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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. I dropped by PetroCanada Park today in the morning. I have no urge to fish these conditions, just to take a look. A couple guys fishing, but no obvious snaggers. Fish were trying to run the rapids and since the water is sooooo low, they were just tipping over and laying there to die amoungst the rocks. Where the hell is the rain The MNR doesn't care about the salmon. They will only come if they get a lot of complaints about a spot. Everyone has to call the number to report: 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) Burt
  2. Tony knows..... post that pic of that massive pier brown that you caught....
  3. Me too, the wife put it on, so I thought I would try it out as well. Found some school friends I hadn't seen in a while too.... Burt
  4. That is the most bizarre theory for eating styrofoam that I have ever heard Yes, most methods of bottom fishing for salmon with marshmallows, ear plugs, styrofoam, hockey cards, etc., etc. is considered lining. This is when the salmon swim through your line with mouths agape and end up getting hooked. It is not illegal, it is fun, but there are more fun ways to catch them. This is the reason why you hooked a bunch but did not land any (and most hooked will be males), they usually get hooked on the outside of the mouth by this method. A better way to fish them is by casting glow spoons, CC Rattling Spots, Rattlin' Raps, J13's, etc. off the piers. Burt
  5. OMG... you just put all the hard core aquarium keepers into the fetal position lol...... Burt
  6. Glad you got them out of there and into a pond. I have a 10" midas cichlid alone in a 75gal and I do 50% water changes per week to keep the nitrates under 20ppm. Were you dumping half the water per day? Thats alot of bio-load for that size tank... Burt
  7. Hey, at least he is not holding it upside down..... that really drives me crazy.... Burt
  8. I have used a 11'6" Shimano Canadian Northern Series noodle for good sized steel in the past. On my float rods I usually use 12lb main line and nothing lower than 6lb fluorocarbon leader. This allows me to bring the fish in more quickly without totally exhausting them. In the past I used to go very light with leader when running mono, but with the fluorocarbon it allows you to use a heavier leader without spooking the fish. Burt
  9. The problem is with leaches and cold water. By the time steelhead season heats up, the water temps of most flows are in the 50's or lower. Leaches tend to curl up and become inactive at these temperatures. I don't know if you will get the action out of them that you can depend on in the summer. Give them a try and report back though!! Burt
  10. The plus of having a longer rod are that you have more control over your drift. It has nothing to do with bling bling, or fighting a fish. It really depends on what water you fish. For a flow like Bronte, a 11.5' should do fine (thats what I have used the last couple of years and have done well). I picked up the PT in the 13' length late in the season last year. Seems like a good enough rod, but a lot heavier than my 11.5' Shimano Custom. More back bone too. One thing that I think needs to be modified on these rods is the tip top guides. They are way too small. I like to fish through December and I can see these just collecting lots of ice. I will be putting a larger guide on mine this season for sure. Burt
  11. You're kidding right????? It is not the same as drinking the water etc. Oily, predatory fish like salmon are great bioaccumulators. They have much more concentrated levels of contaminants than does the water.... Burt
  12. Years ago I used to fish at the Paris dam for smallmouth in through October, really could count on some big ones that time of year. I have seen a couple salmon trying to negotiate the dam there. Are you still allowed to fish off the rocks right at the base of the dam (on the east side) or is it now posted as no fishing? Burt
  13. Good to hear, but hard to come by.... I had some work done on my '98 Transport recently. The gent that did the work (out of his garage) is working on his own now after getting tired of seeing all the garages in my town (Dundas) and dealerships gouging people. Front rotors, pads, (all Raybestos parts, ceramic pads), both tie rods. Blocked the front end as not to have to do an alignment. I brought it in with a VERY loose front end and grinding brakes. Out it came driving straight as an arrow and stopping smoothly. Total damage: $268 parts and labour!!! Burt
  14. I have a 90gal mixed CA/SA community, a 75gal with a 10" Rose Queen, a 75gal with a juvi Gold Saum and some yoyo's and sajica/convicts (ones that didn't get consumed in the 90gal), and two 50gal, each with juvi Midas/RD's. Couple of pics of the fish: Burt
  15. There are two fantastic fights, its going to be awsome! I want Couture to win, but Gonzaga is going to be tough. He has a very strong ground game and is very good at striking as well (Mirko Cro Cop). He is also a VERY big man. Much larger than Couture. If I were to bet, I would go with Gonzaga. But I will root for Couture. The GSP / Koscheck fight will be wild. Koscheck is one of the best on the ground, but he has also been working on his boxing. I think this is going to be an even fight. GSP is rated #2 at 170lbs, Koscheck #4, in the world. I am rooting for GSP and I would put $$ on him too, although it could go either way. One thing for sure, its going to be one hell of a show!! Burt
  16. LOL I stocked up about two weeks ago and cleaned out the LB in Mississauga Check around at different Walmarts as they carry them as well. Burt
  17. You are incorrect. Boiling reduces temporary hardness (hardness caused by bicarbonate ions). Roy was suggesting this to reduce the salt content of the water. Deionized, distilled, or reverse osmosis water is preferred however. Burt
  18. Nice fish.... you are going to see a lot of guys out there now..... Burt
  19. OMG Photoz, I can't even imagine! Good luck for a speedy recovery!!! Now, how do I go about making sure I never get one of these??? Burt
  20. Honestly I don't know how you guys drink Lakeport, taste like donkey piss to me!! For a mass produced Canadian brew I will take an Export any day of the week. I tried Steelback when I portaged through Algonquin (plastic bottles) but this stuff is like wet socks! For a staple that you can drink in the summer, winter, chilled or warm, Warsteiner kicks ass....., German though.... Burt
  21. Greencoachdog, I have one similar but with nickel blades. Pigeontroller, I have a set of long handled long nose pliers (11") and side cutters, and my salmon net. I don't plan on bringing one in the boat if I catch one if at all possible. I would rather release it boat side. Burt
  22. We will be camping at the Spring Rock Tent & Trailer Park which is about half way up Deer Bay I think. I got the topo map from Zamboni for Lower Buckhorn and the whole Deer Bay area looks fairly uneventfull. Seems it just dishes down to about 25' with not too much structure. Is the northern part of the lake better to fish? Burt
  23. I am going camping on Lower Buckhorn later on this month. This is the first time I am fishing a body of water that holds muskie and would like to try catching one. I have my baitcaster rigged up with 30lb Power Pro and have bought a few lures, a Blue Fox Musky Buck #6 bucktail spinner, a Bionic Bucktail spinnerbait, a 7" Red Fin, and a 9" perch coloured Suick. Teach me please... Burt
  24. Thanks Lundboy!! That was a very informative posting! Now that I understand how the reel works it makes everything much easier. Burt
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