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Everything posted by musky_man

  1. Ron, I am not sure how much input you would have, but ask them to raise the minimum musky size limit to 50 inches in those waters.
  2. Congrats Lew ... she is a beauty!!
  3. I agree with the others - Shimano Compre ... can't beat them for the $
  4. If you are on a drug plan, go to your doctor and ask for a topical pain med called Pennsaid.
  5. Feel your pain, Spiel ... wife got laid off at Global 3 weeks ago ... now we have to guess if she'll get her full severance ... if they go bankrupt, then she won't ... now they are bleeding more red than a floating fish factory. Best of luck to you.
  6. CBC - the best on TV and radio today ... with few exceptions, most of the rest is garbage ... guess I am showing my age ...or something . I can think of far worse uses for extra $ ... did we ever get those subs we bought from the Brits our of dry dock ... or are they still leaking?
  7. pikehunter, I used Norton for years and really came to hate it .. caused me more problems than I even want to talk about ... I have had no problem at all with either AVG or Avast.
  8. BG, Go to: http://www.filehippo.com/ And download either AVG or Avast - both are free and both are excellent. No need to pay for AV anymore. As to temp files, go to Tools --> Internet options --> Delete. That will bring up a screen that you can delete temp files, history and cookies and forms. Hope that helps.
  9. Two thumbs up -- well done!
  10. Hotrod, I use to think like you too ... then I went Japanese and I'll never go back ... pocket book could not take the N/A crap anymore.
  11. Big Cliff, You are so right ... more of a Toyota Tundra is built in N/A than a blinkin' Dodge Ram ... I laugh like hell when I hear people talking about "foreign vehicles" killing N/A market. Cheers, Mark
  12. Couple of years ago, I heard a loud noise under the car and took it to Scarborough Lexus Toyota .... said it needed this and that for the exhaust -- cost 500 bucks ... I say stick it ... went to the "Noise Boyz" on Danforth Road ... 140 bucks to cut out a bad piece and weld in a new piece ... been fine ever since. Another example ... 6 years ago ... car steering was getting grabby -- took it to Scarborough Lexus Toyota ...said it needed a new steering yoke due to rust -- cost 500 bucks ... told em to stick it ... took it to my "little brother" (I was a "Big Brother" year ago) ...he loves working on cars ... popped the hood, took one look and grabbed a big gob of grease form a tin ... told me to get in the car and turn the steering wheel ... loosened up and has worked fine since ... like I said, that was 6 years ago. Final story ... friends had a older Toyota Carolla. Took to CT because it was stalling. Hook up the thing to the computer .. blah blah blah ... 500 bucks later they are out of there. Problem starts again a few days later ... took it to my little brother (same guy as above) .... pops the hood .... thinks a bit (something some mechanics don't seem do much these days) ... "I think I know what is wrong" he says ... off to the wrecker, buys a module for 40 bucks ... pops it in in 5 minutes ... problem sovled ... and he is just a decent home mechanic with no formal training ... does not even work in the business. This is the kind of crap that turns people off ... it is so hard to find an honest mechanic that knows what the hell they are doing ... I suspect the dealerships/car manufacturers are the biggest part of the problem. If they would spend half as much on quality as they do marketing, then they'd be achieving something ... any company that has to spend billions on telling you how great their stuff is ... well, IMO it is the hallmark that it is crap. I'm done !
  13. I agree - that is a 4500.00 package.
  14. Lew, Not a problem C U there. Take care.
  15. Lew, I took a day off -- hope to see you there. If you are interested in sharing a ride, reply here and we can set something up ... we are only 3 minutes apart! Mark
  16. My condolences to you and your family. - Mark
  17. Lew, Very sorry about the news. Losing a family member is tough, no matter how good or long the life.
  18. Lew, Could not agree with you more -- the best part is she is back in the drink. Might be worth a trip in April just to see that brute.
  19. I've been told that PAM spray works well for that.
  20. As promised, a donation was made to the Canadian Cancer Society that exceeded the value of the lures. Cheers ... have a great 2009!
  21. HI Lew, Yeah - they came through with class. Just had to get to the right person -- that was the biggest challenge. I have had some very decent hits from musky on these baits (one in particular just drilled it when my brother was using it ... took off the dive lip and straffed the side) and have caught a few too. I buy the "whitefish" model .. comes in many patters. I have found what they call the "Roach" pattern to be the best. They are reasonably priced too. I've bought them in different places. I bought one at the place that specializes in Fly Tying Material north of Finch on kennedy (east side) - Angling Specialties. Bought the other at a place up near where I musky fish. Good to hear from you and hope you are doing well ... I can, if I choose, retire in 10 months ... we'll see. Hope tp upgrade my boat in the next 12-24 months to the "retirement package" Cheers, Mark
  22. HI, An update as promised -- Krzysztof from Salmo baits in Poland emailed me directly and not only sent me replacement lures, but some extra goodies as well. Just wanted you all to know this had a positive ending. In consideration for Krzysztof's response, I'll be making a small donation to the Canadian Cancer Society -- everybody wins! KUDOS TO SALMO!!!!!! Mark
  23. Thanks again to all for your replys -- much appreciated. Mark
  24. Clap-it, A toyota mechanic said it did and I can see it leaking. The oil still looks OK and it may be leaking outward only i.e., not going in to the cooling system. In my search around the internet, head gaskets were a weakness of this car. It may go years without leaking into the the colling system, but I donly like to take the chance. If anyone else had any other opinions, please le me know. Thanks for the other referrals, guys.
  25. Clamp-it, No - not over heating yet. Why do you ask? Thanks to those who have replied thus far. Mark
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