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Everything posted by craigdritchie

  1. Possible to do? Probably. But so far as I know only the original vehicle manufacturer is able to certify a GVWR. If you want a definite answer, call the Ministry of Transport and ask them. Even if there is a way to have this done legally, so your insurance won't be voided and you aren't exposed to lawuits in the event of an accident, it's still probably cheaper (and definitely less fuss) to just trade it in on a different truck.
  2. Forget the plastic board for the reasons mentioned - it will require a lot of additional support to reduce (you never eliminate) sagging, it weights a lot, and it is pricey stuff. Marine grade plywood is the way to go. To maximize its life, do NOT cover it in carpet. Use sheet vinyl instead, which will greatly extend the life of the deck by keeping water away from the wood. Carpet absorbs water and just accelerates rot. I once saw a boat with a floor redone with synthetic deck boards (as you would use for a deck outside your house). I have no idea how well it worked, but it definitely had a unique look to it.
  3. I was out fishing as a very young man, with my first-ever baitcasting outfit, and I tied on a floating Rapala. I cast, the bait traveled about 20 feet and my untrained thumb blew it, instantly resulting in the biggest birds nest of all time exploding out of the reel. There's huge coils of line everywhere. Crap. And to add insult to injury, right on cue a gull swoops down, grabs the Rapala, and tries to fly away with it. My fishing partner, Marty, was laughing so hard I half expected him to keel over from a heart attack. Without much choice, I hand-bombed it into the boat, popped the hooks out and sent it back on its merry way. It didn't put up much of a fuss at all.
  4. Nice walleye indeed. Great catch. I also highly recommend Advanced Taxidermy. Their fish replicas look like they're alive. I have a 37-inch steelhead they did for me almost 15 years ago ... it still looks like I just slid it up the bank. And the stuff they do now is even better!
  5. I'd rather not drive farther than necessary, but if it's really worth it, I will travel a long way for a good bite - especially if it gets me away from the crowds. I have 2014 fishing licences for Ontario, Quebec, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Kentucky and Arkansas. I like taking advantage of opportunities to catch different kinds of fish, or enjoy open seasons when things are still closed at home. Driving 3 to 6 hours one-way for a good steelhead bite is not unusual. Yes, I know I can catch fish 100 yards from my house. But if I can catch a lot more fish somewhere else, and do it without standing elbow to elbow with other people, then I have no problem gassing up the truck. I've driven to Florida for a weekend of fishing many times. No better way to beat the winter blahs than by catching a bunch of redfish, pompano and small sharks out in the Gulf. A day fishing is a pretty important thing. I have no problem driving farher if it makes that day even more special.
  6. Was that you? Shoot man, I was the guy just down from you with the Coleman stove going. After you left they turned onto foam rubber ear plugs in a big way. We got six and the last one broke our net. But sorry for the threat hijack, all. Gallie ... very nice fish. That last one is a tank.
  7. About the only thing I would add to the above is a little set of tiny screwdrivers for on-the-spot repairs to reels, sunglasses, and all sorts of other stuff. Amazing how often they come in handy. And though it's been said, don't forget the duct tape. Greatest stuff ever.
  8. Catfish. Not much question about it, IMHO.
  9. Mr. Pike was an excellent boat, one of their better ones IMHO.
  10. Try a Mercury dealer. Tohatsu doesn't just build engines for Nissan, it also builds small outboards for Merc. They may be able to source parts for you.
  11. Hooked in the mouth, fish do not feel what we would call "pain" because the requisite nervous structure simply doesn't exist. A bass or pike eating perch or sunfish clamps down on spiny dorsal fins every single day without a second thought. I wince when a bluegill nails me with one of its spines, but the bass doesn't even feel it. If fish felt pain, those bass and pike would never eat. Do you feel pain when you cut your hair or your fingernails? It's no different. The nervous structure to sense "pain" simply doesn't exist in those parts of the body. Hook a fish somewhere other than inside the mouth and I don't know the answer. I'm not aware of any research on whether a fish snagged in the back senses discomfort. I don't know that anyone has ever studied it. Fish "fight" because they resist the force of us dragging them through the water. They feel the drag of the line and they react to it. If you just hit the free-spool in mid fight, more often than not the fish will settle down and go right back to what it was doing before. It only starts resisting again when you resume trying to haul it into the boat. Try it. The fish may continue to scrap because it has a mouth full of Zara Spook and can't close its yap ... but most of the time they settle down pretty quickly.
  12. Today (yes, a Saturday) BRP formally introduced its new second generation, or "G2" E-TEC outboards at a gala unveiling in Milwaukee. There are six new engines - a 200HO, 225, 225HO, 250, 250HO and a 300. All use the same 3.4L V6 block with direct fuel injection. BRP says the G2 engines produce up to 75% fewer emissions than current generation four-strokes, 15% better fuel efficiency, and 20% more torque. They have digital throttles and shift, use a new power steering system and - wait for it - come in a choice of colours. The side panels and top panel of the cowling can be removed, so you can order the engine with the colours that you like best or that match your boat. Present choice is five colours, and 14 different accent colours. No word on retail pricing. They're apparently going to be available in early fall. Click here to read an article in the local Milwaukee paper on them. More info to follow.
