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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Great summary man, thats a nice looking gar pike!
  2. I filled that box right up, now i just need to figure out how im going to bring my plano spinnerbait box and my 2 containers of gulp alive everywhere. I got the box nice and full with room for more baits! Tomorrow im goin to Canadian tire and walmart to hunt for lures and line!
  3. How would i use them, just like a dinger...texas rig them
  4. Ya see whenever i would make a post of look at my name on the right hand side of the page it would come up as Mike The Bass Fi... i knew it said mike the bass fisher it just didnt look right, but i changed it back so i didnt go anywhere just thought i would make a change.
  5. Well i got pleanty of great gifts this morning. Here are the fishing related items, last night i got another gift card soi will post up some pictures once i go shopping for new tackle! Thanks Uncle Clark for the gifts!!
  6. Nice report, i really liked all of those small mouth's. Thanks for sharing, Mike
  7. Nice looking lure buddy, as i said before, more x-raps. UhOh the rapala count is now 10! Your 1 behind me bud...and as said before to you if it's fishing related take a pic and send it to me!!!
  8. Merry Christmas, we had a nice big Christmas Eve dinner last night and i got to see lot's of family, it was a great time and it felt so perfect. Well now i got to sit here at this computer and hold myself from going downstairs....."come on mom and dad, GET UP ALREADY ITS CHRISTMAS!!!" Have a safe and merry Christmas!
  9. I saw their show a lot last year but i never seem to be watching tv when it's on. What are the show times for somebody that does not have WFN?
  10. Thats amazing! Thank you soooooooo much to the both of you. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everybody
  11. Nice pike, and perch man. Good stuff, thanks for sharing
  12. Ouch
  13. Good question, im going to be trying our PP on one of my spinning setups and for the price i hope it will last more than a year. Sorry i can't answer this one for you.
  14. wow amazing video, i have never seen a moose in person before, hopefully when i do i won't be that close.
  15. Nice job man!!!
  16. Ryan knows how to catch nice big fish lol. Congrads!!
  17. Im going to BPS this weekend and know everything i want to get except for tubes,im looking for a green pumpkin tube. I had a bunch of green tube's but can't seem to find them and the worst part is i had really good success with them last summer. My question is does brand matter when getting tubes? Im not sure what the BPS in Toronto carries at their store(brand wise), and i know there is a lot of tube fishers here on OFC.
  18. not sure if it's for the wii but there is this cool rapala fishing game i saw, looked alright to me.
  19. I think it's illegal to use a spot light to find game fish, but i may be wrong also.
  20. Over the last year or so i have seen these lures at walmart that have a inner light in them, a blinking red light. Now i don't have a link,photo,or even brand for proof but has anybody used lures that have a battery powered(may be solar) blinking light in them? They were about 7bucks and the models they had were lipless cranks and deep diving cranks. So basically do these lures work, or has anybody heard from other people of progress with these baits. Any help would be great. Thanks, Mike
  21. Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9...i'm still trying to get photoshop.
  22. very good tips, and hopefully none of us has a break in...i could only imagine coming home christmas eve and seeing my place trashed and not 1 present under the tree. Be safe and smart everyone
  23. ok so i took some advice and got a skitter pop and a husky jerk. I decided to get a big husky jerk because im trying out a little big of pike fishing this year.
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