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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Nice fish. 6lb test. good work. Love the action shots as well.
  2. Yeah maybe closer to 4. I can't tell the girth. Generally when I see the fish live I have a good shot. I caught one the other day and guessed it was 3.4 pounds. On digital it was 3.37. Last night I guessed 2.4 pounds and it was 2.34 pounds. Last week I guessed 3.8 and the fish was 3.95. I am getting better at this game.
  3. Not sure. It says MAY. I recently bought 2 lures from an american company and was charged $2.50. Got the lures and there was no extra charges.
  4. Starting today this company now will ship lures to canada. He hasn't got alot at the moment but he has good quality stuff at great prices. Here is the best part. He ships to Canada for $3.50. I bought 4 lures today and the shipping is $3.50. My buddy is buying 8 lures and his shiping is, ep you guessed it $3.50 and it can be tracked as well. Check it out. Save some money. I have 4 bandit lures and I love them at $3.45 per lure yo can't go wrong. http://www.toplakstackle.com/ I just ordered tonight so we will see how long it takes to get here.
  5. We had a blast tonight fishing for less than 2 hours off a dock. We managed 10 fish (nothing big but lots of fun) 2.4 pounds was the largest. Crazy double header smallie bullhead all interupted by a phone call in the middle of it. Too funny. Lots of fun and I will do it again soon. 2.4 pounder Strange double header Last cast of the night I also fished the same area this aft from my boat and lost a big fish but still managed 5 smallies and a bunch of perch. nice little fat fish
  6. Wow your dollarama is sucking a bit. We have telescopic fishing rods for $2 We have 8" leaders, pack of 6 I believe for $1
  7. This July I have caught smallies in water between 2 ft and 26ft. Hope that narrows it down for you. Most of my fish are found between 10 and 16 ft.
  8. That is a great day and some really nice fish but, I would have played with that "little woodie" all day until I got a bass. That would have been very gratifying.
  9. A dry run this weekend would be a great idea for those who can. Let's see how it works before we do an official dollarama g2g. Fish wherever you are and lets see how it works.
  10. Not true. I just did it 3 weeks ago. You pay tax on the trailer when you change over the reg but not on the boat. It is possible that the gov will send you a tax bill in the mail later but I have not received on yet for the boat. That is why you whould have 2 receipts, one for boat and one for trailer.
  11. Very cool! Great adventure for sure!
  12. WOW! Change your title on this post. It should read something like "I just caught a huge Musky and pooped myself because it was so big" That is what I would have titled it. I almost didn't look at this thread because I didn't think yo caught a fish. That is nice and big. Congrats. If I ever catch a musky that big I will poop myself I am sure. Well hopefully soimeday I do (not poop myself, but catch a beauty like that)
  13. send it to photobucket then post the link
  14. I use that one for bass. It is not bad but at times is a bit generous. I have actually tried it several of times and it has been almost spot on 3 times but about 3 other times it would have been more accurate dividing by 825 ish.
  15. buy boat. get registration number of boat on one receipt with price of boat on a second receipt get VIN of trailer and price of trailer (keep this low as you pay tax on it immediately) Also get The MOT transfer paper buyers portion from the trailer registration. THe person who sell it to you retains a part of this paper and his plates. take boat receiopt to government office in your town to transfer registration of boat. THis is free and it took me 10 minutes take trailer receipt and trailer ownership transfer paper to MOT place and get trailer transfered to you and get new plates (unless you already have trailer plates). Here you pay for plates and tax on trailer. Cost me a total of $65 I think. There you are done. It is also useful to know the sellers name, address and phone numbers for these processes
  16. Where is Simon (limeyangler). He needs a camera badly. Sign him up!
  17. Well here is what I heard. They were netting on Gloucester pool to try and get musky numbers and throughout the weekend they managed to net a couple of musky, a bunch of bass and to their surprise only 1 single walleye.
  18. nice fish indeed. ( 20.5 X 15.5 x 15.5 ) / 800 = 6.15 pounds. Yep, I buy it. That is a fat fish the numbers add up.
  19. OK Dan. Can you set up a poll date thread. That would be very cool. I am away from the 8th to the 15th I think.
  20. Those dates are fine with me.
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