  13. I agree Horwath was put in a no-win situation over the budget. Wynne tabled such a ridiculous farce of a budget there's absolutely no way anyone with half a brain could support it, and Wynne knew that. Horwath didn't force the election, Wynne did - by tabling a nonsense budget that she knew would be thrown out. I guess we'll know for sure when she brings out her new budget next month. Will it be the same thing all over? Or will this one be tempered to reflect reality? My guess is it will be toned down considerably, because now she has to make it work. It was a risky move, but I guess the Liberals felt their best chance was to force an election now while the Conservatives were still split over leadership and the trade unions were miffed at the NDP. The timing was definitely in their favour. Still ... it was a manipulative and underhanded move, IMHO. And yes, I do think political discussion has a (limited) place on a fishing forum. If we can have 256-page threads devoted to hockey, why not discuss things that directly impact our ability to afford to go fishing?? Or that potentially impact MNR's funding?
  14. We're all screwed. Absolutely screwed. To those who actually voted for these criminals - whoever you are - thanks for committing us all to four more years of higher taxes, rising costs, billions in spending on idiotic programs, backroom deals, incompetence, arrogance and outright theft. To Tim Hudak ... you should have learned from the last time. You know, when it was also your election to lose. And you did. To those who didn't vote at all - well, your hands are just as bloody. Because not voting isn't rebellion - it's surrender. Thanks for throwing in the towel. Oy vey ... I'll be drinking early today.
  15. This store should be opening soon. When I drove past a few days ago I think the sign said June 17? Can any of the Barrie folks confirm that?
  16. Did my civic duty over lunch break. Now, if there's any justice in the world, Wynne will be unemployed by the end of the day.
  17. I don't understand the point of a spoiled ballot. I really don't. We take voting for granted in this country. In most parts of the world, people kill for the opportunity. Literally. Spoiling a ballot doesn't send a message. Well, other than the one that says "this guy doesn't know how to use a pen." No one cares about spoiled ballots, least of all elected officials. You have an opportunity to change things. None of the three parties are perfect, we all know that. But make it a point to learn which one best fits with what you believe in, and give them your vote. If you don't vote, or spoil your ballot, you can't complain afterwards. Beyond that, you basically slap the face of every poor sod around the world who fought for your opportunity to do this. Nice way of saying thank you. <<< end rant >>>
  18. The other day Intrepid Marine released a video of their new 475 Panacea offshore fishing boat, powered by four Seven Marine outboards at 557 hp each. Yup, that's a total of 2,228 hp on a fishing boat. Top speed so far is 78 mph or 125 km/hr, which is pretty good for a 47.5-foot boat that's 13 feet wide and weighs nearly 15 tons (boat is approx 21,000 pounds, plus engines at around 1,000 pounds apiece plus about 2,100 litres - or 4,850 pounds - of fuel). The price? If you have to ask, don't bother. Fact is I don't know, it wasn't announced. Think well into six digits. But I suspect most of us wouldn't even want to buy the gas for this thing. Cool looking boat though. Starting up, it sounds more like a jet plane than a salmon boat. Enjoy the video. http://youtu.be/QgXgikf_q10
  19. Seriously kids, the only way to really avoid getting eaten alive is by wearing a proper bug suit. Period. People will smear all sorts of stuff over themselves trying to avoid bites, but nothing saves your hide like a lightweight mesh bug jacket. You can buy one for less than you would spend on Muskol and Afterbite over the course of a summer, it will last for years, and you simply won't get bit. Every year I see guys trying some secret formula that someone told them about, or that they read about on the internet. And they get mauled. Just buy a suit and be done with it. Once you have a jacket, bugs no longer exist.
  20. Everyone catches OOS fish now and then. On opening day of trout season I caught a gorgeous smallmouth, drifting a roe bag under a float. Sometimes, the fish don't know they're out of season so they hit anyway. Happens to all of us. That said, when you're catching far more OOS fish than the species you're targeting (or say you're targeting), it's time to change tactics or move on.
  21. You're right, spawning alewife do attract all sorts of predatory fish - salmon, trout, pike, smallmouth, walleye, catfish, you name it. The problem is, when they're in thick like that during their spawn, your fishing lure is competing with thousands of real baitfish. Even though there may be all sorts of large fish feeding in the area, that makes for pretty tough sledding. The action is normally best before they turn up en masse, and for a short period right after they die off.
  22. He was actually getting ready to hook up a second boat to the trailer hitch, I believe he was a dealer taking delivery. But you have to admit, it looks weird.
  23. I always thought the trailer hooked onto that little ball thingie by the back bumper. Guess not.
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