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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. I have a 2006 Optimax 115HP. Only issues I have had with Carbon, is from trolling a low speeds for too long. Got a piece of carbon stuck in the Sparkplug, and ended up running on 2 cylinders. Cleaned it up - back to 3. I swapped the plugs out at the end of the season, as I had not changed them in a while. I alway purchase/fill it with the Quicksilver DFI Synthetic. The other marina I have heard good things about is http://www.sandycovemarine.com/. Have had a few friends with Motor and/or out drive issues. Might be worth a call. NOTE: I have never used them myself. Wondering about the low compression however. That does not come and go, as described in the post. If the compression was that bad, there is no way you would be able to get to cruising speed on only 2 cylinders - at all. Have you taken a look at the Spark Plugs and maybe just replaced them? Also what kind of Fuel do you put in - if not using Shell High Test, you might have a ethanol/gelling issue. Those things can cause the issue - or at least cause it the way you have described (full power for a bit, and then it drops off).
  2. I launched at the Marina. Decent launch - $15.00 and $15.00 out. They let me park my Trailer there - no issues. Also told me if they were not around (which they weren't) how to open the Gate and move the Truck parked in front of the Gate, so I could get out.
  3. This is a small report, as I was only there for the day. Also did not get to do much fishing, as had a lot of Family to take around on Boat Tours. Didn't mind really as the weather was a bit iffy - and frankly I thought the fishing would be slow. However I did get out for about an hour or so, and decided to concentrate on two Shoals in Big Whitefish (was at a Cottage in Little Whitefish). Interestingly while I did have a Chart, neither Shoal was marked on it. The one was particularly dangerous - really surprised it was not marked by someone on the lake, since the it was just below the water, and not easy to spot. At any rate, I really had no idea what was in the Lake, other that Bass. I had caught 2 small ones, and had a couple of swipes, but nothing much. ​Then this guy hit like a Tank. I cannot recall a stronger initial bite, nor fight. I was reeling in and actually had to tighten my drag up because it did not want to come up to the surface. I hand bombed the fish into the Boat (even though I had a net) and the line snapped just as I got him in. That part was strange, but I was having issues with line and twist. Not a monster by any means: But for my first time out this year, on a new body of water, and for the fight - > it was worth it.
  4. Thanks to you both. I will stop before the Dam.....
  5. Going to be up in Haliburton in a couple of weeks, for the family cottage weekend (Kashagawigamog Lake). I am wondering the following: 1) Am I able to navigate/access Burnt River via Canning Lake? I have a 18.5 Foot Smokercraft. 2) If so how far would I be able to go (like to explore sometimes) 3) Finally - is it worth fishing there, or should I just concentrate on the Lakes themselves? Only have a week so want to optimzie my time. Will be going for Bass/Muskie. (Or really anything that bites...lol).
  6. Got on the highway this morning, and pulled in behind a Toyota SUV, towing a Pontoon Boat. From the looks of it, the driver had just pulled it out of storage, to get ready for boating season. I am a little slow in the morning - at least until the Coffee kicks in - but for some reason the Trailer just did not look right to me (I am even wondering if it was sized correctly, but that is for another day). As I am looking at it, realized that the back tire (this trailer had dual tires on both sides) was completely gone, and was running on the RIM.. Pulled up beside the driver - and do you think I could get his attention?!. Laid on the horn, waved my arms, etc. Nothing........ Anyway, I was probably more likely to cause an Accident by staying, so went on my way (400 through Barrie - not ideal). At least he was not going fast - and I suppose he had 3 tires , at least until the next one blows.
  7. One of my Favorites -> Aberlour 12 Year. The 10 year is ok, but 12 is much better (IMO). 2nd on my list -> Bowmore 12 Year. My most favorite - anything at the Duty Free, that is 1 litre in size, and 12 years or older
  8. I have used it twice. 1st order I got updates, the 2nd one not so much. I went into the store to check - turned out it was not there yet.
  9. I have not towed with a RAV4, but did tow for a while with a CUV (Hyundai Veracruz). While I had thought I calculated the weight of my boat correctly, and was under the 3500 pound towing limit on the vehicle, I did not take into account things likes supplies and/or people in the Car. Also did not take into account tongue weight. I now tow with a Truck, and the difference is night and day - and I would not want to go back. As mentioned, one key area is braking, and as DanD mentioned, there are things you can do to provide that. But another key factor is stability, and the Vehicles ability to handle the weight behind it. I often felt like the Boat was pushing my tow vehicle around - and I did not realize how true that was, until I got a properly sized tow vehicle. Now it feels like the Truck is in control - and if I had to do something evasive, I would be more comfortable about maintaining control. Something to think about anyway.
  10. Hope you do better than me. I was out yesterday - not even a sniff.
  11. Thanks for the update. I am planning one more trip there - hopefully next week.
  12. For your pictures, the other thing you can do is shrink them in size. If you have a Photo Editor - you can configure a picture so it is better suited for a Web Page. In terms of why so long to post -> It is like a fish following a bait - sometimes it likes to lurk for a while, before it strikes. .
