on Tuesday evening for Walleye - something big hit and I lost it. Pretty sure my knot let go - > which goes back to my earlier point on decision making/focus. At any rate, I think it was a big Pike, but never got to see it, which quite frankly was agony (took me a day to let it go). Here is the Monday report: I call this picture - Fish Mustache. That is what you get for doing selfies in a boat. What made me excited was I caught this guy using Top Water, and while he was thrashing around a bunch of his buddies (much bigger buddies) came in to look - so got him in the live well so as not to spoke the others and tried again - and NOTHING. Sat over the spot for another hour trying all sorts of stuff - but that was it for the day. At least I had awesome water conditions (I love it when it is like glass - of course does not always help in the catching of Fish) Moving on to Wednesday (I have already described the Tuesday agony) Things finally started to look better on Thursday (sorta). First I had a friend up fishing with me for the day, so went to a spot I had tried earlier in the week but stopped going due to boat traffic on the weekend (big mistake). I had two Pike follow my spoon - the 1st was 30+ no question - scars all down the back. He is sitting there looking at my lure, as I am jigging it like a mad man trying to get him to take it - and then off he goes. 2nd follower was about 10 minutes later - smaller, but still picture worthy. But again just followed it to the boat. I am of course thinking - here we go again. Anyway moved on after about 3 hours of casting, jigging, trolling (and maybe a little crying). Found some more Bass: Friday was my last day on the water, and Sun/Moon phase said it was going to be the worst. Went back to the Pike Spot - and spent another 3 hours with nothing. Managed to spook a 5 pound Large Mouth, while trolling through a shallow spot (why oh why did I not cast in front of me while moving - which I normally do) - but hey at least my Polarized Glasses were letting me see below the surface (more crying). But over all it was a good week. Away with family, awesome weather, the boat ran great (including my trolling motor which had some issues last year).
  3. Tell him to check the Prop he has installed - going to guess it has too much Pitch for the motor/boat setup. When I bought my Smokercraft, it had a 23P prop installed - what I found out is that Marina's will often take the original prop off (or never got it on the sale) and will just install what they "think" will work. So Plane took forever, top speed was great, but it would porpoise all over the place, and as you describe at the slightest ripple - generally speaking could not run it WOT. I was going to go smart tabs, etc. - but decided first to properly size the Prop for the Motor and Boat. Big difference - does not hop around at all.
  4. You can try West Bay for Salmon. I did there once - only caught one, but it was decent. There is a Public Launch there. Lake Manitou has Small Mouth, and Rainbows - and probably other stuff. Only been on it once for fishing. A few launches around the lake. Manitowaning Bay - Trying to remember as I only was there once, but I believe there is a fish farm at the bottom of the Bay. You can troll around it and catch rainbows that escape. I caught a nice one there. In terms of places to stay, I don't really have any feedback. My Cousin lives there, so I am always staying with Family.
  5. Thanks for the input so far. I guess I should say, I don't need to make it all the way to Trenton either. Even just a couple of days tour one way, and then back would be ok. The lock I really want to see/use is the lift lock in Kirkfield. Call me crazy - I just think the Locks are cool, so that would be the highlight for me.
  6. So I have done the Severn the part of the Trent-Severn - but never the Trent part. I am thinking it might be a fun trip to do, and was looking for some tips for planning purposes. I am not sure how long it takes to do that section. Boat in question is 18.5 Smokercraft, so won't be staying in it, so have to plan for stops along the way for the night. Thought it would be fun to see some lakes I have not been in yet (and probably troll a little....maybe....), and go through some locks (in particular the lift locks) - again that I have never been in. Normally have a cottage for the week in the Summer, but this year may do a trip like the above first. A thought anyway.
  7. Do it like Hollywood: Reports on OFC - write them like a Movie Trailer. Enough to add spice, etc. but not the full story. Reports in Magazine - The Movie.
  8. Just so you are aware, the guys at Krown go through some pretty intensive training, on how to drill as little as possible (not the line guys, but the owner/operator usually and/or who is selected from the shop). They are trained on the in's/out's of vehicles - where the best spot to drill is - and then based on feedback from owners and franchise owners, will adjust. (Full reveal - My Brother Inlaw owns a Krown). So while there is some drilling - it is usually pretty minimal - and as others chime in, has little impact to the car itself.
  9. Guess the Canadian guys changed their minds? From Environment Canada (only selected area around Barrie, but alerts so other spots in Ontario): Statements3:41 PM EST Thursday 19 November 2015 Special weather statement in effect for: Barrie - Collingwood - Hillsdale Midland - Coldwater - Orr Lake Orillia - Lagoon City - Washago Local snow squall activity likely tonight into Friday just east of Georgian Bay. Snow heavy at times on tap for late Saturday into Sunday morning for Grey Bruce and Central Ontario. For regions just east of Georgian Bay: showers are forecast to change to flurries and local snow squalls late tonight into Friday morning as temperatures drop behind a cold front. Although significant accumulations are not expected at this time, heavy flurries and local blowing snow could reduce visibilities. Travellers should prepare for winter driving conditions. Snow squall watches may be required as the event draws nearer. For Grey Bruce and Central Ontario: a low pressure system developing over southern plain states of the United States is forecast to track northeast into Southwestern and Central Ontario. Current guidance indicates that the system could potentially give total snowfall amounts of 10 to 15 cm. There is still uncertainity in the intensity and track of the system and Environment Canada will continue to monitor the situation and update the statement. Please monitor the latest forecasts and warnings from Environment Canada at www.weather.gc.ca.
