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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Wind gusts up to 37 km. No perch tooning today.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish
    3. irishfield


      Making it hard to get my last customer in.. that's for sure! But at least I haven't had to move Terry's sled yet! lol


    4. misfish


      A dry run down the lane just to warm it up couldnt hurt it Wayne.

  2. I hope the weather man is right with just a chance of rain. I want another crack at that brute that won round 1. It was an epic battle to say the lease. Biggest steel head I have ever had on. Many leaps and twists. The last leap,the hook came out. GRRRRRRRRRRR

  3. HAPPY,HAPPY,HAPPY. Lets get fishing JACK.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terry


      i get pin claw myself

    3. Joey


      Happy Jack wasn't old but he was a man, He lived in the sand at the Ilse of man

    4. Joey


      The kids couldn't hurt Jack

      They tried and tried and tried

      They dropped things on his back

      And lied and lied and lied and lied and lied


  4. My hockey mom,my hockey mom. For ever young

  5. There has to be a TRILLION shiners in the Barrie marina. The hundred or so terns are having a field day.

    1. BillM


      Net those suckers then head down to the Niagara!

    2. misfish


      There were 2 bait guys there today just scooping them up.

    3. BillM


      If my cellar was cold enough I'd bring my net.

  6. Now thats got to hurt.

  7. Dale Jr now has a grandfather clock. And anyone notice that pretty little thing on his arm pre race?

  8. Never thought I would like the VAPE flavor stuff,but Pandoras box, is a nice taste. Custard base with a hint of caramel.Desert all day..


    1. craigdritchie


      And Leafs should be burned.


    2. misfish
    3. Canuck2fan


      Don't worry saltydawg is going to piss on the fire and take care of it... He is also apparently looking for a job. LOL


  10. Saturday looks like a BLAST & CAST day. :0)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MJL


      You should come down Brian. You might like it :D

    3. misfish


      Do you have a spot thats not shoulder to shoulder??????? :0( I am spoiled up here.LOL

    4. misfish


      Shakers and one shot at a wabbitt. Dang their fast.LOL

  11. Ready to play WICKED CHROMERS. Bring it.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. misfish


      Just so ya know. I have a spinning outfit set up now.

    3. MJL


      I'll sell you one of my magical Kwikfish for 3 easy payments of $49.95 :D

    4. misfish


      LOL Thats mighty friendly of you. I have a nice stock of them.As you recall,I said thats a killer skunk pattern.

  12. Cabelas parking lot sure was full of moose hunters. Boats,bikes trailers everywhere. It didnt look like that at BPS down the hwy.

  13. The last couple of days have really pushed my buttons. Walked in and asked for a pack of smokes. Then I remembered my promise. I dont feel stress free,but feel better for saying no,never mind. And walked out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      big hurdle successfully passed there bud. wtg!

    3. crappieperchhunter


      One day at a time Brian. Keep at it.


    4. crappieperchhunter


      One day at a time Brian. Keep at it.


  14. I knew there was a steelhead by that tree. And I knew if he hit,I was going to have a 50/50 chance. I lost,but it was nice to finally get one one. Bonus is,I found new waters. SWEET.

    1. BillM


      Early season fish can be tough, silver bullets!

    2. Rustic-Fisher


      Thought we saw you Dodge .

    3. misfish


      if you mean at that spot? Ya,way tomany for me there.LOL

  15. First deep fried turkey is done. YUMMMMMMMMY And it was so easy peazey. Just need to follow the rules.

  16. That lake was bigger then I remembered. Still some nice pickerel caught by someone and lost by someone else. LOL.

  17. Locked,loaded and ready for some toon pickerel,bass and maybe a musky.;0)

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Make sure you wear your long jons ,calling for a low of 3c I'm seeing.

    2. spincast


      yup a weeee bit chilly! gonna be a stand up day on St Clair me thinks

  18. Spent a hour calling around for a hitch for the truck. Buddy says do you need wiring. I say no,it,s already there. He says,well then you have a hitch already. I go look. Sure as heck,there is one. Now thats a hidden hitch.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Remember when you could put a ball on the bumper? Well this is the same idea,but the bumper is actually hiding the hitch that is bolted solid to the frame. It,s like 4 inch steel tubing. Pretty cool.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      There ya go,more savings!!!!

    4. misfish


      Yup and sold the winters and rims 10 minutes ago.

  19. Looking for that link to walleye slot size for zone 17. I had it,but it,s gonezo.. Thanks

  20. Cabelas Barrie starting to put out ice fishing stuff. Dipsy divers and flashers on sale for $3.99-$4.99.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      Did you notice if they had any jiffy auger, power head, covers?


    3. misfish


      They just started setting up,but I did see Jiffy blades,oils and spark plug packages Wayne. I wanting the Clam cordless drill handle.

    4. irishfield


      Cabelas Barrie $59.99!! I can order it anywhere else for 30 bucks. They won't last long if this is their pricing policy.

  21. 2 deg this morning/ Why the river is slow,I have no answer.

  22. BillM is a weather man. He got it wrong damit. I even thought it was going to be a right off,so booked the dog for a visit to the vet,then a few hours at the doggie salon. DAM YOU BILL. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BillM


      You look outside?

    3. BillM


      I thought you were going to pick apples?!?! lol

    4. misfish
  23. I knew I had them some where Jose. Cleaning out the car, I found this bag. In this bag were theSe flipp,n jigs. LMAO

  24. What a beauty of a day. Summer is back.

  25. Shinners are moving in fast. Bring on the fat girls.

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