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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. In my opinion the Yukon is Ugly (tahoe is much nicer looking). I also find the ridgeline very ugly, sorry to those who have them, I know they are good vehicles. Honda Pilot (2009-2010) look great from the back but ugly in front. Chevy traverse is a good looking vehicle. Another good looking vehicle is the Ford Adreneline sport pickup thing. Now I know that the looks of a vehicle should be secondary but if it is ugly I would not buy it. You have to look at it all the time.
  2. Hey Rob, I don't know about your household but in mine there are no 2 days of fishing in a row. lol I am not too worried about eating pike. I like to eat pike. I just can't see myself keeping a 12" pike to eat. Do I put that 12" pike back so it can eat 6" musky?? or do I keep it and try to eat it. lol (I am laughing because I am picturing myself filleting a 12" pike and imagining the size of the fillets).
  3. lots of coin with the turbo engine but a real sleeper. If $ was not an issue and you want a ford I would opt for an Edge.
  4. Exactly. I used to use the driftwood gray screen so this is very new to me.
  5. I think I have a good understanding of why zone 17 pike is open all year. My question is this. What would you do if you caught a 12-18" pike? Would you keep it? Do you let it go again? What if you were keeping all your pike and you end up with 6 of those tiny snot rockets?
  6. Cudz


    Good to have you back. I was thinking about you just yesterday and hoping all was well as I did not have a clue about anything. Welcome back.
  7. Fatties! Nice table fare.
  8. It's mono. Too funny that vid.
  9. I might wait on the Niagara river after several people have told me that the water clarity and conditions might not be good on Wednesday. I will be staying at The White Oaks Conference Resort with my family on Thursday and Friday so Friday morning I might still hit up the river but maybe from shore. That leaves me Wednesday to fish pretty much anywhere. Is anything open on Lake O? Bronte? I really don't care where it is I just want to get out fishing on a boat. thanks
  10. Do I really need NY license? I don't plan on going onto that side of the river. I rarely get yelled at. I tend to yell back. Not too worried about that but thanks for the heads up.
  11. Swag?? I thought you bought clothes. Nice reel. Stern Rules I have 2 buddies who bought that Rapala line last year and it is the worse line I have ever seen, but if it works for you than it is a great deal. Dan. That flippin pitchin game is sweet. I do the same thing at school in my gym. I take some short cones and turn them over and place them all over and pitch to them. One of my teachers is a Pro Bass guy and we sit there at lunch pitching. Fun stuff. The gym is where I learned to pitch with a spinning reel, much harder than a with a baitcaster.
  12. Thanks for the tips Joey.
  13. nice Shootin. Those bows look so pretty.
  14. One more silly question. Is this a good time of year to go fishing in the lower? Will there be much in there? Like I said I am a total noob when it comes to this river.
  15. I was really impressed with those new skeet reese rods (the bright yellow) for $99.
  16. Thanks for the info guys. I will do my best to make it out there on Wednesday.
  17. I am thinking of going down to the Niagara river on Wednesday. I have never fished it but I will have a boat. I will be very green on the river so any help would be appreciated. (I believe I am talking about the lower river.) 1. Is the river navigable by boat right now or are there loads mini icebergs? (This is probably a stupid question) 2. Where would I launch from? 3. Do people mostly drift fish or anchor or troll (This is probably a stupid question as well)? Any help would be great. Not really looking to have an "epic" day, I just want to learn about that river. Seems like such a fantastic place to fish. I will be driving from Barrie so a fish on the day would be a bonus. thanks
  18. That is cool. He has a bit of a Johnny Depp look going on. I hope the acting works out for him.
  19. Congrats, that is cool. I am a proud father when I don't get a note home from school saying that my daughter got into another fight at school.
  20. Nope, Just weekends I would have guessed 6 Dollaramas in Canada. I am glad I didn't guess and embarrass myself. Billes. Funny. I used to work at CTC in Barrie when it was the 2 story store in Bayfield mall. I worked in the fishing department. I was good back in the day. Anyway, each summer the Billes kid came to work at our store in the paint dept. He was maybe a year or 2 older than me but he drove a jag to work and then mixed paint all day. Too funny. I think they have a "cottage" on KBay. That kid was very hmmm, how do I say this, different.
  21. I could find a home for that if you want.
  22. I think there are 7 wal-marts in Canada.
  23. wow!I was going to go but i put it off until this aft.
  24. I love any store that sells fishing gear. I don't even care if they are more or less expensive than other stores. I just like looking at fishing gear and I usualy end up buying at least one thing in the store. I can remember back in the day when Sears, Kmart, towers and zellers also sold fishing equipment. I loved it. PS. I will be on y way to BPS today. I will bet there at 4 ish. I will be the one with 3 little kids running around and Jaydub will have his 4 little kids there so there will be 6 little blond girls and 1 little boy running around causing chaos there. Sorry to the employees who have to clean up after but we do our best to limit our mess. By the way my kids love BPS. It is kind of like wonderland in the winter when wonderland is not open.
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