  10. I had something similar on a Polaris. When I would give it the beans, I would get a clunking/gear grinding sound. Ended up taking it apart - issue was with the bearings on the drive shaft - not that they were bad or anything, but there was a bracket that holds them to the chassis of the sled. The person who had "worked" on the machine the previous winter, had put the bracket only on one side - so nothing was stopping the bearings from shifting under load. So when the torque hit - the bearings moved - which allowed the drive shaft to the track to move - which allowed the drive wheels on the track to move. By the time I found it - it had actually started to eat a hole in the chassis. Anyway - ended up replacing the bearings (had it apart so why not) - put the holding bracket on properly, with one piece on each side of the chassis to keep the bearings in the center. Replaced the drive wheels (again - why not). When back together it was a rocket, with no slipping.
  11. I started flipping manually a few years ago. I like it more for the control on the cast - distance, etc. No idea about line twist - I just like it
  12. I am really getting the feeling AA left, not because of autonomy, but because of Budget. The message seems to be prospects - which is what a small payroll team has to focus on - see Oakland, Tampa, and "gasp" - Cleveland. It appears AA's hands were tied the last couple of years, but he got smart this past season, and did not spend to his budget, which then let him do what he did in July. But I think he knew that it was unlikely Rogers would change their minds, even after they saw what a post season run was like. He met several times - did not like the message he was hearing, and saw the writing on the wall. Pure speculation on my part -> but going to call it now. Rogers will reduce operating budget on the team for next season, with Tulo probably being the trade. The reason will be they need pitching (and I am ok with Goins at short), but I expect it will not be top tier pitching, but "controllable" arms, which means lower cost.
  13. Did you launch out of Nogies? I am wondering if Water level is still ok? Planning on going out next week for one last trip - not sure how Pigeon is when water is let out of the Trent.
  14. He did about the best he could do - Halladay asked for a trade, and despite that being Public AA at least got something for him. AA traded Taylor for Brett Wallace - who he then traded for Anthony Gose - who he then traded for Devon Travis. Pretty sure fans are going to love that deal long term. At the time the Dickey trade looked great (I was not a fan of trading Syndergaard though), when combined with the Marlins trade, but it never worked out. But Dickey was instrumental in getting the Jays to the playoffs this year - was lights out in the 2nd half - unfortunately he had a bad game against KC. Be an interesting press conference - that is for sure.
  15. you are correct on that - I certainly am speculating (and like most people speculating, I am acting like it is the truth...lol. ). It was for 5 years according to Rogers. I dunno - there is just something about it that does not sit right with me. But now that I have ranted, it is time to move on. And I really hope I am wrong, and the Jays win the World Series next year - the only problem is it might interrupt my
  16. My biggest concern now is the Morale of the organization - not the core of team, but how this will impact everyone in the organization. I have worked for Good Companies - Bad Companies - and Good Companies that became Bad. The Bad ones all share the same thing -> destruction of employee Morale, and when that is gone, it does not come back. Staff who work for the Blue Jays have got to be wondering about things - and no matter how it is spun to the Public, will know that something about this is not right. To me this is more than AA not coming back (GM's come and go all the time - I hope he lands on his feet, but at some point all GM's are fired/hired/leave) - it is the Optics, and the seeming stupidity of Ownership that has me more concerned then ever about the direction of the Team.
  17. Nice fish - which is better than no fish...
  18. Nice fish. That happened to me when I first started fishing - could catch anything. Then I thought I knew something, and it all went away (sorta like my Golf game too...lol). Glad you can fish with your wife - . Always nice when that can be done together.
  19. Only in Toronto - Can a team make the playoffs for the first time in years - and not keep the GM. Looks like Rogers managed to mess this one up again. Pretty sure they had determined to fire AA at the end of the Season - and then the trade deadline comes a bammmo. Now what? It might not be bad - but I have a feeling it will decimate the team. Even the Marlins don't mess up like this - and they have won a World Series in recent years.
  20. Would they still be shallow this time of year - or is it a timing thing (i.e. need to hit them when feeding)? I am very much a novice when it comes to Muskie, so still learning the patterns. From what I have been told, they will be deep now, and that is where we were catching them.
  21. My cousin had something similar happen on GBay - little tinny, with him and friend. Driving into the wind, hit a wave which forced the bow up - and the wind blew it over. Little boat might be ok in and around Honey Harbor - but won't catch me on anything small out in the Bay. Glad everyone is ok.
  22. I will do my best to catch it again (actually - Mark has to catch it) so we can do a proper photo shoot - . At any rate - very interesting debate on the type of Fish - either Muskie or Tiger Muskie. Found it informative.
  23. Thanks Lew - I think that is something I will try next year.
  24. Nice fish. What lake were you on?
  25. Awesome post. Loved the Walleye - that one was massive!!!!
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