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Everything posted by timmeh

  1. Thanks for the info, i will check out their website.
  2. Well for those who claim Avery to be a valuable player have a look at how Dallas did last season and in the playoffs. And then have a look at how they are doing this season after signing him. And have a listen to the comments guys like Modano and Turco are saying about his impact on the team.
  3. very nice, i personally like #6 and 7, i think they'd be great for bass or pike I've been making my own jigs for a year or so and would like to try making a few spinners. Do you or anyone else know of any websites that provide the basics.
  4. As far as any trade goes, he makes almost $4mil a year. Do you think any team in the league would want him, especially knowing they'll have to pay him that much $$. There are some bad GM's in the league but i can't imagine any one will touch him.
  5. Trout is out of season in most rivers in Southern Ontario now. Check the regs (zone 16) to see which rivers are still open. All the open rivers will have a steelhead run, some better than others.
  6. Right now your best bet would be to read the regs. The general trout season has closed so you'll need to find the areas with extended trout fishing seasons. And they wouldn't extend the season for no reason . So those rivers would be a start for the rest of the season.
  7. Nice fish, and a bonus laker. Good to hear everyone had good manners
  8. Looks like an awesome day!! I'm still waiting for my first day like that.
  9. Since the lakes with aurora's are often entirely closed for fishing if you really intend on making a trip you're best bet is probably to try to talk to someone from the MNR and ask them about open seasons. They will be able to provide you with the best info.
  10. Whenever I throw pink sencos for bass i can't keep the pike off of them. i almost always need to attach a leader to so they don't keep stealing them.
  11. I'm not positive on this but i'm pretty sure it's not at the guards discrepancy at all. For certain charges you are just not allowed into the country period, but i don't know which one are okay and which aren't. You should check with your local police station, or travel agent. They should be able to tell you right away whether you can go or not.
  12. There a lot of things to think about. What kind/ how big of boat. And mostly what direction is the wind coming from? If it's blowing across the lake that will create bigger waves. What lake are you on? There really is no definitive answer to this question. You just need to use common sense!! If you're new to boating play it safe especially if you're on the great lakes, or another large lake!
  13. Nice fish, looks like the waters still a little high there which is good. Did you notice anyone else catching fish? I was on a huron trib on thursday and the water was prime, but after talking to a bunch of people there were not as many fish caught as I would have thought.
  14. A few others that come to mind: polarized sunglasses downriggers, for sure neoprene waders
  15. Tough times may also lead to less people fishing, think about it: fewer dollars to spend on gas, tackle etc. I wonder if the price of gas was still around $1.30 if how this would have effected the fall steelhead fishing. I'm sure the tribs in the GTA would still be full but I wonder just how many people would be driving to the maitland, saugeen and the notty as often as they do. I for one would have had to cut back. Maybe the odd person will keep a few fish, but i agree with bigugli that most people are accustomed to modern conviences. During tough times I suspect most people would simply cut back on restaurants and mcdonalds before they resort to catching dinner.
  16. I agree that it's an egret. I have started to notice them along the middle sections of the Grand River.
  17. Ha, this is true. And personally if I owned land along a river I'd much rather someone peed in a bush than threw bottles and fishing line everywhere.
  18. I wish more signs like this were posted in Ontario. Not only does this provide access points but it also encourages fishermen to respect the property they are on. If more people would do that we won't see signs like the first one.
  19. Like it was previously mentioned if you're standing there watching them they also can see you. And in my experience once you've spooked a trout they're so much tougher to catch. I know it can be tough because you want to watch the fish and see what they're doing but maybe try backing up a few feet so you're out of sight. You know they're still there but after a while they may forget you're around.
  20. I used to do some 24 hour water sampling at that dam in dunnville and I certainly met some interesting people there and saw more than a few questionable fishing tactics. That net story is funny tho.
  21. No it is a written rule. If you're fishing in zone 16 you should always assume the trout season is close on sept 30 as per the regs unless there is a specifically mentioned exception. They obviously can't list all the waters that close on the standard date. I'm not trying to be rude to you at all here, just making sure you understand, so you don't find out from an angry conservation officer.
  22. Nice lakers, never caught one of those in the tribs yet. Too bad no steelies yet but it's always nice to get a surprise catch like that. Surprised to see that few people at Port Albert, though I suspect the beach was full. Once things pick up it's hard to find a spot to stand in that section. But if you've been there before you likely already know that.
  23. Unless you're already lifting weights be careful with the wrist weights. They can put added pressure on the elbows and shoulders and if you're not ready can lead to injuries. Personally I would ditch them. If you're walking or jogging ankle weights can be helpful, I've used them from time to time ( I equate them to wearing skates for hockey) but make sure you don't use them when you first start out, wait 4-6 weeks and let you body adjust to the exercise before adding weights. You also don't need huge weights, start small and it will still make a difference. A little additional info if you're interested. If you're just beginning focus on full body exercises and ones that work large muscle groups such as push ups, squats, lunges, shoulder presses. After a while slowly add specific exercises for smaller muscle groups, like bicep curls. And always work out the large muscles before smaller one in a workout. If you're really interested I'd head down to chapters and find a decent book.
  24. Appreciate the work you've done on researching this info. I understand the littering problem but if you really want to solve it have a by law officer drive by one day a week for a few hours and hand out a few littering fines. That will get peoples attention too and use the fine money to pay for clean up. I'm sure there's not that much going on in Essa that a by law officer can't spare 2 or 3 hours a week. I personally think the fee is crap. My real issue with it is that if people just line up to pay without protest what's to stop other municipalities and townships from charging fees. There's garbage along plenty of other rivers too. Maybe next year the City of Kitchener will charge me to fish bass in the Grand. And so will Waterloo, and Cambridge. I realize this is an exaggeration now but it's not that impossible. And I'm not trying to start an argument here, though I suspect I people will disagree, but still would like to make a point. Although you may be able to stand in the riparian area and fish, what happens if you cross township land to get to said fishing area. It seems like then they may have something on you. I don't know the area well enough but if you do park and walk across township land can they still charge you?
  25. It is in the exceptions, I have attached the link. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf I had assumed this was to keep seasons in line with the trout season just like you mentioned.
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