  13. Since it was a new lake for us, we mainly trolled so we could cover water. Went up and through Burnt River as well. The only fish we saw all day is the one I caught, so can't really say anything on Pike - other than we did not catch one, or see one. I was throwing a Matzuo Kinchou. I have become addicted to those lures - introduced to them by Mystery Tackle Box. I really like the flared gills on the fish, and have had excellent success in catching pretty much everything with them. I wish they had them in bigger sizes, but strangely I still seem to catch big fish, with smaller lures.
  14. Excellent selection in Scotch
  15. Buddy wanted to try a new lake to both of us - Cameron. He is looking to catch a decent size Muskie, and while we knew the sizes may not be there, we understood that Quantity might be - so off we went. One thing he has going for him is what I will call "The Streak" - > if he is captaining the boat, someone on board will catch something - just not him. . Unfortunately, this continued to hold true -> however as he stated, at least we did not get skunked. This hit around 10AM: By no means a big one for me (Would have been great however if he or his daughter who was with it caught it). Too bad really because it hit like a freight train, ran a couple of times, jumped completely out of the net, and ran again after we thought it had been contained. Then when I ready to release real gentle like, it tail flipped in the face (completely deserved) and took off. As such I was hoping that it meant active fish. Sadly - that was it for the day. But it was a gorgeous day to be on the Water - and fishing beats work any day of the week, and twice on Sunday .
  16. Friday and Saturday on Moon River/GBay - never caught anything there, but going to keep trying for Muskie. Then if all is well -> maybe Pigeon on Monday.
  17. I may have someone..will let you know.
  18. Thanks but it is not my Boat. I think he is ok - He has a barter arranged with the Marina he will be getting his stuff from. So won't be paying full pop anyway. But PM me your contact info, and I will pass it on to him. If he is interested, he can contact you directly.
  19. He called me up yesterday wanting to know if I could take him back up there, to see if the Prop could be salvaged (and to be honest, it was an excuse to go out in the Boat). We set off from Barrie around 5PM - mindful of the weather. I figured we could get up to Orillia without issue - it would be the ride home that would be interested (and it was). After about 15 minutes of looking, we found the spot - and the carnage. The drive shaft/gears/hub assembly actually look in pretty good shape: Sadly the Prop did take a bit of a beating - not sure that can be repaired? (Maybe others can chime in on that one?). . Anyway - I gave him 30 minutes in the water, as I did not like the look of the Weather, and knew some bad stuff was coming in from the South. I think our ride home was about 2 hours, compared to the 40 minutes going up. And of course I broke a screw holding the windshield - so I get to do some repair work now... . But fun none the less.
  20. More hindsight - He realized after that he did not have the antenna up. Again it was the moment, and everything going on - sometimes the brain misses the simple things.
  21. Ya - it was a shoal. He had his charts up, but was going to fast, and was distracted. He was looking for his GPS Breadcrumb, from the last time he was there, so had the map zoomed out. But he had just upgraded the Maps and firmware on the devices, so lost his previous track. Told me on the way home last night it was completely his fault - he saw the marker - but not the one at the other end of the shoal. Distracted driving - causes problems on all types of machinery.
  22. Hahahaha...he took it off this year for some reason. Having said that, neither of us was aware that sort of thing was covered under insurance. Was a new one to me.
  23. So here I am, lying on my couch enjoying a lazy Sunday Afternoon, when my phone starts ringing. It is a friend of mine, who had asked me earlier to go out boating - but I was not really in mood (strange...I know). Now what could he be calling me for now. PIcked it up -> and was asked - hey you available? I hit a rock, and my entire lower unit is gone - and we are drifting. Need a tow. So this is my 2nd time in helping out a fellow boater - actually 2nd time helping him out. 1st time was last year, he had made it up to 8 Mile Point, before the motor conked out. Took me 45 minutes from Barrie to where he was, and then a delightful 3 hour tow back to where he launched (Tiffen). This time he was even further out, but very close to Orillia (Couchiching side). After trying to ascertain where he was, the planning began. For some reason he could not get anyone on VHF, there were no boats around, etc - but I think it was just the moment. He had is family and another on board, he wasn't sure if they were taking in water, etc. so it may have just been overwhelming. Worked out in the end - had a friend up at that end of the Lake that was on the water near them, so arranged a tow. OPP showed up as well (though they would not tow the boat - not at least until they were almost at the Marina, and the other boat ran into some diffculties - to large to manuever properly in the Narrows). Now for the Damage (you may want to close your eyes) Needless to say - I think I see the problem Interestingly the Marina wanted to charge him $4000 to repair/replace the Lower Unit, and was very anxious to get it on a trailer and in their shop - where I guess he would have no choice. We left it a slip, as it was not taking on water, he got his trailer and got it back to Barrie. Figures he can replace it himself much cheaper (has already got quotes on what is need, which is 1/2 the cost of the original quote). By the way - the water is low in Couch...lol...
  24. I think this is what I need for the Motor - > http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-Mercury-OEM-Engine-NMEA-2000-Gateway-Module-Part-84-8M0105243-w-J-Box-/181576312919
  25. Thanks for the diagram. I think I have it connected the way it is described, but might be missing a T-Connector to close off the network. You are also correct - I am missing the Mecury Part - which is confusing to find.
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